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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#3 (reveal difficulty score)
A 34-year-old man who is a potter has burned ...
Syringomyelia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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epaC leik dtbtsouiiinr fo ssol of npai nda aerrtuptmee eonnaisst in eht 4C ot T1 dmeatseortam is gsnacils fro eis.amgynoryli

Nteo taht chtou oinetassn inf(e o,hctu nob,iiavrt c)te si seeerrpdv due ot het lakc fo etngdnoeeari in eht C.MLD

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underd0g  Hwo owdlu we ceeduxl S?LA +1
regents  ASL has upryel rmoto .igfndins Teh ctaf atht ihst ietatnp hsa ysneosr isfngdni (ei eerdeascd inpa dan e)mtp letsl ouy ttah tis nto AL.S 2A9F01 .8p15 +2
agraham416  I othhgut nimyoyrgSeila ylon fcfeast eht polhaiamncits ,ttacr smmiopogcnri ipan nda pt.em hWy ldwou oyu evha lcsume yrotpha dna aclk of ?TDRs I saawyl cetdoisaas sehot htwi semo tros fo mtroo ptenm,oocn heecn yhw I dpikce 12B dinfcyicee (ubtaSuec nibemodC )teDgeon.irnae rySor if hsti si a umdb eqotusni ubt ihts coipt fecusson me. +1
kcyanide101 ,DCS atecsff tbu the esropoirt olnscmu nad erlaatl C.ST sA schu hte ro oludw vhae ieenstmfda with osls of ohstom ctoh,u tvibiaonr nda pncprpeooritoi, as well as oomrt o.msymspt tI is hrytow ot nto ahtt hte nrsyxi dpsxena rmof het tr,ecne gthri eherw het TTS sscore.s As hcus ti afctfse hmet iy,ililtna as it pdexnas ti acn neht leaenlvuyt ehcar the lratlea CTS and aym eenv erhac the rsadlo uclmno ni raer aces . +

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