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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old man who lives at sea level ...
Normoblasts 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by thomasalterman(181)
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A srlabotonm si na eumriatm RCB, so i'ts alveeetd ni setats fo rnaidcsee teioes.haposim

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sympathetikey  'tDon dimn e.m tJus isppin my mubd ass osad rove ere.h +76
someduck3  eTh tmer "tobl"sNomra in'st nvee ni ristf .adi +40
link981  EBNM eitsgtn yuor wdngkoele fo .ymynossn Haev ot konw 15 cdpiietvesr owrsd of eht aems itghn I +25
tinydoc  I hsiw hyte wudol otps aikngm it os reevy htroe oqsenuti I ownk eht newars dan I t'nca dfni ti ganmo eth sarenw iocchse aeecusb yeht iddecde to esu seom cimelad seshauurt no s.u +23
qball  ytmsecaeMetoyl = orPecrusr to seohnrptuil seihSa pdeogr = nmisitdeohciinn-ngoaer aecrmhopag aak rhtea freauli lcels +14
llamastep1  eeThrs a droWlU quetinos tuoab Prsvarivou 91B ttha nsmeotin igt"an soraol"tospmrnb ttah edlpeh me kaem hte ioctncnneo +10
fexx  I gto it htrig utb dlwou ti rhut htem to tpu ?RCBs Meiecdni is radh sa it is. oN eden ot kmae het exsam reom oaiep.cmtdlc I odbtu my tp si vere gniog to as me fi shi/ erh assrobotlnm are ioggn ot enaiersc fi ethy og kiihng ni het uoitmnsan +7
mdmikek89  nEev ni ouy tnid'd nkwo thwa boaNsmlort snme,a ti tcna eb any fo hte eohrt sEs.TTeawSnr N'KTIA ZLLKSI BSOR +
nerdstewiegriffin  I anc enrtuagae ouy thsi Q aws ntretwi yb smoe sicsdati DhP eneiamxr +18

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by whoissaad(102)
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eavrlSe smena ear sude for letuncaed hlyabBRrreCos,t—st btosnlar,mo nda amh—wtblstlioage eno omirn tnavriaio in rodw esnse. ehT emna ranlobomst yasawl freers ot aorm,ln hhaeylt clsle tath rae the etdmeimia ussroecrpr fo mnlao,r ahyl,eht rtmaeu cant)leea(u .sCBR heT enma metblaosgla swlaya refrse ot loynrlamba deedlvpoe fetnO eth neam lateroytrhbs si edus yunomolsnysy whti otaosb.mlnr

ormF all hte tinsgh thye uocdl tset us ...on :)

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abhishek021196  nsopcouia/triptleespii/m/epe-/fhiii-d/.od:nissecocmrhtystldmsetdeme “PB ohyrEotrlsb O”RertPaP ro rstlnbmrooPao llrs)(ioiucb aabtiRBphs nbtarlooms acro(blsMat or raEyl onbtlsamor or ryacmhoyPtur)cctieorlb i tonmsbraol mere(adtnItei osntahtmomi clrt)Ocrohbora soamnlbrto brs(atolNom ro eLta aooblsmtrn ro o cyRrebmeeutuleicta)icrtyt r(comcPtiayhlo ecy)ieyotmrsr ishytpcotehrm reEyyoehter Rbrreote eth utoirdan fo ohieosyrrtepis mrof ryttroberlapohs to orreyychtte is -86 adys earev(ag 7 aryh dettorya.o)rsbPsl to tcieuyRtolce = 4 asdy (1 yda rfo cecu )yictaotehRel ot tyeeorhytrc = 2 ot 4 sayd cout(eerciylt enpssd 12- sady ni wmrrao and elautscric rfo 12- sayd in reiprhplea dbloo refboe ungriatm to oc heAsyrytrt)e hte clle rutmase teh floinlwog ogoomrlilaphc esgcnha tkea apcel rslie:egysvel olrCp i:ezS sesr;eDaec luce:Nus Size essred;ace :Ctysoamlp nsS;kihr tciyalsmCpo ipslaiaohb ass;eecerd lCle :.on etmrau cslel ecrienas dan eanceudlt sclle deeerasc +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by daplatesofmetal(3)
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thWa si TOAIARTNN si iogng no ehr!?e

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