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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 61-year-old man comes to the emergency ...
Budd-Chiari syndrome ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: GI repeat

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sajaqua1(607)
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hi-duBrdiaC ndmroyse ucocrs henw hteer is looicnusc fo teh thiacep nvie ro het eicatph nvie aislf to rnadi toin hte .ICV siTh cna be deucsa yb oomtsishrb fo het eiahpct iv,en or by ithrg dsedi rheta eruailf sugi(anc dlobo ot 'kabc pu' veeyehr,ewr ubt tis antaofsmnitie rghhtuo hte phtiace nevi rae lal eht snigs fo uhCd-irBadi .dnyoemr)s ninAtygh taht anc isaeecnr eht kirs of ohrsbsotim cna htne ecesrain teh sirk of ida-ihdBurC esn.yromd Tsih sulidcne hyloyaiptecm rae,v a urcelbgaapyoehl saet.t Oru tiapent dna VP but mdsesi ihs aeppointnmt wto eewsk .ago eH now pseensrt iwht aerslcl itcuers, an readnelg r,ievl adn osme nisgs of arlpot htepenois.ryn mhsbTirsoo of eht oynl nomalaatci niopot rdeetnesp taht svreoc all of thsi si the epthiac vine ei rou netpati ahs d-iCdra.uBhi eeRebrmm taht aidruiC-dhB lliw veha a uteg"nm veil"r peaeacpanr no ssogr alpogt.hoy

B) iaceptH rhsis-irco s'it eytnreli bselospi rou ietpatn eods veha iatphec isrchoirs for edtrlenua senrsao, wvheore teh eactu nseto skema htsi elss i.elkly )C cPicaerant ca-oamnirc ratnpeicca iaaccmonr onsobcutitr fo eht mnmoco lieb cutd uodcl usaec a 'abck u'p fo le,bi altilutmey sacgiun eosm ilerv demaag dan claslre .tcrsuei eewrovH econ iaang eht giinmt akems htis eluklyn.i D) Ptlora veni -ohbsmitosr oplrat vein hootsrsmbi dlouc aecsu semo nspceil negalenretm and oltpar rypnsenet.oih Heowve,r tsi obrunicsott wlodu ton seauc a e,rndet alrdnege ierlv cbseeua ti is t.pasurem )E Priyarm shrtmamicsooe-oh ude ot a ftdece in nipechdi utondoicpr, stih nori vdroolea serspent ithw daenerdk kns,i iuilnsn o,idrunltigesa hapietc eamagd tihw( hte nptleiato rfo ltcerupleaolha cco)anamir nda etarh eissdae ti(etrvcresi ro tdedila aiyd,poomharcty pgnenedid no uory u.)rsoec The lyno eon fo tshee sigsn atth oru tpanite ash is an gederlan

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almondbreeze  AF 1920 gp 836 +
fatboyslim  stuJ ot ad,d eiahtcp ssiochrri lwil ehva a eshkunrn adn aruodnl elivr. +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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fodnu hist pesur sueulf kobo on amoanz tabuo BiadCudi-rh ehkc(c tou hte csik ec)rov

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llamastep1  ahTnk you ofr atth +
focus  hahahahaah. EDDA. +
anjum  I orsnede cgcliikn thta nlik +2
azibird  aahahHahaahh,ah ahts't a sutm .lccki mneeooS sleape yub it dna let em ok.wn +
chediakhigashi  aaahhhha +
aakb  I t'dno wnko tawh I asw cng.xip.tee. +
jaramaiha  Teh ulshes is earl D: +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—notadoctor(175)
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rnccdigoA to la,jnoG ilmoyptachey vera si oen of het mots nmcoom casesu fo -iurdBdiCha srndemoy. dcocnigrA ot F,A BChidi-daru is iacosedsat ermo lnleygaer ithw yueapbrgellhcoa teat,ss tolpieamchyy ra,ve poasprumtt ,attsse adn HC.C

icpetaH rshsircoi can be deulr otu based no eth etmi rosuce of het ntpiets'a netreaintpos - he asw enfi 2 esekw oag and teh bminlaado ipan adestrt an orhu a.go

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krewfoo99  oAsl in irrs,shico eht eivrl ntwo be ganeedrl ro dnrete no tnlipoaap +2
almondbreeze  9@wkoref9o dooG obj. ncacrgoi ot A1092F ,p3.g86 nesieoctvg rivel iaeessd goha,ypeaemtl( cita,sse icseav,r amdlniaob ipa,n iervl i)rflaiue eessm ot be the key in hdBuidaCri- DS +2

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