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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 3/Question#32 (reveal difficulty score)
X-Ray of a newborn shows ribs associated with ...
Expression of a HOX gene normally expressed only caudal to C-7 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by regents(6)
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s,tFir I adrnseoe thta OHX geens dcoe fro toanrtpicnirs rtscaof dedene udrnig gnemsbeyrisoe (A1209,F .98p.)5

tx,eN rclcieva irsb aer .nmalobra Teh ribs are eppdusos to atstr ta het txhora. S,o HXO (edndee rfo rgignow hntsgi dgruni rineseomysbeg) duolsh eb pexeedrss ta eth aritchco elelv ie( ucaadl ot ravcleci ele)vl.

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okokok1  ot dad ntoo elcivacr isbr bgnie mon,aarlb eyht ear unfdo to eb eon fo eth escuas of cihacotr ttoelu no.sedrym +2
kcyanide101  i am lislt edsfcnuo oerv shti .snarew leaePs eoenosm osuhdl hlpe htiw a cgfnliyrai iaeaxtnop.ln Wtah maske esxeoreviropsn fo a XOH eeng lomnryal epsexdsre 7C- g?w?nro? +
drdoom  kdn101yai@e:c roYu eviaclcr abretreve hdoslu TON hvae rsbi! The( neck rbrvaltee dsbieo aer yamrlnol ssrb!“)”lei ehT rtohwg of sbri (as well sa hreto tes”g“smen of eht o)byd si eogdernv yb a reyv esipalc mlfaiy fo gense kwnno as teh OHX sngee. hTe XHO eegn elsorpinbse ofr rib hrwogt uhodls lony gte xeserpsde “w”)r(ok TFERA .7C ,fI fro msoe dweri ,seaonr it egst nuretd on ni teh enevelmdotp fo eth ken,c you lliw gte nhsitg oirgwng rehew yeth o’hdnutsl !be +3
drdoom  If yuo leyalr anwt ot heav ruoy rhai olnbw cbak, hkecc uto oesm msgiae orf u“mttan HOX essin”rpoex: rntc/imsos;w/ebhxe:x=tamipmthe+cnwo/op?re&agsous+gch=oslm.tq.tphwa oE!yjn -;) +

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submitted by an1(114)
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I saw os otsl nehw I swa tBu I wsa able to aekrb ti ondw dan efugir out tsahw' pn.hagnpie

XOH is rtasrntoincip frmo edHa n)i(rlaac t—;g& Toe dacau()l

I hitkn of this as “BOH is xSe mrof adHe to :o”eT HBO whsos heva a lot fo dityun nda awht tno, eht esx slhep me hnitk of HOb + eXs = ;XHO it's rfo anmereratgn rfom teh ehad to het oet.

enO of teh vlcecair ash oecmeb a acthiorc klginoo So ew veha cearldpe a raaclni nmgstee i)crcveal( itwh gtsionhme srcoel ot the eetf/ daclua chi(aroct)

oS eht Hox egne at hte otp is epsrinesgx aludac fion ehwn ti ouhlds eb ialracn at C7

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drdoom  ailsslnyte,e tshi stiqueno is necdrsibig a tiausiont rhwee eht “agoenr se”gen tgo trunde on ni het ellywo reaa +
drdoom  ,ho 'sit ton atht teh” oHx gn”ee si sgipxersne het rgwno ifon, yb teh way; tsi’ atth hte OWNGR xoH nege si enibg rdspexees. hiTs can phnepa wneh teh idptwyle oxH geen cv(lrceai aae)r is tudmtea nda os eth iohatcrc xoH ngee as“kte er”ov -- eenv oguthh bsinmitoralae appnh,e hsit ismcneahm certtops eht yobd ormf iignsms na rneeti mstenge “eeb(ttr to tpu het ngwor gtihn heert nhta nihngto at !)ll”a +
an1  ddmo@ro woh do ew kwon isht soiqtnue aws ilktnga tubao OHX repgsisxen eth gronw fnoi vs OXH geibn wnorg e?fislt Sncei lal hte eohtr gemnstes rea amsudes ot be d'toulnw tyeh eb eedfftac oot if HXO was onrgw lal anroud? +
drdoom  eeBscau OHX enges odence itirtnsncopar f.ocatsr Eahc OXH ttnnrroaiipsc ct,aofr ni ,tunr onsgvre nmya hoetr seegn nus(rt on e,mos srsspeere )srohte hhiwc rdicte enteedmovpl of a e.mgsnet st’I nyueikll a seingl noattium in a XOH eeng ”pfl“is it rmof egdiincrt rvclecia vdmeotpenel ot rcitiegnd iaccthro lpedvtnemoe. I'st emor yelkil ttha ecilvarc XOH ft macebe foiynncstulad oss(L“ fo icFonut”n )toaiunm,t hwhic sterusl ni oratichc XHO tf ot “keta ”re.vo +1
drdoom  ,hO I uhodls veha ditnonm:ee ehca HOX box is a trepresfatnfid/eea gee.n I'st otn lal eno 'Its a fylaim of enesg so a ntimatou ni neo llwi eb nentiddpene of teh e.tsohr +

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