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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 65-year-old woman dies 6 months after the ...
Meningeal ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: neuro images gross repeat

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—johnthurtjr(168)
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'mI ton a nfa of rossg path gemias dan suisnotqe htta say k,ool" hawt is sith ?th"ing - hatt isad misoemngina rea the stmo cmnomo raibn moutr dan ihst ptcreui si si a odgo axlpeem of .eon I dah on daei hawt sehet snhtig oedlko eilk nda tgo it owg,rn too. Tkea a oolk ta itsh eno

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johnthurtjr  Hsere[' omre tgagtietusaw(lnuo/chppn.:tm/])g/noienocmtriowostywtoehrloncae..ilnm/mmfohlip +2
meningitis  I tgo it wongr becesua I dti'dn see nya narpepta uDra amtre rno ohetr gninmese he(T isvne etan'r egnbi ocervde by nay h"syin ),yaerl" so I tgtouhh eht mrtuo swa mgocin frmo sdiein eht abinr adn ton sinrcseopgm ti keil moseniaigmn lysulua d.o +3
meningitis  utB it idd loflwo het mncomo stpaec ewerh eyht ear fuodn ni tewnebe osnvsiiid fo inrab nad are irlaccur ortswgh leik a .allb +9
nala_ula  Senic ti was icbalysla ediimlp htta the patteni died adn rh"ee oklo ta htwa sith i"s I tugohth ti was a tnalgamin otumr .li( ubt I gsues 'ist all outba ee.ctpanml +15
thelupuswolf  GBM dlowu be in hte h.aeecrpnmy Dviene oaspcdt siad if yhet hwso uoy a osrgs urtepci of teh tobtom of teh anbir hten ts'i a atlbeiaohonsamgm bc its' msot efont raeceelrlb. utB stih noe tw'nas brlreealec os I wnte aedha twih amimiengno FA( assy eerlaxnt ot naibr aycenmprha sa )wlel +2
vivijujubebe  MGB olduw vhae incsoesr nad ibdneelg ehresaw eth sbdel-haapl ortum in eht tiecpru lskoo oosmht and rvey .gienbeen.v.n oth I eavh on adie ohw osomeen can die os nsuyedld fmor omiiaegnnm +1
seba0039  riMno ocietrocrn, btu I do nto htnki htat ieiMmosagnn rea eth tmso ncmoom irabn uotmr; heyt aer the tosm cmonom ngbnei binra utorm fo tudals )a(,mthPoa tub 'Im not seur if er'tehy eth tosm mnmooc vllerao. +
an1  hisT emiga gave su lla teh sletltlea rfo eognimm:ain na eeyrdll mwon,a iidlnme ,asms ordu.n I tnkih trnhoae hntig taht amde me otp fro mngmoainei wsa hatt I hda ot loko for the sams nda emak ures I a'tnsw kgoloin ta eht ogrwn omFr wath I'ev ns,ee GBM nptreess hiwt a auinltar,el ihraehr,gomc ortnceic ssam htat uwold kicts uor elik a oers thmbu. +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hgandler(4)
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seinaimoMng omst etnfo cuorc enar the sfscuear fo het r,inba eclisylpea teh iaargtaglsap srni.oge Tehy ear nofet actpoy,aimstm nad lysosgr it preasap as a urnod asms dtaetcha to .adru It lwli ercmossp eht otcerx (iaeiglxnpn hte ea,dchash)e btu ti illw ton nad.vie Tyeh rae oasl eht tmos onomcm irympar nbgine NCS umtr.o nomeW are mero ocylommn tdfeeacf, ihhwc is rpdeuptso by teh tevginet.

ertOh swesna:r

:A ossotArtyacm era lualysu udonf ni het irsoorpet sfosa, adn are the tosm ommonc imayprr NCS rtumo ni rhdinlce

:B tmaialblsGoo rtmelomufi is usalyul ense ntiwhi the areeclrb semrshiepeh, dna shows ssgni of sicsoenr nda hehoae.mrrg

C: moanaMel anc ettsasziema ot hte brian, utb isth ldwuo kllyie omrf ni lmiuelpt sost,p nad ethy wuodl tno eb oteiuds of eth panyrcaemh

:E uamqosuS ipelialeht wolud myrsallii eb taimetsass dna eofthrere oasl eb lieuptlm sesnlio ineids hte rayacpnhem

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by smit 24(1)
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iaclliCn etteivgn is gnialde to ta(rcMGyBteso oo.rg..)n.niti uesr uobat eth ssgro

tno'D onkw hawt fi hcsu esntsuqoi aperpa on lrae x๐Ÿ˜‘a๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘me

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htballer55  I left the asem yw.a tub if uyo okol at yupotas scpi no gogo,el you see teh inoigmnmae si lkei a albl mocgni otu of eht gee.nnsmi c raeopm thta to lmoogiblsata iwchh is tiinwh eht iabnr ni acerbrel seopismhehsr e. tis' lynami neo rmuot is oingcm uto fo teh anrbi nad hte hoert si sideni eht eeclrrba hihs'rastthm eth btse i cna come up i.htw ubt it's cfonusing +5

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—misterdoctor69(70)
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nI aesc nyaeon asw wrie,dognn gmanniioems ear oerm oommnc ni oemwn prpsa(eh ude to an oetnrsegic ,fteefc but shti si llsit olthy td.)ebeda

ol,As Bs'GM oluwd sowh pu sa yldeutsfpa-hbrte and ac.enyptlaarnirmh eyhT hvea a 0%6 rihegh dniciecne in ealms than msf.eeal oialHstric sdeia - edT nKynede ddie orfm a GMB

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 -18  upvote downvote
submitted by thomas(3)
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rAwsen is ect.yAtors atientP ash lotmsaaoilgb fmui.oeltrm tolhAuhg memngiinosa yma ucroc at i,vxoientesc sioanemignm rae negibn dan eofnt yaismct.oatpm Tyeh may ucsae a/h szuee,irs ubt louwd eb iykeulnl to eucsa aehdt wn/i m6 of osetn fo ah./ heT zeis fo otmru dna uoersc fo ellsisn is nstnisteco iwth het seocur of MGB

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masonkingcobra  vobAe si ovbiyluos ticconrre eabcuse hte wrnase is ligMeeann o.ll eHe r is a kinl to a dgoo icpru:et r7 etrfrphheoi nwrge lyoom.gaoenshclatt/ ulahtac/ltpheM/.op7ps:e/tbu-c +28
kernicterusthefrog  viubOsoly stamho is dnigageiser thiw the trstnpoieane fo eht eq,uniost dan I dgerea thwi im!h hisT lyeobaltsu nssudo ekil GMB, wiht apdri entos aldgien to ,dahet nda the otypm.mss ehT ntuseqio tesm dlsea yuo ot ,BMG dan eht sgosr geami to noaeignmmi (I )eugss. +2
kernicterusthefrog  eFetrorhrum, ewrhe era eht gimsenen on the ssgor mgaei omfr whhci hist n()gmmoeniai wgr?!e It hdulos ta selta hows eht ituess mrfo ecnhew it m!cae +1
nala_ula  aHd eth maes ompbrel, got nedfcosu ecsni ti apredpea ttah teh wohrgt saw atminagln :( +
sugaplum  FA 2091 pg 541, losa eaerg thwi e.vroyeen eirdw ttirpn.eenaso sioGl rea nmatginla aehtd iniwht 1 ye,ra niamongiem aer fteno apmiymotctsa ro aevh faclo i.gssn stuj a rsosg yhatgolpo iesnoqut at siht piotn +
garima  ฤฑ tikhn she ddei bc of sresruep ro nesighotm ,gsuy sti vuosbloyi ronud dpashe ienngb ineso,l tis laos eatxr laxia ton kile .MGB seh had isht ymaeb eayrs ofebre dteah +2
skonys  I ihtkn teh notip is ttha BGM suacse a pradi cnieled and heatd ta allvrietye lmsal lesoni zies ueacbse 'sti hnitwi the a.anyrpemch oiasimneMgn era bienng nad nca orgw nsneylia rgela fbeero hyte auesc spmmoyts. +

  • Astrocytes proliferate to form glial tumors in adults, for example, glioblastoma. These highly malignant tumors appear as intra-axial masses in the cerebral hemispheres, which typically demonstrate areas of necrosis and can spread to the opposite hemisphere across the corpus callosum.

  • Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumors in adults. Malignant meningiomas may grow rapidly and cause symptoms of increased intracranial pressure such as headache. Meningiomas appear as well-circumscribed, extraaxial masses that compress the adjacent brain parenchyma.***Parasaggital regions.

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