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NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
During a study of the regulation of ...
F (cell diagram) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: cell_bio cell_transport cell_trafficking

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submitted by azibird(279)
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ihTs si eth tosm yrloop wadnr lelc diaramg. I ees roez is,rebmoso os I gifdrue F swa eht omhost pincsamldeo crlutemu.i eHwvro,e nwo I nac ese tath teh udrvce rlngeleao is het oglgi aasurptap and F tsum ernesrpte het lweho copdsiemanl .icemtrluu

I veelbie slampa mbeamenr eointrps ear ndytseehszi ni hte ugohr cnalimepods emrlucut.i

20F0A2 g4 uhoRp6 ceildaspmno tetiScimlu eur fo snysthsie of tseoryrce peeo)rx(dt ipsroetn adn fo d-eikNln ldecaagsoohciri doiintda to llmaosyos nad teorh tnoire.sp

rFee dusbotec—omaahrnseti ot nya nbme;mrea stie fo itseshyns fo tiyclosco, smooepia,xlr adn tronicomalhdi eipr.nsot

ooSthm nelaocdismp ruc eeuStmliit of dsretio sehstysni nad ciatdtniioofex of dsugr dan .pioossn asckL seaurfc rb.seoisom Liontaco fo o-psuohhsg6atseel-pac s(alt ptse of yoglceisys)n.log

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nbmeanswersownersucks  I swa denur het presoniims thta tlatonasinr of brearnentmams notisepr nbsegi hiwt esrbsmioo in het lsmoyptca atth tehn oretstnaalc to eht ruhgo RE once hte salign esuqcnee si cehdare by teh reoo?msib e..i laclnectyih naorsniatlt gsienb in hte stpayolcm tbu hissenif in eth hougr RE. mA I rwnog ouatb a?tth +5
nbmeanswersownersucks  It aws LOWUDR 5446 baout iiunlsn tnorai.talsn yThe tatse atth hte iarnottsnal si atentdiii in hte mpscatoyl hnte elrecsota to het RER /(td eht agnlsi csn)eqeeu adn si ineihsfd ther.e So is heetr a ncefiedfer in laitsnnraot epsts ofr ieosnrpt hatt era etcdxeer klie niiluns and emnembanartsr epnsrti?o +2
nsinghey  eS,am I am tno ersu uotab hsti. yM bset ssegu is thta ncies iniunls is ont a niufcntaol eit,onpr it is otn deehityznss in eht RER n(vee tuhhgo ti it edxrecte rofm teh )ellc. ualcAt pitorsne are amed ni hte RER +2
kevster123  I jsut put F uscae ti idas rtemabasremnn monaisd dna I wkon eht ogruh RE otg a otl of bllas on it ahtt ltnraseta it rotuhhg and ot trselatna tohhrgu eht llsba ruoye' nasgpsi rhoghut snm.bmeera +
drdoom  srenmweswo@usnsrnbeakc nneysh@ig et l.a Tehre si tevenxsie usidsicnos fo shti on an MNBE 24 eahdr.t isTh kiln lliw eakt you ot eht emcnostm jtsu( t'ndo llcors pu to ipols hte arswne fro u:sryefol!) m#emwam23on1nt/ptssbn/m/9h.s3eba//re4c99:xe7 +
drdoom  oal,s itsh rtdaeh mfor EBNM 21 dsscuises lelc ptoartrns orme ngelyelra a(mes grainwsn !yplap 'tdno clolrs :p)!u en41tbobamnte#p/m//m2s/s7m:rsn7cae2e2xw5.h/ +
brise  Teh eunisotq si nyaigs eehwr is it aliitliny ?ecdupdro tI is decuopdr in eht ER,R eroertehf F. otN nsigak erewh is't troonpduci at-ssrt ikgnas wreeh si ti opecdrud .tce +3
chj7  I'm nto rsue fi tihs si ahwt hte eoutinsq aws ntigyr to ksa utb hcyteclnila het pdpetyie"p"ol is lyliiiatn snqecdeue ni hte ;ooslcyt cneo hte rlN-mainte slniga qceneesu is te,hydszeins RPS crnosatsalte omieosbsr to eht ErR hewer rnoltanaits ecctumoolsit/nnseep dna eht t"ep"rnio is oeerffddlm/do ni rER. I( leki WU 75s#7' dmrgaia no o htisS) if hyet uylrt eamn reweh eht preoursrc nei"r"top is lliaiiytn ormfd,e rER is ccru.teto rB ehonlsyt hte avbeo is a ywa too oexmpcl ofrm of khntinig that I feel owuld TNO pleh no eth tluaca maex nad omts eylilk ratsys waya ofmr teh earilngn ebjticove of hits sonetq;iu meor ilyelk het isutenqo rewtsir ewer igrtyn ot iuinigstsdh wtb itnsepro enasocttlrda to teh ErR ermeanb(m ,otipsnre oerecsytr ntiepos,r ollEGg/sRoiolays/m )npsitroe v.s oetsrinp ttah era ndizseeshty by free sbsioomer /ueylsoltsn(olcooc roepsnit, paxo/lesriom oems limthordacion o.niesrp)t +1


+2/- drdoom(1206)

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by jbrito718(48)
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arAe eaA=l:delb =mona otidBihcr go =liGC llCe ess/avrc nuDo=L= loayEbmsmoeemes yamolCtps ro efer soeRoisbm )v Ftisb=e(cjeu hg]uo[R mEsianocpdl eRmitulcu

suPocerrr nptreoi owudl be gocinm mofr ansritaolnt of RAmN whhci dwoul hppena in eth horgu ER

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