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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
A 47-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Contact with parakeets 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pulm

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submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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geaP 2 sah a ategr cptuire


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kamilia20  hlmycaldophia iacts?pti? +1

FA 2019 P. 661 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is a mixed type III/IV hypersensitivity reaction to an antigen in the environment. Commonly seen in farmers and people exposed to birds. Presents with Dyspnea, Cough, Chest tightness, headache. It is reversible in the early stages if the allergen is removed.

+7/- lilyo(94)

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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reeHsivspinyytti sniitpdxnemei—umo tpye VIII/I ptivieyeysnhrits eoaircnt ot nmentrivoealn ane.itng seasCu n,yapesd ugch,o thsce sh,etisntg .hdcaheea fOetn ense ni fmreasr dna sehot pdoxees ot .sdibr ibRvelerse ni leayr astges fi susilmtu is died.ova

tIs' a tepy of etcserirtiv lgun asi.esed

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A type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis associated with animal exposure is bird fancier’s lung, in which the major antigens are proteins in avian serum, feces, and feathers, including bloom, the waxy powder coating them (18). Pigeons and parakeets, including budgerigars (a type of parakeet), are the birds most commonly implicated, but poultry, finches, doves, canaries, and other birds also have caused the disease. Exposure to live birds is not necessary to produce hypersensitivity pneumonitis: the illness has resulted from using feather pillows and duvets (19), being exposed to a wreath made from the feathers of a dead pet bird (20), and laundering a pigeon keeper’s overalls (21). Other examples of animal proteins that are known to have caused the disease when inhaled include proteins from the dust of mollusk shells used to make buttons (22) and from animal fur used in garment manufacture

+7/- alexp1101(11)

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submitted by neovanilla(57)
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Why hte heort anesrw oeichsc ntrae' oetrccr

A - otN an tcaapcanyihl eratiocn yalnim ued to tchoncyiir nnspumoic(ot fo ys,o hchiw ahs cirotgeyslopn ahtt elppeo may ahev lsgaeiler soatwr)d

B - Not amsath te(radiercchaz by orme ectau ossiedep fo ooncctbinrshonr,icto hzgnie)we

D - mAniae ,B(6 ,9B 1)2B, ro ebmya a amorlynpu leommbsi due to 9B or 1B2 fedincyiec --&;gt tleevead eoysmhicoent lesvle &-t-;g rsstimhboo t--&;g DTV?

E - ulPonrmya ;rntxaah heT teim ources wdolu eb muhc orem ceatu, nad lwdou lsoa spretne thiw ssmmyotp fo el-fikul mtsy.smpo Rdpai tadeh oto

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submitted by monoloco(155)
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hiTs eipnatt si eeenpinrgicx eitressyhinvypti pemnsiiotun mfro teh kaapr.tees I swa iithkngn .M vuAim ehwn I selcetde aeprsaetk -- I htink ym lgico asw feadwl ivgen the ipisecfsc fo the paett'ins oyrst.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by imnotarobotbut(184)
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owH lwuod you know ttha ti nt'si lwoo osstrer ?esisade

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cienfuegos  AF 0812 317: lantaiinoh fo poress lased to ulf-leki pmssymto ttah rgrseosp clqykiu ot fv,eer ypmlnaoru herremaohg, andmittissiei adn hcsk,o wtih mggnaii spisblyo soinwgh nideewd meisudtamin +10

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submitted by endochondral1(24)
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ccnaodrig ot odwlur nyteihyprsstieiv mnitionsuep si deu to sutd dna ttha aws soal na .n.ot.pi.o

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amarousis  so 'tsi dlynifieet dsut utb eth sfcipiec etyp of tuds saw het omts anropimtt ni shti qtui.oens hte ctfa htta hety nmeitdneo eht brisd is .mniottrpa eht uytds skoob ludow ausec ti btu eht ibdr usdt is eorm ionptrtma --. +
charcot_bouchard  ierpveisHtsniyyt mtiPsoinenu - nagrOci ustd lek(i mdoyl siPmenooucnhsay i) - niagrnIoc nosd tenu hepl erhe huhtog aebcues obth llwi eenptrs hwit mase scivetriret nulg sideesa t ur.peici tkinh csein tsud in iaybrlr trane ernthie cinrgao or igniarnco dan lsoa u otnd ees naym aanrbirils htwi guln aeiesds tub idbr wspiheonr si paefyiclsilc eiemtonnd as csuea fo PH aesdei.s +

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submitted by beeip(141)
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I laso asw khintgni .M aimvu hree, but etitirhnssvyepyi siipenoutmn eesms to tfi tiwh eth cneglurataiulrro eng.chas

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submitted by endochondral1(24)
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ohw do ew wkon aretpksae aecsu vtiyreypihssen pseiinumotn

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smc213  A18F .6p57 irdb ugexo&ptre--s; NHS siemuonptin c(itstverrei ulgn )eadesis nad AF18 p21.4 mognlousaartu isads:see ogifern irltmeNat-&H-a;gS emintspuino. I hda ot kame nsees of it neisc I dnd'ti wkon it saw NSH impnuontesi at ftsir. +5

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submitted by breis(56)
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sscoPaitsit m(soteseim edllac rtosoiinhs ro tpraro eeasdsi ro proatr ve)rfe is an tcefnioin of het ulgn u)oap(neimn scedau yb eht miecuabrt plCoyhaladihm lCdam(i)hay tpits.cai

insSg dan cogsohty:fmusv. , eprem lsluyau ouwthti umhc daae ale.cslmehc ..rheph hgmus hsa.tsecche aohse tns.rspin fo orh.bsa tere artto.h

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charcot_bouchard  Udepta on my vpre mcoemtn : seY isht is scisasitpt.o tno nsrhttveieysipyi tsnpneui.imo How do u n?wko tyopcLeymh dan cPneeser fo oamlGnura - oseeprns ot liarrluaenltc wmyaloNd.cih a SH cna asol uasec soelo maarnoglu oto nad hte llacnici iuctrep tills meor olko keil Y HuSo nokw wtah ......... ckuf ihst esuq +2
shemle  ereH .tP endt'os ahev vref!e +9
shakakaka  iNneasgaonct onrgua,alm tpycah milpychocty ,arintiotlnif and sifrisbo era enes in ievsyitynrptisHe peusinotnmi , orniagdcc ot wdUolr . +

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