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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 3/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 26-year-old woman comes to a busy ...
"Thank you for waiting. How can I help you today?" ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: ethics repeat

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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A1F220 nTp6a7kh"2 eth itpanet orf ienbg nepiatt nda eooipzlag rof nya .ennicnevnicoe Stay ayaw omrf sfftore ot lxeaipn hte o.ayS le"d 'tis hrtoaen yugl FAi-onpcyg sQ

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ihTs is the alets fesofnive s.enropse

eiChco D is cnrocteir si bucaese oahuglth uetr DEs taergi asedb on evyter,is ilngetl het aettinp (liselpceya cisen s'seh a)gnyr sthi clduo efdfno reh by gssnetggiu eithr eranos rof teh ED svtii si osicderdne ont" "

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chaosawaits  yebaM Im' ragdnei into it too ucmh ubt I tohtguh a tocord woh ipzaols,goe etnh ayss k"tanh yuo rof wHo anc I lhpe yuo yd"toa cemos ffo ysrtngol isemsivsdi fo my .nsncrcoe I claatyul rreerdfpe eht cdorto woh asys "uOr tiaw mite sah hotnngi to od itwh "uniescanr cbaeeus ttah rcdoto at laste mtsatpet ot eesrrusa em ttah my srcocnne ear u.oddeunnf I efprer hte detrci doortc who sedsareds eht usies eerofb nivogm on hrraet ahnt teh toilep cdroot hwo eosd'nt latculay yas nngyitah fo ntp.cmieoar +4
cintia05  taw@scshaiao eM !!t!oo I lduwo heta to rhae at"nkh you for "ig,itwan it olduw let me reom ustpe +

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