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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
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submitted by youssefa(162)
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So tctguni tgourhh het tensneiti will agamed the pstcry of üeebihknrL ihchw ianncot estm elcsl that aerpelc ynr/tetcoteoelsbeg scell id(F)a. Thsi kcal fo aeitreneevrg iilybta wlli aehv aseelttpl dan immrlaayftno ellcs to eb drurcetie ni errdo ot tameied haneilg (hhwic nde letrus is isiorbs)f Teh nitinealst llwa cgilank pcytrs fo heriüLbnke tcas rpeytt mcuh ikle btesla sclel :e(g. crcmi)yeooyadst wchhi atnnoc be dareneeretg adn so sbfiorsi nueses e:(.g carS si lwysaa edn cdpuort ftear )MI.

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youssefa  otCirer:onc I eantm tPmnnaree llsec dstaein fo tSebla scell. Te h typechaotes ni htis ecas ilwl cat as a saelbt lslce chiwh lilw texi 0G speha nad irraetflpeo in epnsoers to yi.nujr +2
madamestep  As,lo eht eranos hwy you etg hte neittrarocs and fta iengrpce in nhs!rCo 'tsI ftainiammlno all the ywa gt.orhuh CU s'eondt og lla teh ywa tru.hgho +

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submitted by et-tu-bromocriptine(140)
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oyennA nwok hwo ot uler tuo alslm eeintstin on iths e?no I othtghu eth tnmuemo dpayel a roel in lhgaine ni het m,eaodnb tbu lcerayl I'm msinisg shegtniom .rhee

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what  lSlma estnintei has moohts elmscu ni hte lwsal which lilw iofserb no yjnriu +
youssefa  So gciutnt ghthrou teh tiitensne liwl agdmea eth cptyrs fo bnrüeLikhe iwhhc nincaot mtes csell ttah crelape btetecyrtolse/ogen ecsll .)Fi(da Tshi lack of ernveteriaeg byialti lliw veha aepsttell nda aiartymlnmfo scell ot eb eredrcuti ni dreor ot dtmieae hienlag (hchwi ned tslure si r)sisifbo eTh itinselnta alwl cignalk srptcy of Lbkühreien tsca prtyte cuhm eikl etlabs llsec .e:(g yoecryd)sotamic ihwhc tnonac eb gteanerdere adn os foriissb eenssu rSac si lwaays edn troupdc fetra MI) +3
thotcandy  heT wya i htguoht of it a:sw aslml iestneint RATOIFNEPOR raerpi t-g;& hte nemsabte reammenb dan mtes esllc erew fliydeenit sddteupir tshu mtgliini rnegeinoerta ivLr ylbiaeit = rutnpecu ,nwdou otn eslerisacyn all het wya uogtrhh = eanemstb eesrnmamb and stme elslc aer borybalp lslti tntica -&;tg reneagetre iwohtut rsisfibo +2

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submitted by veryhungrycaterpillar(30)
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reivL eslha wtthuoi rgiansrc ni neoeprss ot tmso uacet nsie.riju lynO hncocir elvir uneriijs wlli alde ot bssroifi hiwc(h ehnt dasle to

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submitted by brawamigonnagetthismd(1)
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aWit, eopadsi tsuies ss?r?ac hWat teh hkce is i?tsh baeym is't ttah o''ribf t.pc.aa.rdtWhe all atht dtechoB rfo h'onnti

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submitted by bigbootycorgi(5)
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oS I tgo ihts eon nrgwo eausbce I thtuogh htat cseni he 'itndd haev lpnomlsaeegoeayhpt and sscetai ish vrlie aws ilstl ne,if btu I gsues fi he ryladea has gymsct,oeaina mgyipnaohosd nda het erev usvbooi esripd amagtonai 'seh ieelfnidty isllt ko

wNo ttha I tkhin of ti, ouy 'ndto eden eahemllspogtpyoean to hvae cocilalho rlvei uaerlif I .iblevee

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bigbootycorgi  rryso ym bda htis wsa hte ogwrn eiotsnqu i rsdeonepd to ubt i tslil tog tsih eon (ED en)o dna eht eancsaytigmo one nogrw i nhtki ti's ievrl fro ihst eno ebuceas they asy ti ahs egeraeeintvr otnpeilta nad sbeceua enev tuoghh eht lsmal eeisntnit hsa eeavrntirege tipt,ealno it cna yalenaprpt rf?ibeso i eahv on eia,d i put llasm bwloe +
kateinwonderland  io@cygigrbtoob : I ptu mlsal tneiensti .too Fmro ahtw 'vIe crdeeahs afe,rt it ysas ttah iervl sirfbiso erelbveirs t;&g- on deenviec of bsrouif rnacrsig +
goodkarmaonly  Jtus to dda to at,ht a riorihcct ervli is a sallm nehuknsr elirv os uoy otwn eb aebl ot dnif laeeypgmtaho nasyawy. heT hetro sigsn ear eth sgmaaitt of evLri isedaes +

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