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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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cteSpi cshko si a eypt fo seiitiurvdtb kshco hwich is kmarde by svsieam tadiiosnolav t/(d omayflmriatn e)rosspen nuasgci aereescdd RVS, eadcsrdee ardpelo / PCPW, and incdreeas .OC

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smc213  iectpS kochs can salo tsnerpe tiwh htpiyhoaerm lt&C;36 +3
bethune  Wyh is ti tno seirtntilgasntoa edglnie?b +4
beanie368  IG bedlegni lodwu etpersn wthi isdearcne SRV sa a nssproee ot hlioypomeva +10
mysteriousmantyping  yhW uowld tish ont eb rumpylona sm?iemolb +1
step1passfail  yPlromaun momilseb woldu aescu a eesecdar ni acirdac ttu.uop Theer si csendarie seerusrp in the ihhg mnoaiptlc VR hhcwi can lugbe nad serpcoms eth ,VL raicngesde tsi p.aeldro aCerHOt= etra x ktoers lmouev nda eokrts lemouv si ayiratllp rddeentemi by d.lepoar fI the nuylrapom mbslemoi is lrgae gueo,hn it nca soal urbttsoc the rmoypanul selvses adn sqleunyutebs nto heav eoguhn doobl onigg ot the AL dan L,V utyltimlae igaknm the cadraic ttuupo naer 0. +3
chj7  utO of lal teh nderfifet etysp of sok,ch daccair touupt si iraeednsc lnyo ni iuietitsdrvb hkosc (ei. iatcalyaph,cn )ictpe.s +1

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by bfinard1(3)
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Can esenmoo nealixp hyw aiacdrc puutto si ghih ni tspeci soh?kc

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drdoom  ctaaBier dan aalrtecbi ocnesponmt (iekl PSL) ni uiorcicatnl irrtgeg mssivea laseree of secntiyko teinl1rnuIek-(, nilrtkIue6e-n dna TaN)F, luerisntg iaoo.ldistavn erHat etar nirecsase to tinmnaai tecnde B.P +1
bfinard1  Is orkest lveomu not dteefacf by ttah smvaies laotvsondii?a I wdulo tihkn fi usnoev setmys is voedailstad enht dy'uo vhae dederuc VED romf dcduree oodbl wofl ot rahet +
zedora  hBot fo you era c.oerctr nI cetsip kscho reeht is a aessvim .odasintvoali In dreor ot tnoaesmcep fro eht eddceur bodlo eussrpe,r erteh si an enesacidr earth art.e ,Now egpkine hits ni ,mdni hwat si teh OC mufar?lo OC = RH x VS gth?Ri Ltes sya derun lmnaro donitcsoin HR is 06 p;&am kreoSt oeulvm is .05 uoYr aidccar ouuptt = 60 x 50 = 0030. woN in stceip ,shcok uyro ahert rate si slsayivm iaenresdc utb oyru oreskt mulveo is eeadredsc aliimy.lnm oS eslt lupg in het bmsn.eur etLs y,as rdnue iptesc csho,k HR = 051 ;p&am rkeost emvoul si onw 0.3 hTe ciadcar uuotpt si now ngano eb = 501 x 30 = 50,04 ehcen oyur OC si rcnisedea. nI tepSic okch,S hte teahr rtae is yvmieslsa denaicser mopardec to teh onmuta of VS cdeeadser. +
drdoom  ifda@nbr1 yB ltv,adooiains I lotams vseuieyllcx amen alrrieat otdoa.siinvla nheW ti moecs to CV, I swayal rwok wdbaakrc from tsifr“ ipncp,iesrl” nad in ym wive teh rtisf epniipcrl of eht CV smesty i,s tinanMai“ rsseusrep to atannmii ogod w” llA heort nooicdstmoaacm of het CV mstsey (aescnhg ni titnenh[grotp]ys,ro hip,y[ercomnor]ott iattrsioovcnnsoc and oaitaolsvdi)n era in sei**rcve to tingiiaanmn .wslof httoiWu gdoo lfw,os yuo egt eth hgtni muhan ustseis leki hte eal:st otn calk of eoxnyg tub octamcuanlui of O2C a(nd het tcaiiyd taht gsoe thwi )it. +
drdoom  S,o lal ttah saw a l-eindnwgdo yaw of giysan thta drCaica tpuOut will emrnia hghi nwhe eht doby is ipocgrund -hitdhiaeers-rdhegn velsel fo C2O wnh(e ronags and teh miemun emtyss heva nego nito rvirodvee to nredpos to a thrtea ro ot sdersad odscnmateoepin ni semo eorth prta of het me)syts; hte ntigemmulp of riacadC tOtpuu rhaesld the gniengnbi fo eth en.d It iisgfensi taht eth essssetr niegb medsopi on eht ybod eeedcx het pailstiabcei of hte sem.sty +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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Why si het T aonlmr ni shit pn?ittea I wlodu evha tcpederid gnldnuyrei ncotfinei — ,ei veref — reebof eevn yarel"" scipet I cledetes tpesci hskoc rpeuly rfo the iblatneract olw SVR septeid sfdiul ubt wtna to nrdnesutad eorm ubtoa the sbancee of .vfe.e.r sTnhk!a

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drdoom  lreEyld (adn moci,ermmsmnudopio lganley)re do tno ontmu sorubt reevf senrosesp ot erbcaati and thero ;mrmocgniorssia in lyrl,dee hits boblapyr sha ot od htiw celds“nie” fo the nantei eimunm seysmt yo(ur phocmsg,eraa dindtierc lles,c ,enyocomts pma.,;c& sjut 'tnod ncintufo sa llew sa hety esdu .o)t In eotrh ,wsdro if you (1) weipd tuo eeosn'oms ummeni yemsts dan nthe )(2 eejndtic acbtraie oitn ehtri omo,trsdebla uyo unlowdt' eevobsr yna vfeer heT nerepcse of a alpy”itc“ mnalro)( eefrv in an yelreld ro nemmroumocidispom pnetiat anc be a peurs gionencncr ni:sg they imhgt veah a rgaign cnoieintf no het .seiidn +
drdoom  fro^m het tac:lier senbAt“ ro tebnldu rveef pneessor ni the lel.reyd Tereh is eapml eidevcne ttha a elndbtu feevr eorepnss ot a irsuseo tabaer,icl l,iarv or afnglu eiotcifnn stueggss a eropor snprgsoio ntah osed a rousbt reefv pseoesnr [3.1] In oa,didint hreet is a ulaansbtist yobd fo aad,t mosytl mfro lniaam lmosd,e atth rehvthou—efrg its fsetfec on eumnim nifycmat—onu eb na pamrnttoi osht desfene hseicammn ][41. Rloughy 230–%0% fo ellrdey enossrp whti sesouri realbatci ro airvl ntisfionce wlil estenpr twhi a nultdeb ro lyrieetn ebants rfeve prensose 25][,3.”1, +

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submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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heT ywa i oklo ta htsi si eht uat.emtrrepe

A hceripohtmy ptnetia wlil motsal wyslaa repsetn ihwt isetcp ohskc aebcuse itsecp hcsko cna etesprn sa thob perhmtireyha ro epithamohry

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athenathefirst  set'nDo osudn rtua.ecca iThs nteitap hda a amolnr pretmuraet.e +

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