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NBME Step 2 CK Form 8 Answers

step2ck_form8/Block 4/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 57-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Hypertension ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio images

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep3(25)
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  • nPeiatt htwi hnโ€™iCguss drati i(bd,caydraar iyetehornnsp dan aurelrrgi in)rsposeatri wcihh is a ngis fo eelavedt trnnlicaiara rrpesesu ihtw a TC asnc hiwnsgo a in-sdyithghe -epvtierulrircna agmhhrreoe, stmo scisnentot itwh a yeetvshenrip elebd
  • yKe di:ea mmCnoo aussec of inabr sleedb niedlcu ,utaarm heonirpstney and aclrbeer olymida ggarpyiahno


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seagull  atrmoBhos rae very oomcmn aears fo lianlgf orf teh yvellrdre/e.ynoee ervweH,o stohe endt to ulerst in ilrnntaaicra eotam.hasm sThi is a vrye insgintfaci bnrai el.ebd HTN si lcylaaslcis iatcsedsao wtih lauancr asinctfr hihwc lonsthey rae nto sa savimes as ohws.n sTiH himtg be a ptrdureu byrer ayensurm fomr NHT ubt ew lcn'duto ownk fro oNt a terga ouseqtni utb eh sha gxnepitier-s THN os I eugss llwe' og ithw .it +6
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aoluwatayo  cnoiadrcg to AF setp 1, nhyaIpamrltcaner hmgeroharea si tosm nooymmlc desacu by HESO(TNIRENYP hcrtcuh-drboocaa auroro.ccsinnmicm)yurge in lasab ignagla t&g; lhmutaas ;> snoP > leCe.r hetuerOlmb sauecs rae; dilymoA nptaoihyag in lyl,eder iiatuvslsc nda smeoanpl +
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