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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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The medical requirements to obtain a permit vary by state, but are usually confined to specific types of disabilities or conditions. These as a general rule include the use of any assistive device such as a wheelchair, crutches, or cane, as well as a missing leg or foot. Some states also include certain cardiovascular, pain, or respiratory conditions. About half of US states (26) include blindness as a qualifying disability enabling the person to obtain a disability parking permit for use as a passenger, and 14 states include a disabled hand as a qualifying disability. Four states include deafness, and two states (Virginia and New York) include mental illness or developmental disabilities as qualifying disabilities

our guy uses a cane so...

btw i got it wrong :) cause i thought it is up to the DMV

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usmle11a  also it is the dr who decides the eligibility then sends it to the DMV disability --> Dr --> DMV +6
peridot  I'm not sure if I'm being here or if the test question changed, but I don't see anywhere in the stem that says that the patient uses a cane? I even ctrl+F the word "cane" lol. I picked referring to PM&R specialist for full assessment cause I figured that another pattern is to always gather more info, but I guess that's not the case here T_T +5
azibird  It does NOT say he uses a cane. +3
sonofarathorn  I can also confirm that there was no cane involved. I repeat, NO CANE. +7
yesa  But I will confirm the doc is the one who sends eligibility to DMV, they (we will) have to do this too if the patient isn't qualified to drive anymore... +1
lukin4answer  NOCAIN, COCAINE, TETRACAINE.. I mean, No CANE here! +1
chaosawaits  Not even sugar cane +
madamestep  See my extremely healthy cousin has a parking permit for her well-controlled RA. So I just assumed we were throwing these things out willy nilly. Chose DMV... +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by aladar50(41)
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The important thing for most of the ethics questions are to look for the answer where you are being the nicest/most professional while respecting the patient’s autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, etc. Most of the choices here were either accusatory or basically being mean to the patient. The correct choice is to help the patient but also motivate them to continue physical therapy and to only use the permit as little as necessary. A similar question (which I think was on NBME 23 -- they are kind of blending together) was the one where the patient had test results that indicated he had cancer but the resident said not to (voluntarily) tell him until the oncologist came in later that day, and the patient asked you about the results. You don’t want to the lie to the patient and say you don’t know or that he doesn’t have cancer, but you also don’t want to be insubordinate to the resident’s (reasonable) request.

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drdoom  @aladar Your response is good but it’s actually mistaken: You *never* lie to patients. Period. In medicine, it’s our inclination not to be insubordinate to a “superior” (even if the request sounds reasonable -- “let’s not inform the patient until the oncologist comes”) but *your* relationship with *your* patient takes precedence over your relationship with a colleague or a supervisor. So, when a patient asks you a question directly, (1) you must not lie and (2) for the purposes of Step 1, you mustn’t avoid providing an answer to the question (either by deferring to someone else or by “pulling a politician” [providing a response which does not address the original question]). +3
drdoom  As an addendum, legally speaking, you have a contractual relationship with your patient, *not with another employee of the hospital* or even another “well-respected” colleague. This is why, from a legal as well as moral standpoint, your relationship with someone for whom you provide medical care takes precedence over “collegial relationships” (i.e., relationships with colleagues, other providers, or employers). +
imnotarobotbut  @drdoom, it's not about lying to the patient but it would be wrong for an inexperienced medical student to give the patient their cancer diagnosis, or for a doctor to give a cancer diagnosis if they feel that the patient should be seen by oncology. In fact, the correct answer that the question that was referred to by aladar50 says that you do NOT give the patient their cancer diagnosis even if they asked you directly about it. +2
charcot_bouchard  Dont give it to him. DOnt lie to him that yyou dont know. Tell him let me get the resident rn so we can discuss together Best of both world +5

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