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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man comes to the office for ...
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submitted by thepacksurvives(21)
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I htkin isht one ash ot do htwi aetl" pnuidmg nde-s"-yomr ,ialcaybls ysrctha osdfo seacu ymhrglcyipeae --&;tg eeealsr fo nsuniil ;--g&t lecotceaminha grsue tg&--; aari,hedr ce.t

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merpaperple  ts'I ont lnaceiresys elta ugidmpn d,nsmoery isth is het rtydeia nldueiige orf reyal udpnigm syrdonme .too esadB on apeToUDt and DcccetieeSrin hits is owh it wbe:skrtnsAo ro ilucnnotsfday yrolicp crtephins g;-t & oofd is iyadlpr medtiep form het hasmcto otni the lamsl el;wb t&g-o nporityehc niuolost orfsm ni eht umun&j;j-tg e idarp fidul htsfis mrof het alapms tion eth letw-og;&b itshnponeoy nda SSN repeossn e.g( iclokcy diamaobnl ip,an aeir,ardh ueana,s acpdaa)ymhe Sclriti ecbhtarrodasy rea omer ehot,pynrci I nk. tihoeoydie/d-/-esg-iti.tthdrpdstwnmitc.inreeoaee/sc/indn:msd/ciymcpcwcnwrmutsnp +5
j44n  ractsesh era mxcolep =abcsr mero ahtn 2-3 asgur umsolcele, fi teyh vhea gumindp mnoyersd yhte eahv dredcease scitgar atintrs =meit rome duetnsiedg abscr ear deevidrle ot eht tneeisinst nad ttha gvesi ouy orem sarbc rof beatcria to bkrae onwd (ltenfuacle nad mocoits adeiha)rr +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by beeip(141)
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uThohtg tish luodw eb oegmnshit narigdegr r"ibicraat esryur",g btu ne,po ujst on" ycthasr sd,ofo buesace reuy'o ."ecrita-pibed

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hello  e,pY meess hatt asbuece het ettipna hsa pseetb,direa he lsdhou idvoa taegin vecessexi hrtacys s.fdoo +
yotsubato  scuh a BS noiqtsue IOM +7
yotsubato  chus a BS teinosqu MIO +
breis  I utp ntus ghiktnin of s"fa"t dna tath htiw a trricaaib ugerysr they may hvea smrlepbo with .siptarbnoo. +6
teetime  siTh 'tnis trhig ebecsau het itacabrri usegryr lwil ruce eht sebdtaepre.i sIt' dpimgun. +2
dr_jan_itor  hyW usohld eh ivoda gainte seivsecex rytahsc ?sdofo To voiad igngain teh?gwi It sdneto' rmetat htwa anosutrrctimen eh tesa if tyhe ear criaole .ortllocden +2
dhkahat  haey utb esh' areeitcpdib. ouy twna eoeonsm liek ttha to vsoeh a hnbcu of thscra dnow lal eth mei?t +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by strugglebus(189)
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I ahd utp c"ratss"he c/b pts tath uegdron tiiabrrca rygsrue ear onyl epdsspou ot tae ocmlxep abcsr leg)s(vtariebe/tsuf dna iadov seiplm asrcb erkstabaf /rakdelceabe ogs)od

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brise  tesrac"Sh cuhs sa dreif ts,potoea reci dan patsa yma amek oyu elfe tblaedo ro ygass and aym tno be llwe ato"dter.el +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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n,dam i wsa yaw .off i tpu genre ylfea eeaslgvbte intkhing het dnceisrea oaeflt octnent nca seacu alibacret rvrgoeoht.w ettpry reus i had a urldwo eioqutsn hatt asid hmstngoie ilek .ttha

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bgreen27  I wsa nkigniht teh emas hI!igt n wsa tkinghin hte same g RGntYihB! (a ptye fo sgacitr sbys)ap cna eaucs amlsl nistitelan lbeaatrci growrethvo (O)SBI deersncia hotwrg ni het dblin ocphu ge nemts. BSOI rsletsu ni ceeinydifc fo omts ivaitnms 2B(,1 ,A D, nda )E and io,rn UBT erncsdeia oucnidrtop of ciolf daci dna mivtani K. doU-lrw +1
bfinard1  ynA aide wyh shit tins eth ce?as +

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by garima(21)
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sucBaee of eht tcrhysa traenu of dbrae, reci, dan s,paat ftaer uryo guyrrs,e yteh nca rmof a paste in oury attrho atth is arhd to wowlsal iotuthw ql.duii In mseo c,ssea teyh nca cobkl hte a,sotm teh loeh to the cpohu tath si ryuo new shtoamc. Yuo dot’n vahe to lmeetolypc erecjt sehte h-hgitrhasc sdof,o tbu i’st ebst ot idova hetm in hte hnWe uoy od aet t,emh try to eavh ryev lmlsa osipnotr nad amke ruse taht yuo noly eat lamsl bsite of ecah.

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by humble_station(85)
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I hitkn ti hsa to do htwi teh uyr.gesr eitGntg a giatsrc pbasys or ibiractra esugyrr nsmae ouy on nolrge ilwgalon esnnottc to ssap touhghr het .endumudo oS hatt oldwu eanm if uyo dha a hrtacsy aeml uyo lwudo ton be abel to ersleae eht peaorppirat esmezyn romf hte rcsepnaa to lwalo ofr isn.dieogt

lasPee rocectr em fi m'I ro!ngw

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