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NBME 25 Answers

nbme25/Block 1/Question#18 (reveal difficulty score)
A 35-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Mitochondrial crystalline 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yogurt-dimple(3)
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Am I ,zyrca ro dseo het nqeiotsu mset ilymp ahtt ihst asw ehitrdnei rel?pnaatly

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raspberry-muffin  nI hist inquoste nsduos keil erhniedti aplareltny , tbu ihst slcmeu piyosb eidcmnrof rloihadiotMcn hnnetcaier.i Mceuls y:opsbi ihresmnoittmmIschyuo ctlyyaipl wsohs agegdr erd ,risbef cwhih rea cuaeds by lssoe-abmlumacr adn riiblyeftnarl-mrio cuaanitmuolc fo etedcveif aimtdorichno in mucslse iinhatorod(cm itsna ).dre rPybalob oetMhr sah eht maes intconoid .oot +
yogurt-dimple  a.octGh h,eYa eth red rdgage sfrbei pdipet em fof ot raooimchnltid mt,hoyyap utb ebacesu het tsem pimidel lntpraae ceiennratih, I urfgide ethre was usjt teaohnr seadise I hda rtofonetg buaot tath retsesnp htwi .htme +
drdoom  sm@pfri-unrbreyfa m'I not nic.nveodc tI is iyhhlg kueynill teh NMEB lwodu irewt this nusqieto and eeptxc uyo ot ssmu"a"e omm sha iotdcionn wtuoiht kamign nay nmitnoe of om.m luP,s ti is ilmsyp yighlh lrmoabibep htat mhyptyoa si rnseetp ni obth mmo dan dda .gleaien tTha smsee ffo to me. +
drdoom  ul,egi-@otmrpdy I itknh itsh a kye ilne ni het peionaaxnt:l “eeworH,v eehrt rae dtolnaadii uatsmtnoi that ftfeac romhcilotidna RNA natilrsn,tao cfifntraigk and ticinonarpoor of sotaepyrrir itnroep pxeclm,seo and neamcnitnae fo teh neinr ictorimaolnhd emmraben that acn osla aeld to raiimohlcotdn .mahyyop”t +
drdoom  Yes, tyhe sa,y lMi"nootadirhc isssdeea rea tslryict teirnhied rghtohu eth orehm"t but htis is ont a nlicmhaorotid esseaid — hsti is a v–rdiotdolcdan"einimnreho-" aoiohmlcdritn moyt;phay yse, aroncimiodht are ftafedec but eht omuittna si in ctamosi cner()ula geens thta novrge hte aametcnnien fo he"taylh daco.nmiiht"or Tshi is esacbeu eht tmtunaio fatsfce teh otoonea/rpnnictuif fo idoamnorihct btu het uimnttoa seilft is ni hte clernua NAD (hhciw cnoltro metoihsgn abotu het "t"lyaiqu of dcitmaihnroo tbu tahw ylxctea is ton yet w)onn.k +

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Tshi qtsnouei hgtmi eb citykr usbecae hte otntamiu of trieesnt rehe is iineethrd mrfo het dda dsie nrtaep(al) tub aefstfc hte cnmaio.dtiohr

Ttah si, het utnmoati is tno a onmitatu fo the mcinrlaodtoih DNA; it si fo auenlcr DAN whihc tffcase rnicidmothoal cfionutn nad qiat.yul hanm(iseMc w)n.kounn

In ehirt plxat,innoae eth EMBN ,ssya “loihtanoicrMd asesesid rae itylsrtc erinhtedi htgouhr the erh”mto tbu tath is o;ictrcrne it wdoul eb moer orcctre rfo them to aveh :aisd iaoiMhnocltdr DAN iusmatnot are tclysrti ntedhriei hghurto eht rmeh.ot

tTha s,i yuo anc aevh riicantolhodm pmersobl ttah mcoe fmor yoru .dda ditoocliMharn DNA mtsanoti,u on eht hteor ,hnad meoc ylno omrf mom.

,oS eth mest ssdebriec a “thioilmncdroa dsseiea” but ti is otn a dnihioarctlmo aeiseds eeirddv fmro a imthdlraicono ADN ni.tmtao u

Yes, odnmairithoc rea ecfdaeft but eht noattmiu is in aculren AND atth vsngoer eht neicntamnae fo "hylthea thm."rdoiainco

This pnlasixe hwy add dan ad'sd treohbr ohsw hte msea lxariopm“ muselc ksseaenw of eht olewr eeste”rix.mti

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drdoom  igyiralnCf rft:hreu eTh isdease fo esrnteit is tetrbe bescdrdie as a lir-mnidnctoaoohn" iev–ArDNd"ed dmahtcrnlooii yohmpaty. t'sI a mlf,uothu I kn.wo seY, omhtiiadrcno rae cfdtfeea tbu eth uamointt is ni imaosct ncaer)lu( gnese ttah neovgr the ntaooi/ftirinupennaenoa/tmencc of hhyae"lt dai.onor"htcim ishT is wyh it si igneb rtdieihen thuoghr hte add adn tey masinsetf ni ntcaoridloihm ufn.sictondy +

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