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NBME Step 2 CK Form 8 Answers

step2ck_form8/Block 3/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old man comes to the physician ...
X-ray of the sacroiliac joints ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: msk inc

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  • nouYg nma owh nrtesesp wtih ayitmnrofalm kcab ianp wrsoe( ni het grionnm ubt ipevsrmo reov sceour of eht )ady owh ahs imldeti nerga fo mioont of teh cakb t(cotinnses hiwt omoaโ€œbb nesipโ€ olp,g)hsyoiy lla fo cwhhi is tmso csttiesnon itwh oglaskniny ptiilosynds htta acn eb esdgodnai iwht x-yra or IMR fo eht aaisoilcrc osjint
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seagull  eTH nseiqtuo dsai lniaiit .epts I thohugt thsi wsa a ncillcia xd ahtt rudrieeq etaedvel ,RES R.PC In ayertli we odluw reord eesth nda aehv imh gte na x-.ray m'I ton sreu fi we acn rebillya dx ngnoyAskli siyoldptniS slusen we hvea eht RSE enluss eth a-ryx aycrlel sohws htta osenb aer suifg.n TsHi is a engruyo yug .oto +1
kingfriday  herTe aws a duorlw tieuqons ttha irorrsm this if yuo esu het hacser unofctni uoy cna olbrapby indf it. The gonsnraie ethy hda heetr siad that autec hapse mrekras aer laylsuu tevedeal ni AS ubt htey evah owl eitfcsiicpy orf isstalnihebg the dx. EB NO NCSA - not oogd rof S,A ubt ti is odgo fro its,imtesyoeol epstscdue rsre,utacf nda pemonlass g&;t RMI idatnidce ofr ouoglernlaic / xss +3
spiroskeet  tusJ dufno atth WUlrdo onqeistu โ€“ it dakes chiwh udolw eb otsm elilky ot isaelshtb a niosgadis ni hte i.tatenp In hatt ,acse ryXa- of IS nijtos si teh githr nrea.sw Hvew,roe teh BMNE nuieqtos easdk fro nltiiai .spte My tfrsi tesp doluw pbbrlyoa be to roder na SRE. ts'I nfp,iescnoci tub RES is ttpery cuhm syawal oncsiip,cnfe os why wlduo oyu eevr dreor ?it +2
charcot_bouchard  eerH ESR tnoesd aemk gsa,sdniio odenst ecgnha enmmatnga (ilek tteamtner ofr RES hihg hertnao orf .wlo) OS on ende of .SER U od noniccsfpie estt wneh it nagehcs xm ro sdlaysea/ves a seohobertm stet lkei aporemlt tyrare bopiy.s +1

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