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NBME Step 2 CK Form 8 Answers

step2ck_form8/Block 1/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
An 87-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Normal aging ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro Aging

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep(148)
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  • 87 year old man who is independent in ADLs (eating, bathing, toileting, transferring, getting dressed) and iADLs (shopping, using phone, driving, handling finances, etc.), A&O x 3, recalls 2/3 objects after 5 minutes and has no focal neurologic findings most consistent with normal aging or mild cognitive impairment
  • Key idea: Patients with mild cognitive impairment will have mild decline in at least 1 cognitive domain, but will have normal functioning in all activities of daily living with compensation (taking a list to the store), whereas patients with dementia will have global cognitive impairment and marked functional impairment
  • To differentiate between Alzheimerโ€™s and vascular dementia, look for other neurologic features (pronator drift, weakness, etc.) which is more consistent with vascular dementia

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kingfriday  DDx: - Capgras syndrome: someone close to them or a loved one has been replaced by an imposter. Not what's going on here - Dimentia with Lewy Bodys -> would have hallucinations and features of parkinsonism also not seen here (mneumonic: ha-lewy-cinations) - Dimentia, Alzheimers type -> question stem would almost always mention something about the person getting lost in neighborhoods or unable to find their way as part of the pathology - MDD: doesn't meet the criteria of SIGECAPS - Metastatic prostate cancer -> typically presents with back pain which is not seen here Multi infart vascular dimentia -> often a stepwise decline (at 6 months x happened, then at 4 months y happened, and at 2 months z started happening) +1

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