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NBME 18 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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toendlihEn T(E,-1) a tpneot riontarocstvsoc peiepdt orfm scalrvau thleaonleid slecl, is asol isshneeztyd nad deeestcr yb sdtocecamyrioy nda undsice hehryotrppy fo redtoaysioyccm rhghtuo tatvginaic pospihspeolha C, erntiop kesian C, excltlarauerl gauetlansi-lerdg ekians ()KER 1 adn RE2,K dna irotelungpua fo scFo- nad cnJu.-


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motherhen  si iths pesru uot fo flte ledfi or ma I udpsoeps ot knwo sith +18
ab721  r@onhmheet I to'nd know if hist is etcrc,or utb I eyplsralon tdrei ot aoensr ihts eno .otu If tohhryrypep si ruocrcgni, moer msseceorra era daedd cihhw msena emro snmo.aybiet- protHryehyp salo aenms hte lecl is donig rmeo r,owk os a nsitrconitapr crfota si kelyli ot eb .adeptruguel mroF ehte,r eth nloy iptnoo itwh hotb of tsoeh nsieadrec adh dotenhenil credniaes as wlle, ughhto lrncaue yhw thsat' srcaeyslien .inaeerscd +14
motherhen  ngiseu +1
yerpderp  uLod S2 mdea em thkin fo ypmlanrou oynsphienter hihwc wuodl avhe an ncri dnloetienh +2
geekymle  ttah lduo s2 asw omfr esmysict yhorte.pnensi +1
utap2001  iystcesm osneeinrphty -&;gt ednuic VL hoherpptyry &;tg- iduecn plyuoanrm ytnhieponers t&g-; dntehneoil raeneic,s lpus ludo S2 dan S4 apllgo +1
jdc_md  awtns rsue batuo donnhtleei but i nwek osf nda unj erwe 'fst and i ekwn it saw Nt-H-T&g; ennotirccc yephprytrho os uoy need meor 'fts ot egt the thare rebgig aols fi the hraet is bieggr omre monyis vyaeh achni os atht loyn sveeal iteohlndne sa edaeircsn as nrwaes A +1

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