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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
An 83-year-old man is brought to the ...
Early septic shock 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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ipctSe hkocs is a tyep fo riubdsievtit oshkc ciwhh si dkrmea by vmiases vladnoiotisa (/td lantmomafryi eosre)psn scinuga dercdaese ,VRS ddsecaree leoapdr / PCP,W dna isrceenda O.C

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smc213  ectpiS scohk nca slao sepentr htiw ratmpohihey 3tlC;6& +3
bethune  Why si ti ont lttrogneiaanisst eieb?gndl +4
beanie368  GI bnideelg luodw rentesp wiht cdinresea RVS sa a sspnoeer ot yvmeihalpoo +10
mysteriousmantyping  yhW oluwd sthi not eb mlornauyp bomei?msl +1
step1passfail  yanurPlom iblmemos lduwo esuca a ecresaed in diaacrc pt.uout rTehe si aidncesre eruepsrs ni eht high anlcotpim VR which acn lebgu dna mspcoesr eht VL, eecgrdaisn its raol.epd =eHartOC aret x krtoes mulvoe and retsko eoumlv si rlpiyatal eddneiterm yb eopdrla. f I the rmyupnaol mslieomb is elrag hoe,gnu ti nac aols tcbtours the plruymnoa svleess dna stqyuensblue ont ahev ehguno doobl gniog to eth LA nad VL, laytliumte mikang teh daaircc uutotp rane 0. +3
chj7  utO fo all the etfefdinr setyp fo sk,cho daiaccr ottupu is rcieedans yoln in rutiviebitsd oschk (.ei htcanlci,aypa sep.)cti +1

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submitted by bfinard1(3)
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aCn nmeosoe lipexan yhw iraadcc ouputt si hhgi ni cptesi khsco?

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drdoom  rBtaicea dna atrilbcae ooecstnpmn ike(l L)SP ni nocaicriltu gitrreg samives lersaee of kncyeitos e1ln(knteu,Ii-r Iu-ee6lnrnkit dan FT,a)N rlitugens .ildavistnaoo Haert reta insracsee to niatnaim eetdcn B.P +1
bfinard1  Is tksroe lmoeuv otn afdftece by tath msaeisv dvnotlii?saoa I wdolu inkth fi unesov etsysm is sviadedotla hetn 'uyod avhe educedr EVD rfmo rdeudce odblo fwol ot rtaeh +
zedora  toBh of ouy aer r.tercco nI ecpits ocksh reeht si a isvsmae ialov.odiants nI edror to ocnstpaeme for eth crededu bdool ep,sursre eerth is na ndaisrcee rtaeh a.ter Nwo, kpiegen hsti in n,mid ahwt si het CO ?rlmaufo CO = HR x VS Ri?gth setL sya runde omnral idosoncnit RH is 06 p&am; eorktS lovmue si 0.5 Your idacrac upuott = 06 x 50 = .0030 Nwo in sepcti khocs, uyor arhet rtea si asmyvlsi redcineas but ruyo otersk ovluem si erdcdesae mlnmii.yla oS eslt gulp in the ubnmesr. sLte ays, nured pcites s,okch HR = 051 ;pm&a oertsk umleov is onw .03 The carcdai puttuo si onw ngoan be = 510 x 30 = 0045, heecn ouyr CO is daresnic.e nI Sectip oh,cSk hte tarhe erat is syvsaemli redenasic dpemcaro to hte munaot fo VS ae.csrdeed +
drdoom  @idnfb1ra By viiandlso,ato I amolst eeisluvxcyl nmea tirlraae iland.oatvios hnWe ti comse ot ,VC I awlyas kwro cadrwkab form ir“stf rnps”p,ceili nda in ym ivwe the tfsir icpilerpn fo het CV tsyems is, taM“ainin usrrepess ot amniitna godo fw.lo” lAl orthe tcaaimdmsoncoo of teh CV tymess nch(esag in ht[nsnr,eorgptoy]ti o,htroroteiyn]m[pc ottrcnssoiaovicn and adv)tsnliioao aer in ervesci** to naiaimtnign oswfl. tthuWio oodg lwfs,o oyu gte teh nihgt unham itussse elki teh tsela: ont lkac of xgoeyn tub cntmuucoliaa of 2OC dan( eht iacydit ttah esog itwh i.)t +
drdoom  o,S lal hatt aws a ddinnlew-og way of niasyg ahtt caaCird upttuO liwl arenmi high wneh hte odyb si niprcguod h-raiherehe-ndgdsit evlels of O2C wnh(e asgnro adn teh mineum tmyses avhe neog nito veerrdvio ot enorspd to a arthte or to rseddsa oonsidecaemtpn in meso ehtro ptra fo eth t)ymses; het utpngmilme fo raaCcdi tuputO harsdel teh bgennngii fo eth den. It fnsseiigi atth het esertsss benig ieposmd no the bdoy ecxeed hte biaapieltsci of het st.esmy +

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submitted by calvin_and_hobbes(2)
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Why is eth T mrnoal in sith iptetna? I wduol ahev ctpeddrie niergldnyu fieintocn — i,e vefer — rfoebe enev l"ra"ye tpeisc ch.oks I edcltees scitpe shcok luyerp rfo hte tiltanebrac wlo RSV seidpte suldif tbu twna ot rdentausdn orem autbo teh senecba fo .revf.e. sThk!na

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drdoom  ylEeldr (adn pnoeduroocmim,imms yrg)lnleea do ont utnmo rubots vfeer snrsosepe ot ebcarita and trheo miomracgrisnos; in rydl,lee isth yborlbpa sah ot do whti nlidsece”“ fo hte atnien meinmu yesmts yur(o a,amegorhpsc rincdidte lcsl,e tmyeocon,s .a,cp&m; just 'tdno fcoutinn as ellw as ythe udse ot.) In oreth owrd,s if oyu ()1 iepdw tuo emose'sno imeunm ssmety dan htne ()2 jedntice abctriea toni herit bst,odaemlro you tu'wlond eseobrv ayn freev t.eierh eTh neceersp fo a at”“ilpcy (moln)ra evfre in an dleerly or emrmdmpcmnosouoii aepntti can eb a srpeu oenigcrcnn ig:sn yhte gimht aveh a girnga tniconief no the edsii.n +
drdoom  mrf^o the altric:e eA“bsnt ro ntelbdu vefre rposeesn in hte l.leyred hereT si emalp vceinede atht a neltbdu feevr eeronpss ot a srsieuo tbieaclar, ivla,r ro glnfua nnciteifo sgestgus a rrepoo goisrnpos ntha odes a trubos fvree esnosper 31[.] In dianid,ot ereth is a sntsatuibla oybd of t,aad otsyml mfor anamli moesl,d that vorhuetgfh—re sti tfefesc on eimumn yancot—fnumi be an iopmntatr hsto eeesfdn nacshmmie .1][4 gyRolhu %–03%02 of rleldey nspoesr hwti seiours ebiclrtaa ro lvria iefoscnnit illw tneesrp thwi a tdeblun ro entelryi bantes veerf onerpses .”5]2,3,1[ +

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submitted by spaceboy98(22)
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heT wya i kloo at isht is teh maerrt.eteup

A tpmehhoyric ettanpi lwli omlast lswaya nsretpe iwth tecpsi shokc eceabus piscte ocshk cna peetsrn as ohbt hrehariyetmp or phihratymeo

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athenathefirst  etso'nD snduo iTsh intapte adh a mrlnao trrmu.eepaet +

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