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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 4/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
5 to girl is brough to physician because of ...
2 of 3 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: genetics

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submitted by โˆ—motherhen(69)
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gtnraaKree ,denrmoys an toamsauol veesircse ailyirc di.rosedr tsPnrsee hiwt idrat fo chcnori ,snusiitsi iohssrbcaencti adn stisu ss.urvnei

cneSi eht brothre is wnokn to be pnhotaylilpcye l,aornm he cna erthei eb AA, Aa or aA. hu,Ts ehter is a 23/ eahccn si a reircr.a

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stefanmil  naC oyu alniepx owh si hist a?egnetrrKa It td'idn come to ym midn at lla /: santkh +
kcd0321  I httoghu ti saw csitCy sisirfo:b cohricn hucog htwi "th"cki ergen ,tmusup spmcar ni hte endabom irp(nlsotoamba ssiues uecaseb of tacrpicean eyfficusnicin ,a)mbey dna hent het feneutrq priayertosr eto.nfcsnii Ist lsao AR so het amse lpcnpiier fo ,AA ,Aa or a,A os eh has a 3/2 heaccn of being a ecriar.r +8
srmtn  it'ns aA or aA het ames ni mrset fo gte?ooteyshziry I tothugh oabtu taht dna put /21 :/ +
chj7  sr@tnm They ntesperre otw enfdftrie :seetnv tgntige het d"b"a eallel frmo the mmo RO the dda. sT,uh yeht iudlaniivldy obntietcur to eth rsik of bgnei a e.riracr +

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submitted by geekymle(11)
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atwh i notd adenrdnsut fo isht osentiuq si atth hwy si icytcs birsofsi guiansc dtpnrlhyfeeia ngl?us

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spartanmd  I beeelvi eth seraeddec alacnrece of opaisyetrrr cretnosei iagsncu tlifuifdyc ot eaxhel dan ari napi.tgpr Ccrnioh ira rnpitgpa uceass aiinyhpltroenf of the lugsn nda lbbiungc of the hands. +

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submitted by โˆ—beltorres23(10)
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tsriSe sha Cytics irssoiFb (R,)A rrhoetb si at""hyhel sode ont ehav tcsiCy fsrobiis, btu sah h.matsa scBauee he is h"e"halty eh odse ton hvae icstcy sfiribos t;g&- so he si eeihrt a arcrrei (3)2/ ro a onn aricerr 3(/1.)

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