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NBME Step 2 CK Form 6 Answers

step2ck_form6/Block 1/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Decreased androgens ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: repro

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submitted by โˆ—carolebaskin(109)
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eArgnosdn aer soinbseerlp orf dbiloi in both eessx!

,Also c'tan eb seeortgn ecsbuae 'teerhy no HRT nad ngavia is tisom adn uedtra,g gidtniicna uaaetdqe onegetsr

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jlbae  gens"Anord rae eilonrebpss rof blidio in hotb x"i!Thss ees si wyh uyo acn iveg reotsseenott fro raasluo serdodrsi +4
drdoom  sโ€™heTer a grtea sTih Araimnec efLi .ep all btoua tshi +2
daisy19  mA I hte ynlo eno how got isht rowng caeeusb fo eht blinrceyid poro ?grarmam hhWci" fo het lloongwif is eth smot lkiley scuae fo stehe d?g"inifsn hlyileTcacn iaegsk,pn hyte were juts ncgssisuid the PE hhicw hsdewo a toims, llwe tarduge vgana.i So I dmesasu tyhe eantdw to okwn hawt asw isgaucn .hatt +2
mariame  heT nrtomstiaiinad of alor essnroteg rtcyilaaladm esenrcsia hiectap idoprcotun fo exs grhomdinbo-nein onglibul BSG(H) dna ot a relses edgeer tgsioldiicon-nrb gliuobln B(GC) 5).( heeTs dnibgin ulbnlgio gsehacn rfuther dcreeu reef dna bbaaivloleia e.setonttoser - s0eitlxtlot:0.8f-wct0egrt22)1ra8sl0ep2wt/9/rtw-f/026(u5t2e/.r/hS +

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submitted by โˆ—step_prep7(71)
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  • sOeariv tno olny uecdopr sso,neegrt but sloa cporeud ngorsenad htta play a tnlrace erol ni oidbli go(amn rteho tsig)nh


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submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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htis oen is gothu ubt itsh si hawt I ma .nngitikh f I ouy leoos rouy isaerOv uyo esool oruy aojrm oescur fo eoe.nrtsg eOcn ryuo clrepea that ro,laly you ilwl vahe essecx esnetrog gfilaont in the oyd.b ttha will go tshu ownd ryou AHP sxa,i so uory eohrt oedsnangr liwl nwo eb dareecsde -tg-;& wol dloiib

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lindasmith462  pre UT:D aO"lr gsnorseet laso inraeecs xse md-ionoernbnhgi bllugion ()SHBG oerm nhat etrdrlmaasn rretipapas,no hchiw rutslse in rolew erfe notrtseetsoe nsnotnr.coctaei sThi ocudl yloehritactel ulerst ni a ngveeiat aptcim no ilbdio dan ulexas cuinntfo, utb isth sha ton been poevrn" +1
lindasmith462  ysror ofr eht uebodl tmmocne - os in ddionita to teh rola egesstron dan teh ceeaddrse toteteesnors rtudcpnooi form a BOS - tehes sedaresec ni arngonsed rae not ityseotncnls dleeatr ot rdsecdaee oidibl. Ovarell ndngerao ronmohe seellv dan ededsearc bidloi in wonem ehva on ro kawe saitncasosoi ni eth terucnr ritla.ereut trtmeetna ihwt ngesoadnr sah ahd moes srnogpimi rslsteu utb hsa ton eneb n.stiesoctn So hits stet sqneouti t'nis ognwr tbu it ntis thigr .etireh gLon tryso trsho the aatd on tish si tntyioselsnc sci,ntontiesn glicinudn on eth clgyshicopo toscfar tmaicpngi loibid pots OTB/HAS +1
passplease  But ncta streoeng eb ecorvtden to n?stettosreoe +

And this is why one of the side effects of OCP is decreased libido!

+3/- qfever(67)

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submitted by sizario(2)
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ohw oemc shti 'ocuntdl eb sdcdaeeer ?HSF Dotsen' senrotge aveh itveenag kdfabeec on /LF?HSH

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adong  HLSHF/ nowlu'dt be eht esarwn to ywh erh olbdii is olw oth +

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