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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
A 47-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Contact with parakeets 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pulm

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submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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eagP 2 sah a tegar ceptrui


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kamilia20  iahydoplhlcma as?ipitt?c +1

FA 2019 P. 661 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is a mixed type III/IV hypersensitivity reaction to an antigen in the environment. Commonly seen in farmers and people exposed to birds. Presents with Dyspnea, Cough, Chest tightness, headache. It is reversible in the early stages if the allergen is removed.

+7/- lilyo(94)

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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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nsytviiseyipretH xtiidpemun—imnseo ypte IIV/II yhiietvpnrstsiey icetnroa to mrnoainteenvl .atineng sueaCs saynped, houcg, hecst egti,snsth aehadhec. neftO eesn in mfsaerr nda soteh dpsoexe to d.birs seiRbrelev ni leyar tsaesg if simuustl is aod.devi

s'tI a tepy of ctvetreirsi guln seas.die

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A type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis associated with animal exposure is bird fancier’s lung, in which the major antigens are proteins in avian serum, feces, and feathers, including bloom, the waxy powder coating them (18). Pigeons and parakeets, including budgerigars (a type of parakeet), are the birds most commonly implicated, but poultry, finches, doves, canaries, and other birds also have caused the disease. Exposure to live birds is not necessary to produce hypersensitivity pneumonitis: the illness has resulted from using feather pillows and duvets (19), being exposed to a wreath made from the feathers of a dead pet bird (20), and laundering a pigeon keeper’s overalls (21). Other examples of animal proteins that are known to have caused the disease when inhaled include proteins from the dust of mollusk shells used to make buttons (22) and from animal fur used in garment manufacture

+7/- alexp1101(11)

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submitted by neovanilla(57)
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hWy teh trohe nwresa isochec rae'nt cerotcr

A - oNt an atcyinhaaplc niroaect lanyim ued ot ciryhitnoc ostmuicop(nn of ,oys whcih sha ocyteisplgron hatt popele yam hvea argesiell wat)orsd

B - Not hmasta ecrrctaeiazhd( by moer atuec iespdeos fo ooor,chnnbrinoicsttc eginezwh)

D - eAamin 6B,( 9B, ,)B12 or eymab a lynmruapo lemsbomi edu to B9 or B21 cneiceifdy -&;tg- evdlteae oetyishenmco lesvle &--g;t robitsmosh g&-t;- TVD?

E - arlmyPoun x;arntha The etim usrceo udowl be uhcm eomr tce,ua and luowd olsa eseptnr twih psmsmtoy fo f-keuill sms.ptmoy aRdpi dhate too

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submitted by monoloco(155)
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sihT iettnap is ncpineeegrix nhspiviyeyrestit uinpsitneom rmof teh .eertpasak I wsa ithkginn M. Amuvi nehw I eeldcets pstkaeera -- I hkitn my icgol was delwaf gnevi hte iecpfsisc of the ie'tnptsa

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by imnotarobotbut(184)
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owH dowlu uyo kwon htat it i'tsn owlo rseostr ?daeises

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cienfuegos  FA 1820 :713 onitnailah of oserps lades to uei-kfll smmyspto atht rprsgeos ilqkycu ot ,evref arumynlop ,hegrhaemor iadniiseittsm dna oskc,h ihwt gnmigia isbsolpy wsghion iwneedd itadmismneu +10

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submitted by endochondral1(24)
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cgcdnroai to roudwl veisiythnytersip insnpmoetui si deu to sutd dna htta was slao na .i.t.o.npo

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amarousis  so st'i deiieltnyf ustd tbu eht ciipescf yetp fo tuds was eth tsom miaprotnt in hist nse.qtiuo the acft htta eyth tmeoidnne het srbid si .rmtnpiota teh yduts oboks oudwl cause it utb het rbdi utsd is oerm oipnttamr -.- +
charcot_bouchard  nHpyvstriiieyste itiPnemnous - rgOcian duts l(eik lmydo cnsmioy ueoiahPn)s - rancoIgni dnont esu phle hree ghuoht seubaec tohb iwll tespren hwit asem vicerresitt ungl daeessi icrt.e iup tnikh cnsie usdt in rlyrbai narte tnierhe oncragi ro gonicinra and sola u odtn ees anmy nrsrilaiab thwi lgun adssiee ubt idbr enswpiorh is sealilcpycif intedmneo as suaec of PH esdi.sae +

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submitted by beeip(141)
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I loas was tgnnihik .M ivaum ,eehr ubt pthysrstiviyneie pimnosetinu meess ot tfi wthi the glotrauriucleran sh.ecagn

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submitted by endochondral1(24)
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hwo do ew knwo kaeeptras scaue vehsypeityrins istponeinum

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smc213  8F1A .p756 dibr r;utgpse--ex&o HNS setoipuinmn cesriiv(ttre nulg di)sasee and 8AF1 .412p truglsoouaman ie:dsssae fenoirg -&airmltSHaNgt;-e npeim.tnosui I hda ot mkea enses of ti siecn I n'ddit konw it asw NHS iesinmptonu at ftis.r +5

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submitted by breis(56)
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atotcssiPis (itssmeome elladc sisoitornh ro prtaro iasdese or orrtpa eve)rf si na efonitinc of the unlg )uoiepanm(n udaces by hte cbetumiar ohapilamydlhC Cd(hmiya)al t.aicitsp

sSngi dan ,pch emyesstuovofg:rm. sluluay whuttio mhcu .m hd meehlhecseu.s g.rcaaaphl etsc a.echsh sne io.atnshrsp fo hrrs. teeaob

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charcot_bouchard  Udetpa no ym pevr memncto : seY tshi si .oisasitptcs ont yihytprneisevsit tp.umeiinnos owH od u k?onw eyoLcyhpmt nda ceseernP of Gomanaulr - ssnepero ot lrlcranleauit ylodaimN.wahc SH nca asol cseau loeso lgaormnau oot nad het ilalicnc ieuprct lilst ermo ookl kile u SoHY onkw atwh ......... ucfk stih uesq +2
shemle  erHe tP. etnos'd aveh !efvre +9
shakakaka  tansgnicNoae aomlanr,ug paycth lhymyoiptcc nlroaitfi,int and irfoibss rea eens in neisiiytetsyprvH iunoemtsinp , nordgccia to rdolwU . +

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