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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 54-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Supraspinatus ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: anatomy repeat

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submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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Teh omts nitmrptoa inths to eth qtiuonse ear as ,slwfolo iwth #2 ebing het mtos pfccei:is

1) eniattp epstrro npia iwht evoredha nomtio dan eoptsrr cnteuerrr eaerhvdo otmnoi durgni kw.or edhOvera iomotn nca eadmag eth iaapnusupsrst ulsecm due to tmipmngneie by eth mrni.oaoc

2) Pain is tswor hwit tienarnl nrotitoa fo hte dohlresu - htsi si oiectstnsn ithw hte igdfnsin fo eht nac-ptyem ts,et ihhwc cinistdae a nsuaatsupirsp i.njyru

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mousie  I was kigtninh ngola het iesln of arevohed mnotio - aeadmg to the maiocsbalru sbura ihwhc si ntebwee het anriomoc nda het sipnassurtuap ... oals tis het mots lymocmno einujdr otorrta ffuc m. os codlu eahv essdegu hist eno hrtgi +2
sympathetikey  nThaks ofr eth aleato.nxipn I saw cntgiarhsc ym adeh sa to hyw tish is rote,crc cisen saisnapuuptsr ylno eosd 15 degeers fo b,nuoaidtc tub you kmea a lto of snee.s +1
charcot_bouchard  KID TFW i cekdpi raziTpuse +46
ls3076  hwy oluwd yuinrj ot tunsiparsaups scaeu wesnksae ithw lrtinaen otaiortn t?ughho +9
targetusmle  eahy zco of htta i eidcpk uasclpuasibrs +3
maddy1994  ya the whelo utionseq ntpoedi ot rpispussauant t.b.u. lsta nile tannlier tniaootr amde em kpci acusarpulibss +3
darthskywalker306  I ewtn for rTi.ezsuap tTha herusldo ifoenlx nhtig asw a bgi init.adstocr Slliy em. +1
lowyield  asw oemsone pots sthi no one fo eth rheot ssqitnuoe baout .hl.dusoer. nda it rwkos tytrpe ogdo rof sthidm_oesode/s/i.ilw_egowleptlohsc/_tfot/'er ehts emos dioevs ni ,ti isht ipsecfic eno ofr the suneoitq is the erne estt +
psay1  91A0F2 .gp 483 +1
hookofhamate  for shtoe how tgo sendcouf w/ nirlneta tiaonort - mi trtpey suer tawh eht stla leni pnai( dan eksaensw wtih idanoctub, sep tiwh tanilnre i)totonar si drgienscib is the metyp can s,ett wcihh si albsciyla nloy rof uppnsssriuaat iujneirs seacube htta omitno fo rouy ram trpas eth spistruaauspn toennd taganis hte euhrsmu dahe nad sceusa pnia no(mseoe cerrotc em if im rwong lp)s ubt yae, i yonl ridegfu it tou sabueec i had ot od eht nootmi thiw my amr +
zasachwa  For anonye efuosdnc obuta wyh ntiSspaaurspu ncies it buacdst 1,0-5 adn hwy upy/FltEml anc test clautyal stest teh satrauipSpnsu sheer a ie: dovywa/tco1bvh=Uptb.?nwemk/w.tjccXwutysht/:uro +
zasachwa  laByasi,lc nl"eiantr iaottnor of hte arm seasecder eth feceft of hte dledito musecl on nubaocdti dna aslowl tloadsei nxeaaotinim fo the psitspnsuaura "lecums +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—skonys(58)
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I" od otn nwok owh I m.a I do tno knwo wyh I am r.eeh All I kown is troorat fcuf otanyam" ~ ehT Wrtrie fo isht xaEm rl)oybp(ba

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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igrnDu" rnghtets igtenst eht npaitte ahs pani nda ekwasens hwit dobc,tiaun tlulryiaapcr iwth itnuamsoelsu odseuhlr ranlinet tnotroia"

ihTs is a idetpsvcrie ayw of srciiengbd es'erN enegnmpimit gni,s cwhhi si a afi(yl)r sceiipcf aotirdnic of rhloesdu fcuf otnned mimpi;egentn het most nomlcyom neiidmpg dotnne of het oattorr ffcu bigen sripupsutsaan fo coeur.s

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thotcandy(131)
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haWt si eterh ttah reuls uto tdediol? hderveoa aodtbiunc si t;&5'1g os u'lnhdost ttha toipn emro wsodtar ?iodltde

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baja_blast  eotDldi olyn sdoe cdbatuino rfmo 51 to 90 edes.rge oS nto .deoevrah +1
donttrustmyanswers  tWhi ttha iolg,c sanuratssuipp lyno dseo udntciboa ofmr 150- +10
rina  teh viitpeos mtyep nac tset is eth etbggis hgtin ap"ni dna sksewnae whit adou,bctin plryatcurila itwh uomntilesusa elsudhro leintnar tar"ooitn - thta lstel you it hsa ot eb noe fo the ISTS ssuecml su,suspri(tnaap ainaftn,rspusi eters moirn, ,puaslusrc)bias ton hte doitd.le rnesenedts in hte tgrhi dldteio ngoire llste uyo its' het ainsasusprupt ihcwh si rhtig ruatneendh eth doedlit elcums +2

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