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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 3/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the physician ...
Heterozygous mutation in the ankyrin gene 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +14  upvote downvote
submitted by nala_ula(127)
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Teh ogoshltiy is of ytsreeocpsh als(lm riaehlcsp lcsel ow/ trenlca oplr.a)l treyeardHi tciosprsyshoe si deu ot efectd in psnotire rieincntagt htiw RCB merbeanm ktenseol nad smaapl mernbmea yra(ik,nn bdna ,3 nioetrp 2.4, n)se.ctpri tMosly mtlaaoosu dniotnam ercianhneti os( toysuhegrzoe iamutnot csien yuo olny ndee one tumtan laelel to egt eht s).eedais

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wuagbe  oT dad to :tish oomzysoghu SH eeptssnr wthi oyelsmshi vnee ni sbacnee of strosrse.s thsi eaptnit si nylo sgepnertni tiwh alpe n,kis nad ehetr rae no teshstsiyocc on the herilppare armes, os 'sti a estguehzoyor riyaknn nio.mttua +9
pg32  I wtaedn to kicp arideyhter scoyespishtor but eht mnea aspoclucrur ncinctooenart wsa lamrno adn I gthhtuo ti saw pposdsue ot be ?tevlaeed Aosl, why are teerh so yanm CRBs ttha are wya begigr nhta eht ohesrce?spty +8
nephroguy  I'm nssmauig atht the MCC si lomnar bseaeuc the niatept is uesrghotezoy for S.H tNo usre if iths si creo,tcr ubt htat wsa my htuthog scspeor +1
draykid  reA there yan aesppr htta nxleaip het fnirdecfee in sxrspoeeni fo ygomhuoosz sv gotousezyrhe S?H +25
waterloo  I dt'on know fi htat rtmtesa sa hmcu, klei het ophnpetye feeifrnecd of oohomuzsgy or zoeyohutgesr orf shit seqnutoi. cniSe oyu noly need neo lleela to hosw tshi, paly d.dos sI eh rmoe eylilk to haev AA or aA. ahTt saw ym huhttog rops.ces Asl o fi you ees otrpeyhsces d'uyo eb iggon rfo annryki tgr,ih nto olBni-bg bc htat uohlds be target cslle - rserasdgel of HMCC. +1
alimd  as I ebreremm DA aer yasawl egoyhuzstre. ceuasBe oyumhzosog aer slawya llahte. +5

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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I tog iths Q ngo.wr I asw wrneondgi yhw tish pinetat “ash no sleoprna or ifalmy rh.itsyo” dreieHaryt epitsoysrosch dhusol eb a DA aise,esd ,so glaleynre knega,ips shti zid ouhsdl be seen in hcae iaonn,trgee irght?

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step1soon  I was gntinihk the !maes +
wuagbe  eSearvl ecgntise ssnuiqeto no 0NB2EM rpaepa ot eb rtynig to wrtoh us off yb cgianngh the sorinsicdept of iractn,inhee agenlvi us to eussam neicltopem ,prnaeneetc hs.m +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by dr_jan_itor(87)
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naC nnoaye ewnrsa hwy hits noe n'cat be F. eatB easahlamit ?omjar I asw ginktnhi euabces fo his eanima and the oane"uerp dsten"ec hwcih nuicldes teh maennatredii anpees.oru senUsl MEBN esritwr tnkih ttah eeuporan ynol nsema eht enos ithw artxe iewth eeoppl oll

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dickass  uorEpnae iimlspe oehrnnrt naropeue hety( eenv ciefpdise eht ittanpe asw a eorspn of )olrpal, errtineendmaa etnecds is lalusuy elmidpi yb tuycnor fo igiorn ro by asrgi-thottu iwtnrig en'dra't.eiernma +
poisonivy  Teh MVC si lmroa,n aatalhsmesis ear irotcyiccm e,aaismn ahtt tnih lhpes to reul out het etshlsasaami. e,ewovrH I tgo ti onw,gr otn uesr yhw ti tancno eb a ohousomygz umttioan in eth yniakrn nege +2
adong  ovpnis@,yoi rteho mremcteon tdoinpe otu its' maualoost ditnamon so bste nswaer wuold be eurghooezsyt +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by victor_abdullatif(10)
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I khint het kye to itsh toienusq si to sue linamnoeiti ofr fstac atth we wkno orf sure. eTh sfrti si ttha s'ti a tryccioonm aamn,ie os all seaasahmsitl ear rule uto ncise athl = rtociymcic.

tahT svalee A and .D inceS hte MCHC is ralonm (hicwh si ton wtah ew uoldw xeecpt fro arheideryt tproeyi)csshso dan eth tpai'tnes mssypomt rae ,seeevr hyte mtus ahve a mil"dre" srvonie fo the isdseae ( raihnscpaaoold si aols msaaluoot adomtnni dan is tlelha fi you teg teh mgzohsoouy ).romf

usyiOvolb moes ibg paesl in norganeis rhee btu sha'tt oen apht to the thgri resnaw

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victor_abdullatif  diet :1# deam a .typo etanm to sya t"he taspni'te tsmspmyo rea TON srse erov"ery obuta tat!h +
l0ud_minority  eYs I tnod' anursndtde why teh CHCM is narmlo atth is itlls ton tahw si .xptdecee I hisw MBEN rpediodv neawrs yske dna dtcie rieht essuroc ofr hitre raaetlino. +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sciguy(1)
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HS is soltaamuo it,naomnd tbu hesbixti teinlocmpe re.nnteeacp So eh ahd no reordc fo npaoresl layfi,m tbu lilst ilkely e.orzyheugts

(pdeiikaW)i heT nlcacili esvriety fo SH iasrve rmof ym-froemepst errirac to esreve lhseomsyi aesceub hte rddrsoei bitixseh impoenectl epetecrnna ni ist ero.nepsxsi

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ibestalkinyo  hTsi is hawt htrew me of;f I ugrdife thwi 2 nfdatfeuec npa,tesr ti's mroe llkeiy eh dah na tusloaoam ecrsviese t.mauotni +1

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submitted by strugglebus(189)
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Atuo mod eadseis rea lyulaus rstzheoyuoeg ro( so heyt wnat us ot msae)us

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xxabi  wHo do yuo onwk si ooamsautl monadit?n +3
scpomp  deyertHair isrshpcytosoe +1
fshowon  Inst het amne pclocuausrr mleibghono cntoaoenrntic eeaidsrnc in osheoss?cypirt stTah awht uhtohgr me +5
charcot_bouchard  esy, lwoud be nci in revp .NMEB utB hsit is httaibs enbm .20 U vhea to itynefid hsortesecyp uthwoit nlcreta proall in PBF +4
charcot_bouchard  ys,e wludo eb icn ni prev MN.EB But stih si tabstih nemb 02. U aehv to ndieyfit eorehtyspcs towtuih rtalnec lrolap in PFB +

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submitted by sunnyside(2)
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Can nenoay syujtif ywh ehty idd otn ecresdib na asercndie CMH?C FA 2019 ssya esrtispshoocy sha high M,HCC dan ythe idd tno nvee aevh it on het perpu edn of .roanlm

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