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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old man who lives at sea level ...
Normoblasts 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by thomasalterman(181)
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A onmsbtoalr si na umitrmae R,BC os ts'i lveeetda in aetsst of edricnaes etopshe.aoisim

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sympathetikey  nt'Do dimn em. utsJ pinips ym ubmd ass osad revo ehre. +76
someduck3  The ertm aomloNb"ts"r i'nst neev in frsti .aid +40
link981  MBEN intetsg yoru ndwklgoee of n.noyssym Heva ot konw 15 iitedrpevsc odsrw fo teh aems intgh I us.seg +25
tinydoc  I wihs ethy odluw sotp inkmag it so vreye hreto tnsqoeiu I kwno hte anwers and I 'tcna infd ti gonam het rsaewn choscei bceseau ehty ceeiddd to esu eoms aeimdlc ruashstue no us. +23
qball  aoMemestytlcye = serPourrc ot pehtslunoir gpo aheSesrid = itondiso-niieechagnnrm caporhaemg kaa ather eiafurl elcls +14
llamastep1  srhTee a UWrold outqenis tuaob vsuiavrrPo 9B1 atth oenntsim t"nagi nomossrta"prlob thta edhepl me mkea teh etoconcnin +10
fexx  I otg ti gtihr ubt lwoud ti rhut tehm to ptu ?RsCB ecinMied si dahr as it si. oN edne ot amke eth masex orme opelcmictda. I dbtuo my tp is erev ogngi ot sa em fi sih/ rhe mntoablsosr ear gongi ot ecriesna fi eyht og igkhni in hte mastnunoi +7
mdmikek89  vEen in yuo tddni' nokw htwa troaNmsbol ne,sam it ncat eb nay of the eohrt Sns.TaewErsT AK'TIN SZILLK RSBO +
nerdstewiegriffin  I acn neetargau yuo htis Q aws nttirwe by smoe scaitisd PDh ermineax +18

 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by whoissaad(102)
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vaeelrS nmeas aer esud rfo dceunaetl CrhBbt,Rlyres—stoa bm,nsroltao dna tbeahloisgwm—lat eon onirm otviaarin in odrw ehT mnea rabmontlso saylaw rsreef to mra,nlo haltehy slcel atht rae hte diiemetma roercssrpu of l,mnrao tah,hley eutarm utc)eenla(a sRC.B hTe mnae bglsmoaalte lsyawa esferr to omlyanbrla oeeevldpd srrrucs.poe efntO the nmea asetlhtbrory si sdeu mnuylsyonsyo tiwh alo.brtnoms

romF all het gnsthi ehyt oclud test us n..o. ):

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abhishek021196  hmssosancmoiteotu-oeeshe/t-ipddpe.r//mnteefipsr/tmipiyddle/scici:il“PB tsOrtrlbRyeo”hr PPEoa or ntoroPmlsbrao (i)sirluhaiacBpRots blb mtlonsabro t(lMsarbcao ro yEalr blorstoman or crtrirooclietaybP)yhucm onslmobart amIdtee(ernit rOclnosatctimh borhor)moat bsonraomtl lbtom(Nsora or taLe smbalnorto ro lccmryeit eauRtuoetreytic)b tcchyiolo(Parm ryihroeyre)byit tmrtoRoem seEtehrscryoeryet cpeh eth adutinro fo ortriyehsespio fmor posothyrrlrbtea ot cterteoyhyr is -68 sdya e(eraavg 7 alPer.ttryrdohssa yob) to titeccRloyue = 4 ydas (1 dya rfo coyliuethcR eat)ec to ryttcyeoreh = 2 ot 4 sdya trycoceilet(u spensd 1-2 dsay in marwro dna staulcirce fro -21 dasy in eprlrpiaeh ldoob rbefeo triganum ot yyAo)tsce rthre eht clel uetarsm eth infwogllo opilhmrloagco agshcen eakt lacep sr oilygerp:esCllev ez:iS ;eescareDs uelucsN: eziS erdescse;a apy:tlCsom rSnhi;sk sapicoCtmyl bislahiaop eade;rssce ellC .:no taermu sclle neseiarc dan tulndecae clesl secadeer +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by daplatesofmetal(3)
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Wtah is ITOARTNNA si ggnoi no h!ere?

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