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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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ecSpit hoksc si a ypet fo tiserdvtuibi chkso whhic is mreadk by sasvime isoanolaivdt (t/d iamtlaryomnf oeses)prn nacgusi sedacrdee RVS, searddece prdoale / P,PWC nad nedriasec C.O

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smc213  Sepcti coskh nca aosl rsetnpe ithw ehpytiromha &36;lCt +3
bethune  hWy si ti nto talottnnrgsaesii ibde?legn +4
beanie368  GI eebngidl wdulo enperts hwti srineaedc RSV as a seeorpns to pilvhyeaomo +10
mysteriousmantyping  Why wduol itsh ont be anrolmyup s?biemoml +1
step1passfail  nulmaPory mmlioesb duwlo caues a edeecasr in aridcca u.optut Trehe si raienescd ruesersp ni eth hhgi ailcnotpm RV hcwhi cna elbgu and orspmces het V,L nigdearecs ist ldaoep.r CHeOr=ta rate x krtsoe olvuem and sorket mvuloe si iaprtylla meetieddrn yb fI het lnumorypa mmsilobe is raleg n,uoghe ti acn also trtucbos hte nuloamrpy eeslssv nad eeyslubtnusq tno veha goenhu blood gnogi ot teh AL dan L,V lmatutiyel akingm the idrccaa uutotp nera 0. +3
chj7  utO of lla eth rnieetffd esypt fo ,hcosk adicrac otuput si ieadsecnr ylon in vrtietdsibui oschk .ei( yitlnaapc,cah ecsip.)t +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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anC mesoeon nxaiepl hwy rdaicac ttuoup si ghih in pcitse chso?k

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drdoom  tBicarae dna caeltbria sopomenctn k(lie S)LP ni atloinicurc irgrteg amssvie eelasre fo tyskniceo ir-tIeke,nn(1ul -tu6elrknIine adn NTa)F, ulrsgenti nli.osatdavoi rtHae rtea scesnraie to nmanatii dceent BP. +1
bfinard1  sI ortsek meuvlo nto tfafcdee by tath ssiamev vti?soiandalo I owldu khnti fi evnsou tysems si oveadtisald tenh yduo' have uecdedr DVE ofmr uedrecd oodbl fowl ot ahtre +
zedora  othB of you ear r.oecrtc nI pcties chsko rehte si a avmesis s.itanoovilda nI rrdoe ot paenctosem for hte dercude oolbd usr,seerp rhete is an ercsanide aerht .erta wN,o gkpeien hsti in ,dnim twha is hte CO uaro?lmf OC = HR x VS ?Rghti tesL say rdune lnramo sdoticnoni HR si 60 ;&map kStero omvleu si .50 Yoru caicrad tuoutp = 06 x 50 = 000.3 wNo ni eptics sc,okh uyro arhet aert si mlsvyias sdriecnea utb ruyo ostrke euomlv si dseeecdar ialnli.ymm oS ltes glup in the unserb.m eLts s,ay ndrue sciept khs,co HR = 150 m;p&a sterko olmvue is wno .03 heT daicarc otuptu is wno naogn eb = 051 x 30 = ,5400 ceneh ryou CO si casde.iren In pcietS ckho,S hte eathr taer is islmasevy rineacsde ecaropmd to hte tumoan of SV ees.deadrc +
drdoom  fba1r@ind yB isovailodt,an I omaslt lesiuxevcyl nema iterlraa oavailniostd. nWeh ti cmeos to VC, I asawyl wrok cabkward from fst“ir ,icipnl”rsep nad in my ewvi eth sirtf iiplnprec of hte CV smsyte si, natM“niia pseuesrrs to niaiamtn oogd .l”fwo llA other oamacnmiooctsd fo het CV sstyme acng(seh in ]o,titnorpgrye[snht tmroryc[ito,]nhpoe ssictrocnvnioato dna )iadnoitvosal rae ni *reiv*sce ot iniimngatna .olwsf hWutoit dgoo wo,sfl ouy etg het nithg hunma uessits eilk eht alts:e not lack of nyxego but uacnlauoicmt of O2C n(ad eth tayidic ahtt sgoe twhi t.i) +
drdoom  So, lal tath was a oldedn-ingw yaw fo agyisn taht Cridaac tuOupt liwl inream ihhg ehnw the doyb is uipocgdnr edsh-rareiig-hethnd elselv fo C2O ewhn( ngraso adn het mmueni ystmes evah engo otin rdevveroi to rsnoepd to a aertth or ot ssadred emicaotennpods ni smeo oreth rpat of hte st)my;es teh mtuigplnme of craCiad pututO hlersad eth iibnenggn fo the e.nd It eiifsgnsi htat eth rtseesss ebgni demopsi no teh odyb eecxed eth aiepiticblas fo hte es.symt +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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Why si eth T ronmal in hsti ait?pten I lwodu heva eddritcpe dgnnuryeli nfietionc — ie, ervfe — oebrfe neve aylre"" scpite o.kchs I lseeecdt scetpi sohck yrpelu rfo eht ctlbairanet wlo SRV eeitpds sidflu ubt ntaw to esaurdndnt mreo oautb het csenbea of e.erfv.. shTk!na

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drdoom  Eeylrld (dan ,momudromcsmeiponi )regenlyla do nto utomn sbtour refev osprensse ot tarceiba nad oehtr s;inocamogrrism in rdey,lle hist yrbapolb ahs to od thiw ”ecsenild“ of teh tienna ieumnm ystesm (oyur oaarsechg,pm itcirdedn l,cels ocm,sentyo pmc;,&.a stuj nod't uncntfio sa lewl as hyte eusd .ot) nI htore rws,od fi uyo 1() iewpd tuo noseosme' mmiuen esysmt dna ethn 2)( tcediejn teiacrba iton trhei t,esambdoorl you uotnlwd' oveersb yna evfer hireet. Teh erspecen fo a pcl“ity”a )ro(lnam verfe ni na rdyelel ro mmsmocueindmrioop eitnatp nca eb a pusre oncercngni sn:ig they mghti vaeh a nigarg otfinecin no eht dns.iei +
drdoom  ^rmfo eht e:rctial bs“Aent ro bdnlute vrefe onerpsse ni the yl.eerdl eheTr si lmpea icenvdee thta a duntlbe erefv epsenrso ot a rsueios ibtar,cael la,vir or aflgun fcnitnoei sesutsgg a reorpo psgrsooni thna eosd a torusb evfer srenpoes 3[1]. nI idtn,aoid eethr is a snubtltisaa body of a,dta mostly mfor mnaial deolms, atht fr—hevehugrot sit efcsfte no enmium fnicnot—umay be an mntprtoai tohs sfeeend emncshiam .1[]4 glhRuoy 2%%0–03 fo ydrelle rsopnse ihtw iuroses alacerbti ro arvil ncetoinsif ilwl erptesn twih a tdbenlu or neiltrey abntes veefr esrepons ,1,.[3”5]2 +

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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The ywa i kolo ta tshi si teh etumr.etrepa

A homephctryi nipteat liwl mltsoa alawys erpesnt whti sitepc okcsh seuaebc pisect hscok anc nsrteep as obht rmrtaeyeihph or ohhtrmyieap

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athenathefirst  ntsD'oe odnus rcatcaeu. iTsh aetnpti ahd a mrnola etetrpamr.ue +

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