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NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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89h@g8 eceBsau" the tibcrtonsou is vebao the avroleal groiens teher is a eadseerc in ari of,wl ont ugnl luoesmv, hhcwi wuold akme htsi an srotvctieub yoapg"loth si eth omst fulpelh ltnianaxope. fI uoy wokn eth omst sibca hothsgoyeao/pinyipidintlfo of srbecuvitto vs eiirtvercst hwci(h I do, ujts did'nt in that osmt ipfismield w,a)y tnhe uoy nca ifgure ihaytnng .out If ntsoemhig si gtnaicpim yraiwa flow = ,surotvecbti if tmoniehgs is tnipcmagi aiyrwa ulomve = iieerct.svrt AKNTH !OUY

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burningmoon  Hwo aotbu smympaeeh? yirwaa lumeov gneahcd utb i'ts .crsouettvib +3
almondbreeze  i hntik OP anmte to yas htta tsnhomige NRAEEICGSD wyarai euomlv = ierescitvrt +3
jgraham3  I hktin htye emna fi smnhtieog si tmnigaicp UNLG loemvu .(ei inxapopo/s)ccaennimle = vcreiw raeiiArytts rdesrido tg;--& osb. / achaemrlynP sdorirde --;g&t th.s Wire seyheapmm hte aaywir elpscaslo (osb). oeberf ythe ear elba to aeelhx yflul usth hte ira is dpratpe +
dna_at  utsJ to be al,erc tsih si tno a icclsalsa itbrutcvoes gunl eesisda fcfeaintg hte lsmal iwasry,a as ti si evoab hte icnaar .craa)het( shiT si tertbe sdifsileac as a fdexi ruepp ryaiwa oi.toustbcrn eeS eht olfw ploo reeh orf "ixefd osbrict"ount - it mcea pu in EIMD rldWUo os mbyae aziliiamref flsoryue twih eht miega since it si ueqi!un e/hs/c/ +4
notpennysboat  @_atdna, can oyu iaelnxp eth enopctc of eth puepr aryawi o?btrtssncoiu 'mI ltsil eprtty scedfoun +

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submitted by xkno(5)
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I trgvuotheoh ihts eon ibg tm.ei cSein the oqnuiste isad hte assm aws irssenpg no teh oedsuti of hte hcrae,ta I digfreu tath rdiung inprt,iionsa cb/ eth hetsc adnxesp, os roem ,apces os hte mass odwlu ehav less etfcef on eth rehtcaa as the cshte epnsdxa (adn lr,cnovsyee t'id vhea remo fo an fcetfe duingr inareoixtp as het tchse wlla .r)ctstrea pp,rtyleAan it was jstu aithrgts up ocgablek and I tuthohg wayaa ot d.rah .Opso

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submitted by .ooo. (38)
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I raoelnlysp ugthhot fo itsh otnqseisu gknhntii of it ni ethse inSce eth atnteip has a sasm in hte hraceta akep xorytpiare dna iioapnyrrst fwol illw eb inedrrettp,u dna douwl oertrheef be deaecrde.s C1VF lwdou aols ehva ot deeceasr by sThi imtleeinda lal eht etroh iso.cche

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charcot_bouchard  reA uyo ?Me +3

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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iLek nay of the ,PODC teh naiptet ahs a icifufldt mite exngaihl eht isdpiner air (tshu tsi ledlac na oucbitersvt edis)esa

DCPO rtslsue in VFC e,cdaeres VF/1FEVC oarti r,dcsaeee RFC e,cnaersi nda eepk yaporeixt lowf rcs.aeede

A rotum ro nya htero bceotj ttah ldowu omsrpcse on or roarwn eseht eth iar wya atcrt dulwo rtseepn as a O.PDC

agninlIh nad ihgalexn wudlo eb medtili

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submitted by visualninjacontender(18)
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tI duocl eb ttha this is a edifx ruppe awayir ,buottoincsr cwhih dluow tverenp noifntial and idnfeoalt fo hte yaisrwa eud ot hte uotrm pnclgaim wdon on eth aerhta.c

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submitted by mrglass(47)
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I fegriud sthi saw a ralbeiva rrctiaohaictn csutiorontb adn gto ti .gwnro

cgdcinroA to Dpe,tUaTo AunTiaIlRNlm reahlatc oobsnticutr is v,laebari wielh muTXlaliEnAR cerltaha tuosrtbionc lk(ei in isht c)sea is

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submitted by azibird(279)
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yhW is etrhe a cdsearede VC?F eherT si a ssam rspgesin on her carteh,a how udcol thta bsloieps ecffta ungl eovu?lm If we ivge hre uogenh itme, yhw loc'dunt ehs aekt ni a flul htbra?e

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submitted by docred123(9)
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iH ysug nac oemnsoe paelse tobleeaar on eehts .sinigndf I uatndrdnes ehs sah ugln cnecar 'ahtts imngedip rhe hrcat.ea utB owh si tshi ntrastreeivpee of an csiorteutbv r?sedoird rAnte' ulgn sraccne reitivtscre if niant?gyh asnh kT

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nlkrueger  I geear htat sit' ungonfsic ubt I odokle ta it as a clsayihp csio*trbn*out sneic 'its gingpmnii no teh .r.aa.yiw. tbu aehy kid sith si ierwd +
ferrero  sotDne' the thecaar vhae rlcaagiet gnris os it tldwo'un pollsace chihw kemsa it eesm sels elki a paitylc tucsevibtor dre?iosdr 'mI laylre nto suer hyw FVC owudl gneahc euabcse I 'tnod ese woh aoltt ugln tcpacaiy or sueiladr vlmeuo douwl egchan cuaeseb etsoh rea ttaics ntsidconio eherw eetrh si no lfowrai at all. I undaetnrsd VF,1E ekap eyotaxrpri folw, pake yapisrronti folw .tce +2
mousie  Arege ihst is a rlaeyl touhg Q btu I sola knith I rleyal oerv hutothg .t..i I ntdeieimal lal tiwh a malorn taiRo bc itnoemhgs tnbstgociru odwul lsvbyoiou opcrdeu an tercsobvtui attpner thlhgaou I don't konw hyw CFV doulw be e.esddcare I asntw' reus abuto thbo ekpa xopireyrat dna tirinapsoni wofl gbnei sdcareeed acn neeoosm elhp em iwht isth or llte em 'Im oalttly gtirvinhnoke in.aa.g rea htey hotb esdcadeer myipsl cb srehte na snttrcoubio ?.. +5
mimi21  aeY I tgo fsoucdne no hsti stenqiou. utB I gsseu etyh naedtw us ot oklo at ti as a etosvcurbit sadeesi . If iths erew hte asce lla of ehsot uoctnifn tsest olwud c.ed ( See FA ) +
gh889  aecuseB hte tsbtinocour si veaob het alaevlor roenisg tehre is a eeedsrca ni iar o,wlf ont nlug mv,uloes hwich wdoul mkea ihts an oetutvbscir oat.lghypo +4
charcot_bouchard  CFV rhee dec same wya it ecd in titrObceusv ugnl see.idas aedR the cotepcn fo aqlEu eusperrs opint of B.Bn eehTr eh ssay ni hitsrbcion ew evha oeisvntucrt aetnptr eeabcus lifmmenad araysiw neg ermo tsrciesna.e so EPP omesc re.yal I gsues reeh ude to atreahlc wagninror serpsuer inc .trmdnaesow hhicw lapeosslc slalerm aayiwr. trelsu in iar rnpp.gati +1

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submitted by ninja3232(11)
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oT hnkit touba tshi mplys,i it arlltlyie is na tuboictnosr os oyu nac jstu coohse eht awnrse hitw het ODCP klie .sTPF

sI't a itb uoutrcitetiniven ahtt teh CVF luwdo eb dcde,reeas but eth naseor rfo this si cueesab ta eht dne tneparixio for F,VC het vopsteii alurpel pruseesr ihsgupn hte iar tou sha ezediaqul whti hte erprsues of eth hteormeaps / wyarai igntwna ot kepe teh vellioa .eonp hitW na asinreec in het ayairw atesscienr mofr the roctobsuitn, hits zaaeniitouql topni smeco at a ihherg .FVC dmobySeo tfca check me eealsp

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submitted by donttrustmyanswers(74)
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istioponretopra"d cruoidten ni het eapk xpryieator lwof aret or amxuimm emnuti luemov prdcaeom with eth feodcr iypoexratr moeuvl ni eno noceds )(E1F.V tI ulodhs eb donte, oeewrh,v hatt eetrh anc be a annitgcsfii olss in aaiywr oe-consirssclat eara oferbe eth otebtxok ftgelinnat of the inryiastpro or atriyrxpeo osopl rea aeuidiz.l"sv


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mamed  golego fdeix ruppe rwiaay bttcnsiuoro - hte peoiryrtms ervcu oswhs eddsreeca ptnsnioiair and n.oxeptarii A lwroe irywaa tuitrsocnob stuj bultns nrip.txieoa tctaarrcihoxE lntsbu inti.risanop +1

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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hTis ithgm be a swtaafirrdthgor ae,srnw but I saw indewrong why het attenpi wlduo aevh a eddereacs orniisratpy lwo?f ceeBusa ot ym adtunnsr,endig eplpeo ithw vtucoresbti eieasdss vhae ruotelb ragteinhb t,ou tno n.i. luCod soeemno xnpeail ot me yhw ti screa?dees

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rdk3434  akyo so i dha teh maes utbod hhwci is why i got hsit toeqisnu onwgr , ubt ehtn i ahd tish keurae enmmto , in dorwul re'ehts evperetiit gesima tboua ituseovbctr nda rtcirisvete isseade ovlmseu adn yeth slaywa ohws CEARTALH SNSTOESI nlgao twhi hatt , hits iteuoqns is wmoatseh kiel alrtache nestsosi anesortenpit , sujt oggloe nlug flow vmeulo ctrlaaeh tsosien!s ehop sith lh!pse +1

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