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NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 13-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Transcription ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—deberawr(12)
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"Histone deacetylase: An enzyme that removes acetyl groups from histone proteins, which exposes positively-charged lysine residues. As a result, negatively-charged DNA binds more tightly to the histone, which prevents transcription." - Amboss

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deberawr  note the question regards histone deacetylase INHIBITORS, but it affects transcription nonetheless +
cheesetouch  Anyone have any thoughts as to why post-translational processing is incorrect? Post translational modifications include acetylation, so I was thinking processing would be analogous. +
fatboyslim  @cheesetouch because the question was asking about HISTONE deacetylase, which is an enzyme involved with HISTONES, which are in the nucleus only and do not take part in translation (which happens in the cytoplasm) +1

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