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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 15-year-old girl with cystic fibrosis has a ...
Endoplasmic reticulum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking protein_folding

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submitted by vshummy(184)
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I thnik omer ,ergalelyn iotnper dfgnlio sahnppe ta the RER dan eht stme ayss teh oritpen dest’no ldof rlpr.ypoe eil,lfccpiyaS eht smot onommc CF outntmai is a dsmldieof ineropt adn teh onrtepi si tdnaerie in het RER and not taoedtnprsr to hte lecl mbnmreea - FA 1290 pg .60

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uroosisyed5  hhWci meksa eenss fi ew tihkn otaub eht hsahpopyt of valdteee -lC and Na l.rucyatlnarleil othB of hseet ison go pu niidse teh cesll due ot teh noteirnet fo eth isdemldof epsnitro in teh RE.R +
lilyo  I ytclulaa esrigead whit iths agnionsre. Teh apiytposhhlogyo ni CRFT is not ued ot inolccuamuat of dldomefis It si deu to ebtdssrecan/eaed APT tdage atrmesenbmran dhiCrloe elachnn. rcdcngoiA to ow,dUrl het semoddci intpore si edettcde yb teh liEncdampos Rui.tmucel heT aronmabl oinrept is rtdeaget for suiectontdr by eht posotramee dna erven eahcrse eht llec sfeauc.r hTree si NO otireetnn fo deolisfmd teiron,p eerht is tdoeagraidn of msdifoedl irnetpo adn treoeerhf cnsebae fo chidrole henclasn on the .erbmmena This is what deasl to imedpira oarveml of stal from eth astwe as ellw as edecredas aCNl in c.umsu I ontd ktihn eth awsrne lushod be .ER Cna ynneao ellt me if I am snigmis shmeonitg heer ttah kames eht wresna ER sa spoepdo to smyaot?plc aeesBuc het way I see if si deomldifs ipternso og morf eht ER tion eht ypmlcstao ot rhace the oemeprtaos nad ethn eb uctesedtdr. lUrwod sqtniuose ID are 8,50 820, 4511, nda .1399 +19
drdoom  ilylo@ ehT FRTC is a mrensbateranm oin.rpte iLke lal sn,rpieto sti notisnrtala ngisbe in eht osol;tcy thta ads,i CRFT ctisaonn na intrm-uesN ig“slan en,sqcue”e hhwic smnea sa ti si egnbi ne,ltasdart it adn( het esboriom gmiank )!ti lilw eb serdttanrpo ot hte pnmEldcaosi^eRn!o sA ti estg ,nlrtsaated its iyhpchdboro tomisf iwll rmee,ge ichwh eebsmd het TCFR ienotpr wihint teh dioholppihps rlibyae of teh ER ft!iels hatT senma eht treoinp liwl reven iaagn eb onfdu “ni hte scoyt”ol eacuseb it tsge trhdeeda tghohru the yelirab hhiwc( is, ni ,tcaf hwo lla smeabraertnnm rinostep mecbeo namebanmerstr npseotir ta eth cell uesrafc -- thye haev ot be deam ntio asetrnbmrmane rsopteni ni teh RE frt).!si +11
drdoom  ollyi@ identou)nc( So, es,y tll,eutimay eehst oelmsdfid rpetonis lliw be dectdire dortaw a oosteraemp rof lnegiaroc,i/yndcdagetr tub atth lilw npehap as a llitte eicesvl o(r o)“psile;om” the dlesimfdo nop,tier ni ihts as,ce si otn osleebua-rtwl i(es,nc by nonefi,iidt ti has dbrocpiyhho osifmt chhiw etg da“ehdret ”thhgour a lebaryi ot rectae the barmnereatsnm )ptanr,et iwhhc msaen uoy ntw’o nfdi it ni hte oot.ylcs +6
drdoom  nof^t!eoot : ehT vnmeoetm of citvae* oombeissr rmof eht yctolso ot the aoEdncsmpli leRcumtiu si wyh we call htat raea fo RE “rhogu Elmpncasdoi cuRtuliem E;r(”R) no noterlce pic,omroscy atht tcniseo asw ebpklecdse thiw tlilet sotd; r,tael we nm)hs(ua evsdciedro tath eetsh dsot erew ribmeoso!s +1
drdoom  * yB iaev“ct irosbe,mso” I stuj anem oersosibm ni the eosrcsp of ecrovtingn ARNm to o!pnreit t(ahW ew clla taani”ntorsl“ ;) +1
wrongcareer69  wHo mnay mndaodg asyw ear etyh iggno to tets us no FC. I'm os eovr th!is +2
furqanka  also ni A,F nrdue hpaal 1 panrtsti,niy its ssya ildfsd'Meo enge dcpruot eiotrnp taeegaggrs in lacptrueelahlo "RE. mhgit eb teh smae ocp.entc +9
joanmanuel26  ngdicrAco to Kaal;pn All osntrepi htta rae enitsyhdezs ni eth ER usmt odlf yrcrctloe in rorde ot eb ptnratsedor to the olggi staupaar adn tehn to iethr ifnal etasndnto.iis fI hte moauttin aecsu a osfemiddl noip,ter eht rteslu liwl eb teh ossl fo the tinpore nntiofcu ,adn in osem cesa,s uacmcauinlot fo the pnoeitr ni het RE. +1
drdoom  ll@oyi kniThign atuob htsi .rmoe oYu ilwl tno fdin eth ldsid)eo(mf noietpr in teh t.csyloo ehT loedsifmd opitenr amy be idneis a aanrsotpde—emo a oepretaoms yma leiv ni teh tsuoylb—cto eht sodfelidm etoripn tsilef will never epaarp ni eth .cotsoyl Teh rtdspcou fo its rgidoadtnea tmgih tut(itenonsc mniao sdcai ro lalms pdteeis)p btu if ouy dah na itadnoby for teh dolmsiefd pritoen dna sadke ti ee“rWh si teh fldesidom ni,epot?r” hte nabtiyod owdul n:aesrw “oMts of awth I codlu ndif parpeas ot be in hte rRE”. +
yesa  ckCeh uot eht enxnacli ycl,ce uyllaus spnteroi that ear eamd in eht RER and sedlofmdi get gtegda adn oel'eddf'r adn ethn enncdsa naiga for eporpr fi ethy lryeal ntca' eb eflrde,od eyre'ht rdeeddga tehn dna e!ehrt So hte nlyo lepac lifdesomd FCRT culod aauteclcum if mlofsdide ...R...sRE.i Lk(in to inaxnlec cyl:ec g&r1bQA&DIyaA3OU2ghrdImp.lU3;Ce=rM8ctt=QUawIFRAp5ss=rh?9AVpZ7sYswVKxEhl=BUt&b4H2aZHrmmXi5t0E&aB;mm2Tuvgu+fAeoal8gaap;eP:agrQ5ow1peno&Dsehi8hai=vmj+;#Mmw.Iwb0w9Wq0Y;7asCmo:am=caQOi=hb/sU&L&r2;9oghc8H1nhx7a7ojep5ekpmm_=j6KX41se4Lgc8sQ=p/ci/iDK;) +
amy  F0022A :47 " ntAbse or yisalncoudtfn PSR g(aisln rioteningco leraipct) rlestsu in nactmiuaucol of epntrio in eht ostocly" +
drdoom  ym@a, a’tsht a good inpto ubt it saseums eth tienrpo si ewoerhsit ,lmanro .e,.i otn feomildds or “baa”rolmn in smoe eorht ayw +

For a great little summary of the Endoplasmic Reticulum (and many other concepts in molecular biology!), see this from Alberts’ Molecular Biology of the Cell:

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by seagull(1933)
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I ehva na eisus wiht siht stuoiqen cihwh osla nsclfotci hitw orWl.dU nI reodr ot be dadgrede yb romoosestep eth omlisfded pnetrio wldou ened ot be tersepn ni teh cyltsoo rof iunuot.bnia It ti accumeutald in the RRE ehtn ohw edos ti tge agte?gd yHtensl,o so .dctnfc.eiol.

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sajaqua1  So olyraidinr a ldomsdfei eotrpin esod ernodug iuitnnotibaqiu adn tseirlp.oyos tI is nelateob ttah RTCF fmongiisld nt'does vene allow it peeasc het E,R os it cusalucetam ni het ER +9

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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eTh TFRC epionrt is a nnreamtearbms .inpreot keiL all pneortis, tis itnaosarntl bnesig in het yolctos; that asi,d RTFC cosanitn na stmriNu-en aisnlg“ ,”eceequsn whhic smean as ti is ibeng andsl,treat ti d(na teh osirbmoe nikgam !t)i iwll eb rnepodtrtsa ot the acpElondmsi iulR^e.mutc!ofoentto

As ti egts ane,drastlt tis drobhyhocpi stomif lliw eme,reg which sebmed the CTRF riepnto nhiiwt the pphiplhidoos eiylbar of hte RE lstefi! aTht emsan eht rpoeitn lwil veern iagna eb nufdo “ni teh ostcyol” csueeba ti gtse atrddhee uohrthg eht ybilrae h(ihwc is, ni t,cfa woh all artnnmmeebsar ospitnre coeebm mraanerbtesnm psonirte at het clle cfeuasr -- tyeh eahv to eb dmae into bemenrmatrnsa tpnsoier ni eth RE f!s.)rti

So, sey, uylamitelt, sethe dimdolefs snrotipe iwll be deeidrct oadwrt a osmrteeopa for /decnrrilatidencgoy,ag utb htta lwli pnpaeh sa a llttie iseclve ro( );opl”sioem“ het fmlieodds tpeirn,o in hits eca,s is not seer-baowllut c(ei,sn yb f,enidintio ti ahs yoirhhbpcod ismfot hhicw get datederh“ hrtogu”h a laeibyr ot trecae eth mrnearmtnbase nrtae),tp whhci aensm ouy on’wt nfid it in hte oyc.ltos

\ otnofeot! \ The hcgithin fo aetc*iv msebrosio to eth Ecpiadolsnm tcmRilueu si yhw ew alcl ttah aera of ER g“uhor ilsdmpocnaE cRultuemi )”rR;(E no ctnerole sr,ompcyoic hatt senicto aws epdkclebes wiht ltilet ;otsd latr,e we msah)(nu ecivrdedos ahtt hseet tdos rwee isbrmsoo!e

\ * \ By eacvi“t r”imoeossb, I sjtu enam soireomsb in the rposces of ngtenrcvio mNAR to ionrep!t t(Wha we acll r”tanioalnt“s ;)

roF a eragt titlel usmaymr fo het dpnscmEailo meiuRlutc na(d mnay thoer snptceoc ni umelarolc iybool),!g see hist mfor ’lsAetrb rMoaclelu ogyioBl of the Cell:

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drdoom  ^ 'mI usjt tsrniae-gt in one otcmnem ahtw I oetwr in limlptue mtbnoessmcu vo:eab m#t37.mmwm/pst/9a9en/cneb4e/oahsbser3n/9x1:2 +

A mini-discussion of protein transport within the cell is here:

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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nheW opentsir inbge emad ni het RE sodl,mif they lcumeatuca in het RE, hhicw tenh ggirerts ehmt ot eb psit uot itno hte slotyoc adn beomce eregdadd yb oop.emsraste T,hsu het nctiulmcuaao of eht mosedifdl prnioet ni the RE is riqduree rof mhte ot lamtuteliy be tgegad by tiuiinbuq dan eb rgaddede ni m.paorssoete

eEnv fi ouy ugera ahtt ehty lliw eb auagnitcuclm in eht oystclo easecub omaprestoes rae ni eth ocos,lyt het qesituon si ngsiak ewrhe are het psoitern cctgamuinaul, ont igneb dedrdage. oS htey atnc' laeucutcma ni oerespot,sma cabuese htey ear tdsyeredo ni etmh.

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drdoom  icen htcca hiwt hte alt“ucgicmau”n mkrr!ea qq, ewhn you ays “tgseigrr hmet to be tips otu onti hte lty,c”soo od yuo aehv a sreuco orf t?tah tnd'o llcaer nrainegl tath yenahrwe fms.eyl thx! +1
therealslimshady  I ac'nt mbmreere hwere I dare tsih btu it cskut hiwt m,e I think ti wsa a clel bio oobk +

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submitted by mutteringly(33)
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ishT is rmfo s:maobs ttdaeuM TRFC egne ΔF8(05 umntaio)t → odleimfsd nrptoie → veditecef pnoeitr si rteniead in the guorh clnaomidspe lemituucr rE()R for rgioadeatdn → dPaegtA-T hderiocl hlencan si asbten no hte llec afreucs of iaipehltle cesll httrguohou the dboy g(..,e ttnlseinia nad soariyerrpt ,tihiepael awets lan,sdg eocernxi cenrspaa, nerxecoi gsalnd fo oetdriuvrecp r)nsgao

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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h1.tere era nmya taivansr fo yccsti ifssroib so tsih iotsenqu si tno tbauo yhsahpyp.t fo CF

p.2toni of snuetoiq : rwhee does enoiprt ofdnlgi curco ? )swrnae ERR

  1. NI THSI PTEY OF FC , if ineoprt tonis lodefd prleypor in RER wlli it og tuo or iwll it lcetcaamuu ? )seawnr ti wlli uaelcacutm ni RE.R


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submitted by blah_blah(1)
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ulfhlpe bpotivaofyji/QHeNwbwXaolBe/al:nhn;ug.=wpam_custsotwch=Gua?tynI&y/e.mgs3hc

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submitted by welpdedelp(270)
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