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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the medical ...
Orthostatic hypotension ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by thisquestionsucks(9)
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hsTi unoqseti is kdnai hk.wca htigR ywaa, I udocl letl tsih wsa rdseidixneecuce- oelpas,cl ihhcw ansehpp rytetp feotn ot nu.esrnr I cpdiek manotcuoi tfdnniocyus eesbcua I nditd' relziae thta hist is idrenedsco an oca"irttsoht yeohosti.npn" tfAre a nglo car,e eunsnrr evah a cdeesedar VRS rfom lal of eth bodol owfl iongg to .elcusms cOen heyt stp,o dbool plo,os sdt'eon teg kcba ot teh ol donleo and heyt lcela.spo But sff I lslit d'ndit ikpc satosoihrst scbeaeu I ihnkt fo lod poelp.e cFuk me

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step7777  Not to otnimen ttihcrstaoso ni eht sphoaitl imylp a duesnd eahgnc debas no tinpgo.nisoi iTsh epatint tdni'd og rmfo ngyli ndwo ot nadigstn lednyuds juts( itrtbe bc I laos cheso cotoaumni ftunsycn.doi +3
jbrito718  ilpaeyHomka uodlw eetnsrp wtih esmlcu ionumActo xdnsyf is a aederceds orpabrrceteo tsiiisnvtey so ew dowul ton see tiaprappoer retconorci iwth edevalte feet o(evr niyntococnt/ershirpeore dlwou eb sotocIni saneil wloud otn tcrrcoe ompaayitrne,h it ouwdl pboylrab akem it owser utindiol( f)efc.te IM luowd heva tfreinfde +2
faili7777  7jb1@i8tor I nhitk oyu ruoetssnomddi hPgnopsolei.mtee ohw do ntoahram era ylaler ciptbulsese to ayaomni.herpt dnA het treetanmt for yihomntparea is lirtaelyl 0%'9. isenal' secaube it si s.oocitni So its' dseu ot ettar 'maeropitnyha' +2
stenebee  oals secoh aiotnomuc fucsndionty iesnc I hugttho itorttsohca siontpeynoh had ot eedrsmau ni a hucm orsth meit lartinev tnah 03 usitenm taarp klei shti ouistenq ectsdniia (80/55 at ,risft 0101/7 tyithr eimsnut fetar egl selvlntoeiiaa/en uisofn).in yM arinb wsa tignikhn het etpera ateenrsemum duwlo dnee ot eb wnitih -15 misn orf it to be orstotcahti oiepsnynt,ho ;& per PAFA thOaocttrs"i yishtononpe is iededfn as a cadseere in osclytis bldoo srespeur fo 02 mm Hg or a daecsere in aitslcdoi blood preuerss of 01 mm Hg wthini rehet untisem fo nindgtas hnwe mdpcearo iwht odlbo serruesp romf teh ttignis or enipsu oi.ontp"si hhuhg hh ): +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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I ugfedd nda tewn wtih cotomnaiu utcnfsdonyi - TBU oyu cna inaieletm sthi option ebauecs het sdbyo' esonsepr ot hre miohelpycvo tstae is tyaxcle sa it dholsu eb eiscnd(rea RH ude to dsedcerae eobrrropcate tr)htes.c There si no sondfiuycnt

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submitted by โˆ—mamast16(4)
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hToug teousiqn utb .9%0 linsae is otsoinci dan ornlalmy uesd for moulev liproente si hwo I got ti

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—b1ackcoffee(115)
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fscondeu wyh sthi si not uitocnamo tonyncdsiuf ro amhyiteonapr edu ot agestniw dna why si htis ttrachstooi iohsenp?noty

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mdmofongo  Tsih eno si rytkci nad emco sownd to oiochnsg eth beโ€œsโ€t I acn see hyw oyu erew fnusoed.c Howvree od toen htta ni na mnoaitouc tcudonnyisf yuo lliw vnere spnetre rthydaaccia sa hits tintepa .seod I essgu teh yke eher is sigeen how her BP nileozsmra oecn hse is ianylg wdno? Syo,rr htsi eon si a idkna uluasun anesitertnop fo otthOcrstia yoh.p +
mamed  toN rues if hist is ctrceor iknginth btu owh I gto iths rhgit :wsa 1. ehS is ipc lvy2hmoeo. klyeLi rnieanigt tlsa os artew wsoflol HD(A or sutj eraln cnsaydmi ni n)aergl.e hisT si ohw I urdle uor okmaiyhlpea nad tai.e ypo3hnmar fI she si rnhyapetomci /cb wnsigtae tnhe wyh wul'dnto hse osla eb ?ahypmeikclo os othb heav to nwrog ubeesac tobh ca'tn be 4ih. rtg lmuoVe optdlneei ;=t&=g ohtitaotrcs yhposoinetn +2
blah  I othguth ahtt octhtasriot nhsotpnyeio was mero fo a oihrcnc ioido,cntn but I foelod lsyfme oitn lgeibinev taht. +1
cbreland  I ymotpeclle erda eorv eth iiianlt BP taureenmsme nad dkciep eht rnwgo wrsena sloyt(m cb/ fo hta).t Ttse in 4 ayds tels teg !ti +4

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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eTh key si enhw erh sleg pu, pB nmlrao dna mospmsyt er.ef nI an,cttos Wenh ngasitdn n(uungirn,p) low Bp dan y.ncpoes And owL uvomle is lyrus het .stC M'IM tusj os d.wire vt"orecerstiep ourtesp g?"ha?enc

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1780)
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Tihs si a rcitky stqoien.u ehT eaorhtn igb pitno fo fuonisnco rhee is ttha eswta tyauacll asesuc a ochtroymsiep oelmvu shiT crscou usaebce the onetcnt of aewst si socpdmeo mprliyira fo taewr mroe os naht ihWt ahtt said, sit nlukliey tath isth pnaeitt will be mit.cnryphoea If aytninhg esh lwli eb yatrceehmnrpi.

Bylli- nibuR

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