workup for minimal BRBPR
colonoscopy for any age if red flags present:
*Of note (according to uptodate) anoscopy/proctoscopy should be considered part of the physical exam and be performed in office and would therefore technically be the correct answer here. That being said if this was a patient <40 years old w/o red flags anoscopy would be the right answer.
My understanding is that occult blood is commonly due to an upper GI bleed. Wouldn't the colon produce gross blood? I'm hopelessly lost in these matters.
submitted by โcarolebaskin(109)
Tricky! Yes, fecal occult blood test would pick up hemorrhoid blood and this is a male <50yo, so case closed right?
Wrong! Hematocrit = 35% --> hgb = 35/3 = 11.7 < 13.5 (normal)
Why is he anemic? Do a colonoscopy.