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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 3/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man with ulcerative colitis ...
Discuss treatment options and a referral for a detoxification program ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by macroorchidism(7)
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The yaw I oetainlzidra siht noe aws kiel t s1h)i: eH wsa eralday atu'gc'h os oyu nac iiamlntee nya aesnwr ohiecc tath elsad tiwh teh nndlgahi fo eth awl, sa atht iwll eb dhnadel yb het dhirt tarpy aE2p)C)( &m; cehiCo D sola nca be itandmelie uebsaec uoy never twna to nihcts ot het tanr,eps aislpeecyl cesin eh si a wnogr ass nam (he is revo 18 nda his sentpra avhe nnihgto ot od hwti imh nwo P P)hAec/MCeicylio)I3ldHa B si lasibcyla rengrefir mih ot orthaen ctrdoo and omcse ffo sa sepaivs erigvsgaes tPry(te ures turts sisuse dsne'ot tsop yoru intglaoibo ot ehlp apetnsti wenh crnengconi )NwE4oMBN) uoeyr' felt hitw A or .F F si tsloam kiel pnumgij to a etteamtrn intopo iohtwut nay n's'tonec or ussnsiidoc to see tsh'aw rlleya gigno on wiht teh topsteia.n.. n)5o. obAve all lees wneh iegadln wtih hctie tossqunei 99% of hmte uerireq eth nwsare ttha is eht smto ,htaeimepct edeela,-dvhel dan ennbeltveo. ysialalcB iwhhc warsne ustkc uory lait eebetwn royu leg adn akems yuo e"hT ftrceep od"rcto

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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keiL aehrtno omocmn ,tsadte ,ED,,CB are orwng ghtri ffo eth tab. A ssya SSSICUD tetmnaetr and e.errarfl stI' not eth smae sa igsnya freer ot c.te veEn if rlrfaere trewh uoy off, 'tdon ouy tnkih t'is rnamoptti ot kas het apeintt hwy hes' gndio wtah he is and fi he santw ot ean/ghc or kwno eht lgno trem fctfees hetarr hatn tsgtiahr pu asygin h"r,ee ekta emso .aeehtmdon tl'li hlep you i.u"tq wtha lwuod uoy wtna ni this iattspne o?essh seonoem ot lpeh oyu ghrhuto eth ottaiiuns pset by spet m(sto oy)baalrbp

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submitted by โˆ—justanotherimg(6)
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eW aer ytlacntnso taghut e'nevr f,rree verne fe'rer !!! but nhet nbem thorsw eqsu liek siht .neo I aveh no luec owh ot warnes shciet neoarmy (:

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