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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Libido: decreased;
Nocturnal erections: normal
/ 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

tags: erections libido penis

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submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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feArt egntgti ti ogwnr eecbus(a of hte MBNE 12 ,Q) I oenrdsduto ti lkei :hits

– oLiidb is a onlg rtem te,tsa ingmaen uryo dlioib ucdlo be en,fi btu txiyean ni ahtt ONMTEM mthgi suaec ypchcensiog ED

– hiTs gyu hsa meso clcssai SIG E CPSA reictria iggon on: teuiagf ry(ngee oss)l, eselp nt,crbaussdei necairtnntooc mslperbo

– tI assy eh shnta' bnee aebl ot iminaant yna oteeirnc s(v NEBM 12 guy htta wsa aleb to bsaatteumr shi( nolg rtme xse eridv saw O)K tbu dha preoraenfmc xiyaetn in eht emtonm)

hofrTeere, klac of sxe drevi ufeeld by isprenedos g&;-t- wol ldioi,b ubt ioloagsclyihlpy toignnh rgwon thwi mih g;&--t eimhgntit cenriotes

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trump2020  Bsels oyu for uigcindnl het soirepl gnawnir +2
kernicteruscandycorn  ectrpikw@prebar:a cksi enam adn creneefer +
imgdoc  I kihtn I weaerdsn the EMNB 12 nuo,qstie dna terfa irngaed tihs, 'nddit od jscueti ot hte nlo.ainaxtep tBoh isht teipant nad the MENB 12 enaptti veha icohcsgenpy D,E ubt hte oarens HYW tyeh vhae ED si firf!teedn nI BENM 2,1 ethy larlyec dtoeimnne woh teh nma amsstrutbea nda ash moalnr nroclatun rece.tnsio So ti swa saef ot semaus ihs obildi hwci(h si neftiiydel likned to ettotrsoeens vsee)ll, and ucolntnar csntireoe eerw fn,ei eh aym ujst avhe eneb hgnavi eafrprenmoc TAEXNIY in ahtt aulsex t.uhsTii inotas nam M(NEB 2),2 he sola ash SCNIPGYECOH E,D he si ededepsrs ikle erkbpacriawertp ,eeialdxnp hsi olbdii is tlniidefey ddreeeacs esa(ecbu snesdrpeio nca aseuc desreecad loiid,b) btu shi iiaytbl ot tge ocrsnetie alohyyligcspoil onlanut(rc )oetsincre era ymltoceelp ife!n BEMN is ctrkiy r.iyktc +

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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hTeer eavh enbe a ecoplu of uqitnoses oabut hsti copti on hte ewern amsx.e I’ev eenb seganrnwi yb igutneaq dliobi to estoenoretts lvseel adn cltronuan rseonceti to ehhtal fo alsutuvcrae trrhslsoaoceise( ro .to)n sI ihst rccro?te

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liverdietrying  Wnhe uyr’oe itkhgnin of ,ilidbo todn’ tjsu aqtuee ti to etttesosorne -- kmea rseu orye’u asalwy esciinogrnd isors!eedpn riDspeosen oinlgolfw esrotk is mnc,omo pisleacyel htwi lrisaude ashlcpiy di,tlysaiib os siht oldwu caeseder his i.diobl trlunaocN eetncsrio eteqau to esdo“ it ycatllua wrk?o” ton juts het clvuueaasrt ubt teh lnaure tpnui as we.ll orF alepe,mx grdiun mttoreyctosap mageda ot hte elivpc spelux vn)ere(s nca aled ot oteep.icnm ser’Teh hoigntn to tsgsgeu htta eh ahs clavuasr ro courglneoi iceetrle nfcyutisond e,rhe iwchh si why hsi ntuanrloc iorseentc aer at.ictn +32
_pusheen_  erniyi@iegdtlrv aWs ti armeurtpe to uassme eh ash tlbroeu iwht tecosinre ecsueab fo nrelua gedmaa rfom the e?soktr I tpu owl dib,oil wlo trauonnlc oirt.ecnse sI it buesaec eht rksteo rtsdeule ni massieeihpr dan ont ocmoanuit uctnynsdifo or gnomsieht like ath?t +5
liverdietrying  pe@hesnu rCeocr,t yuo ’nwot cisalylcasl tge poeicmten trefa a lehpicigme .osterk Hsi btiiniyal ot vcehaei an itrecneo si cmhu erom elykli to be 2/2 csslocphiyao ceestff tanh naiorgc d.iseesa If stih ntivtege tnseaid disa that isht had geontt a ptmcttyeoasro hwit rtgenlisu amgead to hte lipvce nseerv ahtt aowll for ncioteer, nhet id’t eb a ermo fsea hcceoi ot upt on olutarnnc se.eoncitr +4
fast44  Is hrete a viode or rewmeoseh atht selpaxni esthe sulaxe ystn?uonicfsd hTis esmes to be a iotpc that eskpe ranteepig no eht new x.smea +2
forerofore  ,llwe i houtgh atht sebuaec eh dah a tsorek eh olwud be klliey ot ehav esso,rtcehoirals hhicw owudl peek doliib ihhg nad dcueer ntnucloar rsnce,teoi i dikna genrido hte oewhl "e´hs prddees"se prta fo eth gveetitn esepitd agrutnnsdedin hte sahimnecm ell.w ubt fmro a ccliilna seserdopni tiopn fo vwei, if ihs atirseer are tcni,ta dan he is deeesdprs, enht lbdiio lwoud be ol,w and ectenirso rpeetsn ta +4
pg32  I t'acn bmemerer alctyex utb I sawre the uoitsnqe no MBEN 12 the y'gsu eifw hda ddei as ..lwl.e? rO tyeh dha ngteto voderd?ci triEeh ,ayw eh adh mose clgloyiahcpso egaabgg as elwl, ubt ish ibidol saw tllis nolra,m adn hte xalanpeitno aws htat ihs eeortosnstet wudol eb ifne rdagsslere of sih seddpeser omdo. So I went thiw that cgiol rhee dna sedism ihst t.equosin I d'ont nnsudaredt owh I am opspesud ot ggaue o'seesmno diobil easbd no eugva nihts at trhei mdoo, epsecalliy enwh ni oen eaxm mdoo eosd ont erceasde dbiloi nda ni teh etohr ti deo.s +1
drzed  p23@g rob ssoprlei +2

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submitted by adong(144)
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rPyett hucm fi tehy cna trmsabueat ro gte ti pu anelo ni any ayw ethir ontrnaluc uccesentme ouhlsd eb mlnaro angnime hatt ierth eatvrinnnoi and exlrfe sthpaway rae lla itnac.t Liodbi aka exs reivd mrfo wtha evI’ snee so far si ltaeerd by esepn.doirs So elik in teh nuqtoesi no MNEB 21 eht emst tseadt taht engicsnre rfo eeirpsndso aws igatneev hcihw is ywh idloib wdluo also eb nolamr ni tihs saec. If tese’hr vere a Q ihwt a epsreedds guy dna rmonal bla vlesau and isclhayp a,mxe stmo illkye noagn be erdesaedc idiobl wiht maonrl tgnhi erioct-esn sutecyro of lffsuueyijoinuraan/d/x

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submitted by elf16(2)
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woH is hsit efrnitdfe fmro hte siqtunoe no MEBN 21 in hcwhi a -86aery ldo mna aols adh ygpceonhcsi E?D utB het ewrsna was lrmona diblio dan cunrtnaol ens.oeitrc

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toxoplasmabartonella  In tath ac,se shi sterotteoens asw nloamr and he ahd on nsgis fo s.ipnesreod eTh mtes ddi asy ish feiw dsspea yaaw fwe nmohst og,a os i oallnypesr sheoc olw dio,bli but hw.trveae +1

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submitted by cathartic_medstu(37)
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gnaircO :ED lmorna lid,iob cedesaerd annocltru neosecitr

eohcsPycnig ED: acedseedr ioi,dbl loranm nuatoncrl terncsieo

Got i.t

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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oS, I ttguhho sith ituqenos saw eursp eavug and ton raget... atht nbgie sdi,a naivhg nottge ti nwrgo dna ton yrelal nivgah a dogo oanxnetilap ofr teh we,anrs I ddi a ltleit seecarrh nda nuofd stih l:trieca 1sh1.u51sddhSgf/:ww3o..ro1.a1/jtR/top//6/.010.ipal4nrwTa0.7

hsiT saw eth nami ncocous:nil e"Th lteruss of hte eprnets tds,uy eiadm at sgesnsias eth ecefsft fo seorkt no xuelas n,ignctfouin laeerv a gsniifcitan deeilnc ni biid,ol ltcaio cyer,neqfu slxeau sou,aarl dan sctoaintfias tihw usaelx lfei in htbo kortes ttsenpia adn ihret soses.pu Teh reeptsn lutsrse alos tatoenemrds thta reddrsiso fo laxseu ifcsunont rea mtso nifcaigstliyn aaostscdie hitw rvosaiu oisolapchscy srcfoa,t scuh as n’stitape nreelga attietdu owdtar siyxetau,l raef of ineo,ptmec nda lyiatib ot iscsuds lauste,yxi sa lewl as twhi eth egreed fo skttsorpoe atcflnunio iii.tbyalsd eeo,orvMr leusax cyouftnsnid wsa eealdrt ot eth sreeepnc dan eedegr fo orseipsnde, eaeditsb t,ilmselu dna rlsudcrvaoaiac coint.iadem Teh glieoyot or oatconli of teh rosekt nda teh engder ro rtlaami sasttu fo het tntpisea were otn iaotsacdse wiht ehgasnc in strotpsoke luxytsaie in tpenasti in eth retespn .stu"yd

Lkoingo ta eth nsteqoui gian,a 'Im eginussg het a"iuegtf nda gfiluficitnd gepnsiel dan terccnoiangnt" stttnmeea swa esudposp to eb a luce fro seidoenpsr, asleclpyei sicen ti rtastde atfer ihs tsrkeo. Ao,ls no alishcyp beiitnaosmrla segsutg foitcnningu is ctinat dan shtu ntcrunalo cnteesiro udwlo be dvseprere mo.rlnaly hsTi is stuj .utdisp

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ls3076  itacaerepp itsh ikdn of roeftf ot kolo pu lrnjoua aseclitr utb ylosethn thsi si ont leylra awth nmeb nseswar si f.o.r. ew louhds be laeb to gte hte enrswa fomr spsorce of ab/oticiminnliaes eicnces pecctnso and ton omfr igonolk pu iedutss sa we yolosubiv 'tcan do shit no the tset +

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submitted by ls3076(92)
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Is cededrsae rconlnatu nrteoisec not ebssloip edu ot teh tncrynoiugi bwteene sonet fo mspmsoty nda krteos 2( smo revsus )?3 eegAr atht eshte ueqsnitso aer vrye augve dan srftina.rgtu Nto rseu rhwee ot etg a dogo rpgas on ihst .laetrima

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by cathartic_medstu(37)
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tnrcoauNl npleei cetnueemcs rnmaeetmesu pllhy)rphagoa( si a ttse htta areeussm oensonauspt tnlgyih etoesrnic in eceetlir ydonftsicnu lrpramiyi( ordeefrmp ni a plese .rtaoobyar)l Is't ulusfe orf tgfdinrefieanti nebewet angcior morf cieghposcny eleircet d.tinsucfony

gteenVit brescseid a oslbsipy rpsdeseed entapti =g;t& igpchenycos clireete .uinycontsdf icenS ti is tno an craongi aecus of ,DE aolurtcnn stiencero dwlou eb .omranl cOiganr steoieoigl fo ED educinl cgenoineru ro .avlacsur

oiiLdb trpa ossnceuf em .eher ibiLdo amsen xeaslu sriede or epittae.p I wsa tnikignh ecsni seh' nimocg ni ot get DE hekd,ecc it nciisdate she' tiaeeppt orf esx si huogne atth it made imh gte it .echkc So diilob douhls be ra.lnom Any ?pleh

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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Answre = rcdeeDase liodib; narolm nloatunrc nrtsecieo

I elbeevi thwa yhte ewer rgntyi to idntceai in iths qtnisuoe swa ihaylcscgPool xuaeSl yiDotncnsuf a(ak - armPcenrofe Ay.)etxni

In isht e,cas ti tans'w os hmuc hte earceopmrnf atth rewordi het n,am but eh yma eb so ofesucd no shi ahtehl euisss pots( t)e,rsko htta he si ubelna to efrmorp edtuae.laqy rfT,oerehe ish luntaar iblodi owuld be reeds.ecad oe,vrwHe abecuse tis' gypeihcncos ≈m not y,sigloohicp he oshlud itlsl heav normal tmtgehnii crente.ois

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b1ackcoffee  dontlWu' cghocllpysohia SD aveh omnlar iidblo dna tjsu fmpncoeerra einytax? +1

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