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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 7-year-old girl is brought to a clinic in a ...
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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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If uoy ocun'ltd reerembm iwhch ewer ;inaeseslt ehnt tlenrvetaia ulodw vhea neeb ot ierzlae that rgniwog incrldhe dene lselc ot d.eviid sTih ireuserq NAD elctoipinra adn lir.nnstoaat Of chhiw het lecniuc cdai mhteiy is pttaoni.rm It eeurirqs a lymhet na.frsret

This is heerw ehenmtioin smoce .in hoeineiMnt mocneisb itwh TPA to fmor AMS (a mlthey odn)or

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whossayin  Tstha’ a egeryldan teiaan.lnoxp Tahsnk eudd! +
makinallkindzofgainz  hsiT si tlcxaye ohw I dsvoel t!i I rebmmerdee taht iethnoneiM is nessatile rfo elythm tsfre,nrsa dna ouy wluod eend atth in dniiidgv gno)g(wri es.lcl uBt now llI' jtsu mmeerebr PTV MIT aLLH too ): +2

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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oY gdwa we all uobat TPV ITM aHLL

yneh,ileaaPnnl aVle,in yADNKproTt, o,eienTrnh ,eInlsicueo in,oeenithM iisne,Hdit eneicLu esnyiL

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meningitis  I ntdo' snrneudtad waht teh esnuqtoi is .gksa.n.i acn nomeose esapel nileapx it ot eP?m t ntae i ostedn aet tnrio,ep sehs .hbbucy aWth does eeniiomhnt avhe ot od whit hs?it +4
charcot_bouchard  tJus lcliaybas ngiask chwih is eeansislt oamni d.acsi +4
usmleuser007  salnisteE aonim ciads hegts(imon i aecm pu ) h1 tiw. "rThee HLA nsaf illw tyr ".m eat h eTnnirheo = Three b . tiide;sHni nireAngi; isLeyn = . A cHL yllinennhaPea = sa nf d. ;enVlai ;Ioeusielnc neeLuci = .i lw le onrhatppTy = r .f t y heenitniMo = the m +4
nala_ula  Ty'eerh nisayg ehter si a klca of ogod yiuatlq ipreton t-&;g lsgiht nlrainuttoi f.eyncidcei heS mya eavh eiqdcaru igetwh tub ist' not cbaeeus fo toe.rnpi oS he'etry ecyicaspllif sigakn what omain dcia esh mhitg eb inssimg ued to hre pruabs e.idt incSe ltnseisae aiomn sdaci ear hoets atht teh bdyo aontnc mkea seilt,f out ffo setoh ed,slti itnhoemine is het eaenlsist nmaio c.aid I'st no paeg 18 of FA 1902. +11
nala_ula  crcteor me if I'm gnrow epaels :) +
hello  orF eannyo encosufd ngryit to lwfloo smluse'@07ue0rs etomcmn ligsy--tlh efd Eatnodsseilmii oiman iacsd nocmiemn hA," ehTre sfan will tyr m"the Ah = ,niagiren dhe sirtihiTnee = hieaeTnForsnn a)sp=(hn y lahnPeViaelniln W(lil -- rmnGea cntace unrocnpoign iEhsgnl wrod )l'lwi' = ,iealnv is,eocnileu ei,ucnel yyTsierln = eatynh tptprohM = itioennhMe +2
pg32  Wyh dose hole@l nad um0l7rss0eue@ omenincm anticon rii?gnean thTa tn'si in teh PTV MTI LLHa cmeimnno fro iantessle oianm ias..c.d +
paperbackwriter  g32p@ aerngini is etlssi-emea.nis It si intalsese in tperrem fitnnsa ohw coantn tyeeinhzss ti :6/l/%t1p0rpseD0wiai/Smi0?70ee3id/twneuc90iib.s4sc3t8cwtcc.chcivhn/ri0eoea25/5 +
ankigravity  sIt' also lssitnaee ni setmi of stpvoiie gnenirot aablcen ,.(ei. girnowg )kddsio +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. h"eerT AHL nsaf llwi try t"emh
    a. heienTron = ereTh 
    .b iitH;dnise ei;ngiArn yLisen = AHL
    c. hlPnineaaeynl = 
nfas    d. eVail;n liee;cIusno iencuLe = 
wlil    .e nyptTporha = tr
y    .f neenthoMii = hm
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pparalpha  !kahnsT odoG minomcne +1
b1ackcoffee  steb ncmeniom +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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etnseasil imAno csdai )(AA

)1 dAtlus qeuirre 9 AA() = bael ot amke ganrein avi areu )le2ycc Crneldih rqireeu 01 )(AA = ehyt era sllit vedplneo)g 3i ihWt PKU yoseitrn sbeomce sensatiel in both utldsa nda rielhcdn

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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tLe's say uyo n'itdd okwn mhieinntoe asw n.saslteei

)(A anniAle -- yuo nca cetrae eiananl form eht zyenem LTA (linaane smarefans)ain,etor thsu sith myzeen ntnaco be lasetnise

(B) etrAtsapa -- uyo nac ecetra trapsetaa from the enymez TSA ertt(psaaa )rriemnasaeaotns,f suth this mzneey onntac eb esseinlat

)C( cGlenyi -- tsih neo si olw di,eyl but ti is dmae ofrm ieenrs sere(in + HTF g&t-; 2CO + MT-HeF + ey).licng If yuo d'ndit wnko oatub sti,h yuo hda a 00/55 osht

)(E ryoneTis -- yuo anc ertaec sionteyr fmor hynalpannieel (lnsues of erocus yuo evah airue,keotphny)ln adn tush tshi ntnaco be a.tsseilen

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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orF nnayoe udefscno nyritg ot woolfl 7m's0eel@suru0s nteocmm

yltlihgS ddfiieom

nlsaseitE noiam caisd cnmoenmi A",h Tehre asnf lilw ytr t"hehtem

Ah = ,narneigi diethiins

Tehre = Tehenorin

nFsa (hps)na= aannyeneiPlhl

lilV (wlil -- eaGrmn cntcea nnprugoocni lsihgEn dorw "lil)"w = ,lvneai cesi,nliuoe cnue,eil nsiyle

ryT = otrhntpypa

Mteh = heiMtenoni

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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ehT wya I meermber eht slneatsie namoi asdic is yb ernneecgrfi hte amion dacis rugpso I eladyra wnko. So the sesielant imaon cdsia :ear

  1. heT erbcnhda cihan aoinm d:saic eIsculeoi,n nui,cLee nad eaiVnl

  2. Teh nedrig anmoi idsac CEXPTE Tseionry wc(hih eebcmso inaletess ni shtoe whti K:)PU topanrTyph, isnii,dteH helnPealninay

  3. hTe fuulsr itainnngco nmaoi cids:a Cienetys and intHiisde You( will ees tabede oevr ehwrteh sytnieCe flaiuqise as lesnsiate ro to)n

  4. ehT owt oyu ustj ahev to m:eeromzi erehnoTin dna iLsyen

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mrglass  I tnema ot ays yesnietC dan htene*oMnii +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by saqeer(6)
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a tltlei dasiilgmne her asrceien in getiwh mdea it mees as if esh hda wol rhdyiot nhoemro nda ysrtnoie is a uc.reroprs

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b1ackcoffee  ubt pyiioyhrdhmtso dlowu cdsraeee eht he.thgi +

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by codyluvr95(6)
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12B cmeos mfro rnpeoit nad is a crenyseas rcfocota fro nnmtieheoi hes.ysant woL 2B1 = owl eiihmt.neno

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by mcl(670)
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iehntMioen is na ntiasesel noiam icad. All hrsote tisdel era ot.n

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scalpelofthenorth  Pg 81 ienyroTs si stelid sa na neeatslis A.A odhSul eb torptayphn fro oseht woh gto htsi nrgwo kile e.m +
neonem  tuB rteyoins nca eomc rmfo iayhllanenenp, os ist' ton rlaley sealnstie ghtr?i +1
gh889  in 1,20FA9 it si sldiet sa phpoyTr,atn ont inTys.oer tTha aws tc.eecodrr +16
usmleuser007  oNt:e srTyeino is NLYO lesisaetn ithw KPU ni ihrcndle +
niboonsh  orb 2F81A0 isslt oiestrny as an eaetnlssi A.A yhTe pylaed su. +1

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