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NBME Step 2 CK Form 8 Answers

step2ck_form8/Block 4/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2977-g (6-lb 9-oz) female newborn is ...
Intravenous administration of prostaglandin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio inc

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep3(25)
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  • Nbnwero ihwt csnayosi fnuod ot avhe a hrtae uummrr nda pxoyaih rseovspniune to semepultnpla xeyong, cwhih si eontictnss ihtw a eesevr taaicrriadnc unsth)
  • iPneatt dolush eb etedrta tiwh aloidtsparl ro( nhtaoer riandpontaslg n)golaa in redro ot kepe eht APD poen uitnl het ehtra eecftd acn eb atrpeyvolei aaegmnd


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seagull  'nstoeD it kate kiel 2-7 ayds orf eth cudt ot lse?co Why is shit ourh ldo orwnebn dlaerya aync?ioct +1
kingfriday  ayerl ncassyoi igmth be iostecstnn whit tonriaiotnssp of eht egrta eelsvss nda ohset nac eb dcsaeasoit hiwt itneeocj urmumrs nda a oudl S2 +3
welpdedelp  wnFlooigl As,CB hwy wtoldu'n you tiautneb ?fistr I esnrdatndu tnsuh dto'sen tge corecrtd,e tub ti luowd eesm oyu oudlw sltli aetk lctoorn fo yiwraa escni idk messe to eb s.hgncira +
quaranqueen  I iknht atht bnttniauio 'tnwodul kmae a ecidefnfre fi 'tsi sotptininrsao of het grtea srrtaiee asecebu hte atxgdneyeo odolb udolw tujs ned up ggino abck to eht gthir atehr nda abkc thrghou sti lescod iticurc +2
etherbunny  rttSa rostldpiaagnn eylra ot tevprne teh cudt rfom s,ocnlgi otd'n awit luitn ti rssatt to .csloe Teh hlcid si ryaadel nyaitcoc asebcue yeth aveh ncdirairacat nxmiig of ndadtexyeoge adn aegdxnoyet ob.old eTyh era soeuisrvnepn ot noyg;xe erivledy of even oerm xgeoyn aiv atibnnotui twdonu'l lhep bsaceue hte bmlorpe leis otn ni rldeyive of lo-wedxlegtenay olbod to eht reh,ta ubt ttha it segt diexm hwti eoddateyxeng ooldb orefbe binge sudehp otu ot het isyctmse uciilat.cnor sguDr fro itaotunnib and opglosrcyayn dluoc esuca oasl ruetfhr udaroairslvac .tliiitysnab rDyelvei fo txaer yxonge anc ullactya kaem nishgt eosrw ohrtugh rlpunyoma ovaaos,iltnid aldgnie ot "tlse"a of acciadr uputot to eth slgnu trrhea tahn ngsphui it tou ot eth yscitems l.ccnaiiurot +5
akjs16  eoDs hte urrmum eanm tes'hre a S?VD eThn why we tsill ndee teh uutscd oeraiursst neop? +
charcot_bouchard  oiystlcs jecienot mrurum ta ap.xe.nt.o HSM ta fetl latsrne rebodr +
drzed  It neso'td ermtat tahw het sacue of the mrumru is. If all htey todl you was "yabb is bleu ta birht nda gxenoy edso otn "ehlp uyo ltmmdiieaye nkwo tsi' na adircrinacat tunhs, hwhci names nnitugitba lilw tno pehl caebu(se all ahtt si gndio si dvenrligei xgoyne ceolsr to the gs,nlu btu eht lbporme si an ariardacicnt t!uhns) +1

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uGys eehr eht bayb si coytianc ta htbi,r oals vcerniige 2o wchih ruehrft acn elosc het cdu.t wnhe umrurm eetnpsr ti ostm iklley tccoyain C.HD so snfuie naasrtpgioldn

But if no murumr eeprsnt adn erneptss ralye sttah ostm iekl a pmlou moepblr ilek uolmp sappiyahol mofr noc thridamiacapg reian.h rthee u eiai.tbtn

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