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NBME 25 Answers

nbme25/Block 1/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Mitochondrial crystalline 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yogurt-dimple(3)
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Am I c,zyra or sdeo eth uensqoti mest yplmi thta tish asw eerihtdin atpl?enylar

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raspberry-muffin  nI hist uenioqst onusds elik tiereinhd ltrlpyaaen , btu thsi eucslm ispbyo rcneodimf tdhoMniarclio e.iienchatrn cMsule :bpiosy ouormceiInshstytimhm ltyiylcpa sswoh gagedr rde s,beifr cwhih are acsude by rmuaslmsoc-ebal nad tiremblrfanlriioy- acniuuctaoml fo fceevdiet oimhtroancid ni elsmcus rct(oionhidma stnia )re.d aPbolrby htoMer ahs het amse iocnnotdi ot.o +
yogurt-dimple  co.Gath eah,Y eht rde reaggd eibfsr ptpdei em ffo to idnaotilocrmh oaypm,yht btu secbeua teh mste ilmidpe ltaranpe ,hcreietanin I iufdger reteh aws just aohnetr diseesa I dha ottefnrog atbou atht pssetern ithw mt.he +
drdoom  brs@ufamepfniy-rr 'Im ont vnonidc.ce It is glyihh ulelnkiy eth NBME dlwuo erwit tsih neotsqui and expetc yuo to "asemus" mmo sha ntidcoino ttwuoih nmakig any inonmte of mo.m uslP, it is smpily hlhgiy ibeborpmal atth ytyphaom is retpnes ni obht mom nad add le.ganei thaT messe ffo to em. +
drdoom  dlmritg,o-y@eup I ihtkn hsit a kye nile in hte p:aenaxntiol o“eHre,wv reeht are iadadtnoli ntautsimo atht faftce hodlacnmrtiio ANR atltsnrain,o nackgrfitfi adn introoapicnro fo etparroirsy ieotpnr lcpeem,oxs nda aiectnnmnae of teh niren hdmnilriaocot rnaeembm ahtt anc lsoa ldea ot ihicoomndtlar hp.amo”tyy +
drdoom  ,eYs ehty ,asy dMo"rhiniactlo iseesads are rstltciy dntereiih htourgh hte rheo"mt tbu tihs is ton a rocioandtihlm saieesd — tsih is a erdiidendrv"ohli"n–mnaoot-c lnmohtcaiorid amypyo;ht ye,s omiiarochtdn ear tffdecae ubt het uomtaitn si ni ticmoas u(ac)enlr eegns tath vrgone het tnminceanae of "tlahhey hoi"rdtai.cmon sTih is esubeac eth ioautmtn ceftfsa teh ufoiinaenpctoonrt/ fo rimdatoocinh ubt eht niotutma lsifet is in eth alnecur AND (ihchw oclntor tnoeshimg tbuao eht qyl"uita" of chmtadnoiori ubt twah yatxecl is nto tye no.wkn) +

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Tish qoenistu mgthi be ytirck eausceb eth omttniua fo rtenteis reeh si tdnerheii rmfo teh add ides (nlrpt)aae tub tefsafc eth iicah.ootrmnd

tTha ,si het auinmtot is ton a ttoniuam fo het nalrioomthdci D;AN it si of craelun DAN hwcih ftcsfae hlnimoatoirdc otuncinf adn lyituaq. h(eiscMmna n)nk.onuw

nI rethi niaxnlaopt,e eth EMNB sya,s “itnMahcoilord sesadeis are tirltcsy nehdeitri rghohtu het e”throm tbu that si ctcirero;n it uodwl eb emro rotcecr ofr meht to avhe sa:id icnlortidaohM ADN ntsutoaim are tisltycr eiiehrtnd rguhhot eht m.ohter

That s,i uoy nca vaeh rcltdaiinhmoo boprlesm tath omec ofmr yuor dad. ocidhtalroniM DAN uiott,msna no het ehotr dahn, eomc ynol rofm mom.

o,S eth esmt esrbiedcs a “odcnahmrtoili aesesdi” utb it si ont a mtionalicrodh iadesse deedivr ormf a nihiodralomct NDA im.tuano t

,esY hditmcanioor aer tcaedeff but teh tnoituma is ni raencul DNA tath enrvsog eht ecmaniannet of teaylhh" rdncaoh"ii.tom

isTh lnxsiaep ywh dda adn asd'd bhrreot swho the eams arxlmo“pi muecsl sseewakn fo het elowr”

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drdoom  rigynCaifl rf:tehru heT eisseda of rneistet si bteret seddcbrie as a "oonanci-dtminlhro eier–Nv"dDdA dnritmcolioah am.ythopy s'It a mfltuuo,h I k.wno es,Y rhacmntioodi era edfeaftc ubt the aottnmiu is in somtica lcnura)e( segen tath evogrn eth ontac/ioreneuintfaap/oitnncenm fo lethay"h ."dmhirntcaooi Tsih si hyw ti is ngebi thridneei gurhoth the add nad yet tfanesmsi ni hilrdinocmato uofnicdyns.t +

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