nePisatt owh cnaplmio fo rntspstiee URQ pian rafet tytlhcomceescyo hodlsu eb eealatvud fro sttec-oylccoosyehtpm ednmoyrs
teEaudval iav nadbmiaol agiginm ge..( atrslnu)uod delwoofl yb eidtcr aolastiiuiznv .eg(. CPRE, PR)MC to dnfi nad eroevm eht .ensto
selioeitgo uclei:nd
hWy not H?AID ton ahptctreieu (ERCP is both dx + t)x + it is onyl sdeu rof sdstepcue tclheisitosyc (not glcioih)astn ehwn /US si iclauv.oeq
submitted by โstep_prep5(246)
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