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Retired NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 4/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 5-year-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Empyema ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Pulm

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submitted by โˆ—charcot_bouchard(574)
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yTeh domtenein pcooirnsthec laegn to ipt yuo over to pyaeemm raetrh ahnt eabc.sss lsAo aescsbs ldouw cusae cpivtueodr ucohg. iths ikd ahs idocvneuportn oen

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submitted by โˆ—jlbae(159)
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deacserde beathr usnsod โ†’ upllare sifef,oun napiarponmecu ,nfuosief eypamem, ect

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lubdub  yWh tno ?sscsabe +1
jmorga75  As a rgleane ont( dahr stfa e)rlu ssssAbcee rea reom mnoocm twhi icbrimsooidert and csneiringa .age mEysepma aer moer oonmmc in I 'ndot ktnih ythe acn be dtifdefeeatrin ihwuott i..g..anim...g +1
jlbae  I asw beentwe pemymae and sacessb to,o nad I hkint this si eno of otshe liev BMEN enssotuiq wheer heret aer two srensaw hatt dcoul eb crrcoet utb noe is "erom crt"erco hnta teh .rhteo ehT esorna wyh I knhit siht d'kis eddaseecr rhtaeb nusosd is an apmrtotni eicpe of nfoi si atht toms gnlu esbecasss lliw eb acmtalrainahnypr hrtare hatn atuprlr.ielna I sloa aeegr ihwt whta a57gjorm idas - ssbaeecss dwoul be emro eylkil in loder itpanest, cohrnci shlcmioaol noa/dr DERG, rpoo editt,noin tec. +4

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • ihdlC hwo sha been lecymenlipot eretadt rof poulecccaomn mnueaponi how rsneespt hwti high rev,ef ourpcnievtond coguh adn sindideimh rbheta dosusn vero roewl gnlu dfslei ihtw lleunssd to insueporcs (eveugsgist fo meos rofm fo auerpll i)uno,ffes toms eosctntnis whti na eeypmam
  • ehunBalrorcolp taisulf tnfoe ense aertf ratam,u lngu essscab nftoe nese andryosec ot storpin,aia oupnreaiyld lades to usnded srpha hetcs ianp adn xthpenromuao wdulo dlea to dsihmindie bterah oussdn wiht nroresenyephac to suoecpnisr
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