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NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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8gh@98 cesa"eBu teh ocsrtnoiutb is eoavb teh vreaalol irsgeon htere si a reedaces ni air fw,lo ton gunl lsevu,mo hiwhc udolw make this na otrtivseucb pgoalothy" si het msot lplfueh tni.nopalaex fI uyo nowk eth smto acibs pdgyfyheiisothooitilapno/n fo bstivetrcuo sv evtrrticsie chihw( I do, stju 'dnidt ni atth otms filsidpime ya),w tnhe uyo can urgefi nihnygat .tou fI estmoingh is cpnamgiti aywrai wflo = itvt,rbucseo fi soighmetn si iamgncpti iawyar uelovm = icer.rvsteti NHTAK UYO!

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burningmoon  owH tuoab a?pmseemhy waaryi meouvl dgcaenh utb 'tis tru.setiocvb +3
almondbreeze  i htnki PO taenm ot sya ttah hestgnimo NDESAICERG iyawra lveoum = vrrestieitc +3
jgraham3  I tnikh yhte name if mstgohien is gptcmiain LGNU uelvom i.e( iesxne)ppialcnoncoam/ = rcritwiAev asiyert rdoedsir &-g;-t .obs / ahcrelmynaP irodrdes g--t;& rseWit.h emeyasphm eth aayriw ploclases sbo(.) eforbe tyeh rea beal to xleeha lluyf uths het iar is papedtr +
dna_at  utsJ ot be larec, hits is ont a lslsccaia brsituoetvc nlug iseesad feanitfcg eht llsma rysia,wa as it is ovabe the iacnra aetc.(arh) Tshi is etrbte siliadsefc sa a exdif rppeu rwyaia s.ortnbuocit See hte lwof pool ehre fro "deifx iorstntu"obc - it emca pu ni IMED UlroWd so ebmay meiafilariz sufelyro hwit hte emgai inecs ti si ni!uueq 4.mcio:te//gtwdems/a/sempp.gr8w2h9w +4
notpennysboat  aa_nd,@t anc ouy aexnlpi het eonccpt fo het pupre aiawry tucbsoonsirt? Im' slilt yttper oncfused +

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submitted by xkno(5)
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I guoorvehhtt tsih neo igb icneS the sietuqon siad eht mass aws sepgrnis no teh tueodsi fo teh hatcar,e I iufedgr ttah igdrnu tsrii,onnipa /cb the shect ,nxdsape so mreo aec,sp so the mass ulwdo ehav ssle fcefet no eth haeratc as het ctshe daexpns dn(a ns,vecoyler dt'i ehva mreo fo an ceetff guindr aitrpionex sa teh tsech llwa ra.scr)tet yepAnlta,rp ti swa jtus ghttrias pu ekoalbgc dna I htughto yaawa ot dahr. s.pOo

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submitted by .ooo. (38)
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I parleoslyn hohgtut fo sith stosiuqen tiknnihg of it in stehe rtsm.e. inSec hte nitatep has a mass in eth caerath pkae xyptoirrea dan iosrptrnayi wofl lwil be rtiepe,rdntu adn duolw efrorehet be esaerecd.d F1VC wulod asol heav ot ceedears yb itsh. sThi nedliieamt lal eht erhto

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charcot_bouchard  reA uyo e?M +3

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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ieLk ayn of hte PDCO, eht ipnetat hsa a ciidtuflf emit hgaelxni teh nipredsi air suh(t tsi lacdle an vtbtcueiosr eisd)sea

COPD uesrslt in VCF r,edseeac FV1/FCVE atoir ,ersdcaee RFC nrcasie,e nad peek rixtpoeay flwo rcesaee.d

A urtom ro yan otrhe etjbco atth owdlu ermsposc no ro nowarr eshte het rai ywa atrct dowlu pnrseet sa a .OPCD

inganIhl and nglahiex duowl be itdmeil

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submitted by visualninjacontender(18)
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It ludoc eb atht ihst si a ifdxe prpue iywraa itbt,nourosc icwhh wdluo vtpnree ftnanoili nda deonfialt of eht awarsiy edu to hte orutm pagmcnli ownd on eht rh.tecaa

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submitted by mrglass(47)
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I fdreigu hsit swa a irvbaela icochairtatnr snrbcotutio and ogt it rgon.w

crdiAcgno ot TatUe,Dop NIaiuARnmlTl acterahl stontorucib si avilb,are ehwli aiEnTXAlRlmu tahlcare stocuitrbno (ilke ni shit ase)c is edxif.

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submitted by azibird(279)
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yWh si ethre a edceasdre ?FCV eehrT si a ssam peirgssn on hre ,atceahr ohw duloc ttah bessolpi tefcfa lugn elu?mvo fI we giev ehr gnueho ,mite why cdn'toul esh atke ni a ufll rtea?hb

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submitted by docred123(9)
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iH usyg can somnoee peesla lrboataee no hsete .fdniigsn I asetndrdnu ehs sha lugn crnace 'ttahs ginimepd rhe r.aahtec tuB owh is this eeativeernsprt fo na tervibotusc ?srderdio tenAr' ugln seccarn cvtteirsrei fi ?ntynahgi sTanhk

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nlkrueger  I geare atht s'it nouicsnfg ubt I oledko ta it sa a ahlyscip rbusi*totn*co icens its' gngnpmiii on eth .rywi..a.a utb ahey dik isth is wdrei +
ferrero  D'nesto the ehtcraa aevh rcteiagal rngsi os it udot'nlw sapclloe cwihh kemsa ti emes lsse eilk a ptylcia eurctiostvb reisoddr? 'Im rllyae ont rseu yhw FCV ludwo ecahng eascube I tdon' ees owh latot nlgu tacacpyi ro lariudse vlumeo uolwd nehgca ebaucse thsoe aer csaitt csiniotodn ewrhe teerh si on filrawo ta I dntnraedus ,F1EV apke trieoayprx wofl, aepk osanirtripy lfwo tce. +2
mousie  erAeg sith is a lylare hotug Q but I lsoa tnhik I laleyr evor guothth ..i.t I eenilaitmd lla itwh a nmrloa oatRi cb mhigsnote ntibctsougr udwol luvbisyoo rduopec an evioctrustb traepnt toahgulh I tnod' nwko ywh FVC owdlu be d.ceeaerds I st'anw urse utoba tbho pkae ayreitxpro nad nitonpiairs fwlo ebing dercdesae anc eosmnoe pehl em wiht stih ro tell em Im' oltaytl enorvgikihnt ..iaang rae yhte tboh eeradedsc lyismp bc htsree an stirbuootcn .?. +5
mimi21  aYe I got nosudefc no shit qe.utoisn But I suegs yhte ndawet su ot lkoo ta it sa a vcuroetibts aesdise . fI stih were het acse lal fo htoes otnficun ettss wduol d.ce ( eSe FA ) +
gh889  scuaBee hte btoonirstuc si aevbo the relaoval gersnio ehert si a sdareeec in rai olwf, ton ngul ,mvelosu hwchi lodwu meka hits an oestuirbctv go.loayhtp +4
charcot_bouchard  CVF heer ced saem ywa it edc ni svtOecubtri ulgn daessi.e eRda eth tecnopc fo uqEal euspresr itnop of nB.B eTreh he ssay ni itbiornhsc we eahv etroutvincs tnaerpt becasue mmiafelnd asriway neg orem .cseteransi os EPP cemso yr.lae I ugses rehe ued to laecatrh nwiganrro uprseers cni rmw.taesdno hwcih ploeslcsa erlmsla iwaayr. erulst ni rai r.itgapnp +1

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submitted by ninja3232(11)
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To ikhtn batou sthi lymps,i it taelrilly si na otrustobicn so ouy cna tjus ecshoo hte ewsran itwh eth CDOP liek F.TsP

sI't a bti ronectneutvitiui ahtt the FVC wlduo eb sdere,aedc utb het rneoas for tshi si ebcaseu at the den pioenraxit rof VCF, het toepsiiv ulralep urerepss ngsuihp the ira uot sah qzieaduel wiht teh rsusepre fo hte ehptarmeos / ryiaaw igatwnn to kepe het laleivo With an csaerien ni het raaiyw ncrseitsea fmor the ocu,isntobtr sthi aizqotilneua piotn secmo ta a hrgieh .FVC bdSomeyo actf cchke em pseela

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submitted by donttrustmyanswers(74)
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p"etarioopordistn urnideotc ni the eapk orieyaptrx wfol tera or aummimx muetin ovulme armoedpc ithw eth rdeocf riaextpryo moelvu ni oen cneods FE)(1.V tI shuold be oe,ndt e,evowhr hatt eehtr cna be a tcafiiisngn ssol in yiwara sioocernast-lsc area beoref het otxkbeot nftaetgiln fo het riitrnpsoay or ptyxrioear psool rae i.zsavudel"i


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mamed  egolog xedif pprue ryaaiw nibstuoortc - het yetiprosrm evruc shswo adcdsreee ioispntnair nad in.aerxopit A rowel yriaaw iuorncsottb utjs ltnsbu i.enraioxpt raxcEotcithra usbltn nropaiiisn.t +1

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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sTih itghm be a iawtdahrrorgtfs erasw,n btu I aws neonwdgri hwy teh ptaetin doluw evah a deedasrec rapsiniyrto fwo?l ecaeusB ot ym dgdn,aeunnirst poleep whit scteibrtuvo sdeaeiss hvea otelurb rngtihabe tuo, tno n.i. Cudlo somenoe ipaenlx to me hwy it dasrs?eece

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rdk3434  kayo so i ahd the esma obutd hcwih is hwy i tgo shti qeutonsi nrwgo , btu etnh i ahd tshi raekue tnmmeo , in lowrdu tehse'r teirvieetp aimesg bauto tubsertciov nad citsrrtviee idsasee uovslme dna heyt alasyw ohws TRCLEAAH SNISSETO gaonl twhi taht , sthi seinoqtu si mohaetws like rlacehat nesissto ieeostpartnn , usjt glogoe unlg flow leouvm aerlhcta sisostn!e poeh stih !ephsl +1

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