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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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iptSec skhco si a ypet fo teiiibtvsdur cokhs hhiwc is dmarke yb isvemas itonvloasadi td(/ afrtmonyialm )nopseres acisung ddeseerac SRV, caserdeed elapord / P,CWP nad aiscrdeen .OC

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smc213  cSitpe koshc acn sloa nteepsr hiwt yehpohmriat &63;tCl +3
bethune  hyW is it tno otltisanisegrnat nlibd?ege +4
beanie368  IG nbiedgle uwldo prntsee htiw decsrnaie VSR sa a nosrepse ot pmvaliohyoe +10
mysteriousmantyping  yWh dlowu sith otn eb orlpynmau mm?lboesi +1
step1passfail  ymolnuPar emloibms uolwd asuec a sceardee in aardicc tuoput. eerTh si anecsderi rusespre ni eth gihh noaptlicm VR wihch nca blgue nda cesmorsp eth V,L grnciseaed sit ldao.rpe HOtCra=e rate x tksreo uoveml and krstoe muvleo si iypllaatr deemietrdn by eorpa.dl fI teh nyolaumpr ilsembmo si lerga nhgeo,u ti nac aosl ubrtcots het lpnyormua vessesl adn tuneyluqessb ton ehav uhoegn blood gnigo to teh AL nad L,V aelltumyit kgnami teh acdarci otptuu eanr .0 +3
chj7  tuO of lal eth ftereidfn etyps fo ,ckhso cardaic oututp is cinsardee yoln in evtibsitriud cokhs (i.e lachcinayta,p e)p.cits +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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Can osneoem iepalxn yhw cadrcai puotut is hhig in sietpc ?chkos

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drdoom  eircatBa adn bieatlrac snentcmopo (lkei L)SP ni tcourialnic trggire mevissa eeaelsr of iyesktnco In-ui1re,ltnk(e I-lkeeu6tirnn dan a)NT,F enltgursi ooidnvislat.a Hetar taer nraesisce to antiiamn tdcnee B.P +1
bfinard1  sI ktsero moulev ton ecfaedft by ahtt asesmiv oiosli?atndav I ldouw kitnh if unosev ssyetm is ddoalsatiev hetn yo'ud veha deedcur DVE mrof dueedcr dbolo lowf to hraet +
zedora  Bhot of oyu rae ccoet.rr nI tipcse kshco erhte si a ivssema iso.aoiltdvan In oredr to oepcsntame for teh ecderud oodlb uererpss, there si an rseicenda rteha rae.t ,owN gkiepen htis in n,dim hwta si the OC mouf?rla OC = RH x SV ?Rghti sLet asy rudne amlorn ciodinsnot RH si 60 mpa;& Srokte olvuem is .05 rYuo icdaacr tptouu = 06 x 05 = 0030. owN in siepct cos,hk uory htera erta is iyvmssal ieransedc tub ruoy skotre emuolv si eeddraces anmyiilm.l So eslt plgu ni hte rbuesmn. estL ya,s erudn petcis hkc,so RH = 510 a&;mp rokset vueolm is nwo 3.0 eTh acdrcai tpotuu is won ognna be = 015 x 30 = 504,0 henec uryo CO si eid.cersan nI tepcSi okhSc, eht trahe eatr si salveimsy cadeisrne cempodar ot hte otnuma of VS ersed.adce +
drdoom  ad1@frinb By a,londiostavi I oatlms xseleuylvci mane laeatirr vsaioa.dntloi ehnW it seocm to ,VC I ywlaas wkor kwcabrda ofmr r“tfsi rcl”,eiisppn and in my eviw eth siftr liprnpeic of eht VC ssyemt is, tn“aaiinM srerpesus to imanntia odgo .lo”fw llA rhoet dooamtmaicnocs of teh CV teyssm hncsg(ae ni ]grhtent[inyoosptr, torpr[mocn]ityhoe, cotinvotocsanris dna iav)aldtionso rae ni rv*i*csee to timaiianngn .slfow totWhiu dogo flso,w ouy get the ghnti haunm utsises ekli teh selta: tno ckla fo oeynxg ubt taaucmluiocn of C2O a(dn eth cyidait ttah eosg htiw )it. +
drdoom  ,oS lal ttha asw a ngdndoe-ilw awy fo iasygn ttha Cracaid upOtut iwll ernami ighh nhwe het oydb is dgiocupnr hgienesd-tr-ehhdira eleslv of O2C h(wen osnrga dna teh miuemn sesymt have onge otni dreivrove ot srpdeon ot a heratt ro to dessrad edempnoonascti in oems tehro rpat fo het smyte;)s hte mmgeputinl of Ciaracd uputtO hsderla the neigninbg of eht dne. tI gifeiinss ahtt eth stsreses bieng dpmosei no eht oybd exdece teh bsalicpiieat fo hte +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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Wyh si teh T oamlrn in hsit tnait?pe I odulw eavh rieddtcep unlyrdgein oteniicfn — ,ei eferv — refebo vnee rea"l"y icpste .skhoc I tseedcle eiptsc ckohs ruelpy ofr hte eilcatrtbna olw VSR tedespi ludfis btu nwta ot rnsaneuddt rome batou eth cnseeab of kT!nash

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drdoom  yeldlrE (nad iorum,ipocmemsodnm gnlrlaye)e od not muton sroubt efrev psnoseser ot irctaeba dan theor gmsmr;cirsnoaio ni er,yeldl ihts lbyaorbp has ot od hitw ned“eli”cs fo hte tenani nmueim stsyme oru(y gcamaerso,ph drdtineci e,llsc oe,cmsynot .m&,apc; sjut tdo'n cftnunio sa llwe sa thye esud )to. In oreth ordsw, if uoy )(1 iedwp otu osesneo'm emnmiu ysesmt and tenh 2)( icjneted etbiaarc onit ihrte omrdastoe,lb you 'olwundt vresebo nya eerfv .iterhe Teh erepncse fo a py“c”ialt mrno)a(l vfere in an lrldeye or cummeisnmoodoimrp tpietna acn eb a rsuep eonnrcicng nis:g htey htigm ehva a gairng iotnifenc no eth neiis.d +
drdoom  fr^mo het aterl:ci n“etbsA or nbuldte vfeer oseneprs in the rldlyee. eheTr is aelmp evneedic that a ndbltue vfeer oeepnrss ot a ioressu la,aetbrci viar,l or faugnl oieitfncn egssstgu a oeorrp ossrongip nhta oeds a utrsbo eefrv soeepnsr .1[3] In oniai,dtd tereh is a naslstbtiua bdyo of da,ta lotmsy mofr mnaila m,sdole tath rtohureevhfg— tsi ftefesc on emnmui fnonmaiy—uct be na matniropt oths dfeesne ciamnsmhe [1]4. Ryhlugo 0%–%320 of leyedlr nsesrop whit iseorus rctealbia ro rvial iofesnntic liwl enrtspe ihtw a ednubtl or ynlertie bsetan erefv nrsesoep ”2[,51.],3 +

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submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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ehT awy i kloo at sthi is eht

A mhtyohieprc itaetpn will asmtlo lsaywa terspen tihw cesitp kcsho baesceu eticsp csohk anc psernte as tboh emrhtiehypra ro myaitrpheoh

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athenathefirst  'ntDsoe uosnd caet.arcu Tshi ttinape ahd a rnamlo .ertaetpeurm +

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