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NBME Step 2 CK Free 120 Answers

step2ck_free120/Block 3/Question#86 (reveal difficulty score)
A 62-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Ultrasonography of the right upper abdominal quadrant ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: GI

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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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sirtoHy is lcyelra aglldrdbale iaโ€œ(ylibr i).oโ€lcc wNo tcilhssycteoi, so eaautevl wiht ntousra.uld niMailm esipla bpusm anc eb esne thiw hoert GI dan ylibari s,sesui tbu oasl nteo ttha tsasnellog can lsao escua peictan,tsair so โ€™tsi rcatliyne eliposbs ofr hre to asol vhae that .rnwbgie fI ouy ecsuspt llr/lyabaldigebiard su,ises slyawa rstat htiw US.

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osler_weber_rendu  srPoeuiv pisodees nousd ilke riilyba cl.oic Tihs eeopsid hwti orem evsree and go-lgstrianlen naip hitw dleavtee lAmeysa Lpsiae dssuon mreo ilek isaart,pietcn oe'sntd ?it +1
mmizell  @beo_nwleds_rreuer I latlyot reega twih eht euatc gencah in msmystop adn vedeetal eamylsa dan aelpsi ncuiags ssnopiuic orf .ansetiptcari tu,B onw I eefl ekil they ouwld have vgnie us iaairotnd and piisootnla pani itcsaeachrictrs hwit citreapnasti re(dasita ot teh kab,c brette no nignbde seroardwwfro/ no eganiln akcb), dna teh aipsel oudwl eahv nebe tnicgynfsilai eighrh gt&3x;( laon)rm. neOc I wederevi I alos dedda oaeolchhscoisiltdh ot my ddx aseeucb vene guthho she ondtse' aevh ji,uenacd ttha olwud hcmu tebrte ainexpl teh siecnrea ni ,meslaya i,aespl A,TS nda LTA oi.m sseRagld,er rof yna fo eht autce dbldglleara eses,dais RUQ US si eht ntxe sept eoefrb ovignm ot PREC or MtPeh.RrOC parle atht I dnti'd n:wko amsAyel anc eb vlaedtee itwh eldaglrbdal miniotl,afmna and 'sitn iscpicef rof ttldirea Grsa.pcdb:lea nila/raebtc.dlantiqo/eong:pll/mrilronatldegdro/aedsose/ahegpy/tugres s:Peacrna tneehtltp/ecensou/./epapagdoiadn:oerii//rtgolsaroqytmtrsrseicag/n +2

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