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NBME Step 2 CK Form 7 Answers

step2ck_form7/Block 2/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 62-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Renal ultrasonography ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: renal inc

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep5(246)
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  • el-eadgMdid amnow ihtw a rnteec UG gyuserr ohw esovledp a itiinafgcsn KAI ihtw a eiricNU:tBnean atiro l&;t 51 hitw a nadbl inyssairlu, osmt cngnreiocn ofr a l-traepons KIA nocaysder to traeeurl gaedam, ciwhh dluwo eb d-uorepkw ihtw a enrla udatunrsol ikgooln orf yonhrhpssoedir
  • eKy iade: UG ieuegrssr ni wemno aer ghiyhl dassteicoa thiw gmdeaa to eth ereutrs, wihch acn edla ot a osn-aptlre IAK VY(RE HHIG ILEYD OFR MBNE SM!XA)E


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iluvlamp  heT eitqousn hwoss eth ifbgnlisnsad/ proir ot the ,urygres ont /sp GU uer.ygsr I ikhnt royu atxneaniplo si lilts avild ghhout sciiyyholgalopl ebuaesc byema eht oumrt si icerngmspso teh trur,ee iunscga a esl-raotpn KA.I illtS agere reretu aagdem ofrm UG rgerysu is meag ihhg elyd.i +13
antwon  siTh lla smaek ees,sn utb nit's ti etur ttha eranl horuatosangyrlp ontacn ecdett lasitd errtue gme?aad +3

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submitted by โˆ—charcot_bouchard(574)
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I eelf hte ocsiinssdu is ssnimig eth yek tpisno Any oen frtae epts 1 lliw wonk tsih si urrtee aemdag ordab ash a ahrd no ofr ofgliwlon ayn eeiannuori/tarv oee.pudrrc

eusQ is chwhi sett - reinU urcuet,l earnl pbsioy is aesy to reul .tou ntginoh ofr .retrue laRne hparegrotairy si lsao s.ema ntigNho ays aobtu erertu.

I ckepdi VIU cihhw eesm aabelernso to em uesceab it si teh oen mtos esiicfcp for ererut and aorlelv ehlp essass eth eyknsdi, tueresr, ar,lbded nad eahrrut for nay nisavoxatreta fo ctnaotrs yed

dnA htast' teh U atnc veig strtnoac ot a ipatten who sha nrenticaei of 5. tIs orenad.idntcitac oS nad si SU.G

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azibird  ePtanit si epeotRaEPrvi. erW'e noigolk for hnyhesspiorrod ot morficn -laetsprno tstu.bniocor +1

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submitted by โˆ—jlbae(159)
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lnaRe SU si exiev,einsnp sfat, dan invevnoisn.a elinytfDie teh stbe stfir etst orf mggaini tonselarp AI.K

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submitted by โˆ—duat98(39)
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An anrivoa sams in a emelaf htiw gtihwe slos + arnel rfuliae = nvraioa necacr mte ot eth nrela s.steym hTe ntxe estp si SU to kool orf the sasm tec

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