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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Increased osteoclast maturation and activity 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: endo PTH

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submitted by cafeaulait(11)
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I levbeie ihts mets amy eb ngrnrifie ENM 1 mdyensor - ioplsebs aritgmasno p(tciep euclr esesida ,d)x daptoryirah amaenod, nad tiyaptiru aoeandm ga(niscu A)H.SID tuB, ouy ot'nd eden ot neve kwon shit to tge tsih grith - sujt gknias the ecteff fo high THP on teh ysmtes - csaues redsieanc caltoosste taviiyct as lewl sa ramina.totu

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fatboyslim  hTe omtssmpy of sith peantti are edu ot irchpceelmaay o(sen,ts nebos, r,ogans NSOHTER ieder[scan s,ideisu}r and iptsryaihcc e.vtroeosn) iarylpceeHamc can soal uasec pcteip rcuel esei.das So hte iyprram atoylhgpo si haiyptrroda ilaoaemeas/nypaprdh ugncsai teh eyacmercphlai +6
beetbox  eDso nynaeo nokw s'wtha pu hitw eth 'on tlseamiaoibrn in sumrhue aDri'?yXd teyh utjs owtrh ahtt ni orf on o?ernsa I gto hodoke no it, I htthgou theer wsa on edaicnrse soltsaoect ..ivcyi.tta thwreeios eth otcralci eonsb dowlu vaeh nbee yodld nhit ro otnhimgse +4
topgunber  MEN 1 - P P P . taiohPr,rayd nrtengaiaasr(scp in siht eas),c rapttiyui .eoisnl tno key to aneignwrs sith qs e.topntui seomc iwht mtsmyops fo aryc,halmpeiec as,mno aos,gnr otsnher ep)ig(en, hpsyc eokoroeons t.Lv at hpt nda ew ees hghi ac and high th.p We nowk that ihhg lumcica lwduo olwer .h.tspt.hi manse teh ghhi lumcaic was edu to eht ghih htp (e..i rhpdoraytai anmesodiaoQuent) si tyllaauc ksgnai: hawt rea het sfetfec fo TH?P a, ,c otppsioe fo DHTP nad E i evebeidl n'taer telaedr to o-sSBHndPu T nmeoshtgi iekl het atssegiheonp fo eipsasmdydehypprha iooFtru- we fieentydli nkwo ttah HPT eeisasncr aC , os by niriegsnac olttssocea tanirytmatia/tuivco you ebetarli lcauimc itno het lodb.o tshi si hte steb .eswnra +3

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submitted by laminin(18)
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can emsoone lnaexpi hyw it says he ahs an icna't't TPH einanocs...niotrtc ti to let us wkno thta hte PTH orianctetnnco is a teulsr fo ?angpdoao ylht hsa'wt his dx? stn!kah

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yotsubato  I aesrw htye meka up smeo fo itsh .suftf ekiL wahst up twih teh hs,tirt tu,niarnoi nad pitecp crleu +9
redvelvet  reimahaepyclc nac usaec pgeceonirnh tidaeseb sspu;idin os trsh,it ir.nuotani hyicaarcmeelp acn slao cesau pectip ceulr sseea.di Hsi mtpmsyso aer all auotb hepmiacaclrye ude to arhrremioshaytppd.iy +4
namira  ieHcyrcm"alepa acn sauec arlen tcinunfyosd uhsc sa gonpnecheri ieadestb pussdinii I)(,ND tbu teh chiassnmem rgdelyunin hcprdycnleeeaacmidiu- IDN era tno lelw dnetuoo. sd"r84frkg/7tS.55w)elcr//0na0twtn8ls3epn1632eii-0oxrw.h-iytd(l9:att0ntuli-/e/oa +2
dulxy071  Why nc'at hte rtcoecr snerwa be C) hhiwc soptni adrostw aerln ruaief,l hwchi mya dela to coanydsre thoiriehpampryadsyr gihvan eht easm tesslur I eilebve +2
pmofmalasia  hTe osracedyn dmpioryhrtsreihapya in rlean eailurf si ued to loss fo cumailc in hte nu-onntonfgiicn deykni. nI htsi ntoesuiq eth cumlica asw evalee,dt os ouy nca lrue tou lnear +1
sars  mepcelai-Hycar esasuc etnsos cua(licm sens,to) gnsaor tna,npiso)oi(tc nthsore iee(scdanr intao)riun, bseon ecdsnar(ei tssalcteoo ,)tiantvicoa dna tchiciyrspa oorsnvtee r.sedonie)(ps +1
epiglotitties  atosob@tuy oals sa esmnooe ienemtndo ni atroneh m,eocntm i khint tyeeh'r hninitg ttha eth px htgim haev .NME1 ryhiaPatrdo srlapyihp-ae ear,aicpemlchy patutiyri nmdo-aae IAHDS ii+ot(nsa)rh,tritun dna rccaaetnpi otu-mr nasitoramg ctipp(e lcrue ied)essa +

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by killme(14)
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ehT pctcneo being eestdt is atwh" osde PHT do atht lsead to cem "praceyliahg//bcj3/i./tneo:sPbiVmp.Kgpsdath.i

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yotsubato  hu,g hlus.blti I aws tgyinr to fuergi uot na atlacu eedssai oeprssc heer. +7
rio19111  sti iyarrmp myiophytapiehasrdrr dcsaeu yb iaarydrhopt mnaoead. dtioidan of teh tpiepc ucrle gsetgsu lnZoegilr -&tg--; E1MN btu enno of atth is ipm cbsaeeu satt'h ton wtah eyth aer sikan.g llA yeht ear kgasni ofr si eth oitfnunc of .HPT +3
topgunber  MNE 1 - P P P . o,iaPyrtrhad snap(irgasrctane in ihts a)esc, itiayprut .noisle ton yke to anrigsenw thsi no tptqeuis. cseom ihtw ptmossmy fo eailphrma,cyce mano,s srog,na oserhnt epgne)i,( hyscp et.Losron evoko at htp dna umai.ccl ew see high ca nda hghi We wokn atht hihg camucil uwlod lroew th.p.s.hti manes eth ihhg auciclm wsa eud ot the hihg thp .e(.i hpdrayriota o ninaudoet)asmQe si latyuacl n:sgkia atwh rea het efcfset of ?TPH a, c, ospetoip fo HPDT dna E i lvbedeie r'etna deatelr to PB SHn-uTods mgteonsih klie eth isesgeothapn fo ausFraioys hpirpdetmypeod-h ew feydntiiel knwo atht THP screnasie Ca , os by csaignnrei tcesoolsta tan/orvtuaytmticaii ouy raltibee umcalci tnoi eht obdlo. htsi si teh tesb esnwa.r +1

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submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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nI idtaondi ot TPH = csoaotestl cviaityt = cdinsaeer uliacm,c hits espnor lucod aols eb beiihnxgit ypmmosst fo 1E.MN

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topgunber  ENM 1 - P P P . a,iydotPrhra srrpcneagaanist( in thsi ),asce riuytapit s.eloin tno yek to eawnsnrig itsh npeo.titsqu mosec whit mtossymp of cie,rcmyephlaa ,amosn arn,ogs hertson pnig)e,(e csphy eevr osok.Lnoto ta htp and lacimc.u we see hhig ac dan ghhi .pth eW kown atht ighh uclaicm uoldw lroew mnsae the hihg mucacli swa eud to het high hpt ei(.. oirdtraaphy Qee isaoatnoum)dn is ultclaya k:gasni atwh are het cseefft fo HP?T ,a ,c eotippso of THDP nda E i divelebe etnar' detaelr ot s Bud-HTPSno isgenmtho ikel eth gaethisenspo of -deayrophyshmp dptoairiuesF ew ieifnytlde onwk ttah HPT escsraien aC , os by cienirgans ossttocale t/yarmtaatniiivcotu uoy biaerlet caimlcu otni eth boo.dl tish si hte ebts arsnew. +1

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by rio19111(16)
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ist yariprm mdaypeistraopryihrh acused by dpyirrohaat adnmae.o iotdnaid fo het pctepi elcur gesugst Zgelloinr -&tg-;- MN1E

tbu neno of htat si mpi ceaesub sht'ta ont thaw yeht are as.nikg lAl heyt aer isnagk rfo si the ucntinof of PH.T

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rio19111  so,tSen gornsa, esho,trn hpcsiaictry eeoornstv -g-t-&; psmtysom +1
topgunber  NEM 1 - P P P . atod,riyParh gcirtnapaass(ner in shti )aes,c itytuprai n.ilseo nto key ot snrigwaen tshi iuesq cmsoe whti smtsymop fo y,paciarchmeel samno, ,oragns thnrsoe ),neepg(i hpsyc ooooevn.tsekr L ta hpt adn mlciua.c ew ees ghhi ca adn hghi hpt. We kwon ttah hgih clamuic odluw erowl shi.t.htp. semna eth hhgi accmiul swa deu to teh ghhi hpt i..e( thadoyriarp aQn)ootua eiesndm is lalcuayt gs:anki hwta are the fecstfe of ?HPT ,a c, ootepips fo TDHP adn E i evdbelie 'atenr taedrel to uHTSPnB-o ds gmshneiot leki het etiophssegna fo tiuydhsiephreFros-po ymapad ew ftiieldeyn know atth HPT aecirssen aC , os by aiecnrnisg oatclesots miiarttt/inuacovyta yuo arbitele aumcilc otni eht oold.b hsit is hte best enr.swa +1

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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sDeo naeyno owkn het iasifngccein fo omntyeoc y?iotilmt

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submitted by arthur_albuquerque(1)
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taWh dlepeh me ot anwsre ihts neo iquet yiaels wsa hte nlglfowoi atolriaen:

aermpiyHaccle + high HTP g-t&; ryripma" rpiiyahrtrye"hpdasmo

wHo do ghih HPT edla to mecarha?ecplyi negicsInar saeottlsoc tyiv!cati

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submitted by topgunber(67)
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EMN 1 - P P P . orrh,Paiatdy r(trsceiaaangnsp ni stih ),asce trayiitup es.niol nto yke to wngnesari hits t.uiqneso

tp osmce wthi symtmosp of mcc,yealphirea maso,n ,sognar ntseohr gi,e(e)pn chpsy toesev.nro

koLo ta pht nda acc.ulim we see hihg ca adn ihgh .tph We owkn htat hhgi ucamilc wduol welro .his..thtp esnam teh hhig caclumi wsa deu ot hte hhgi hpt .e(.i hpdryoariat a)noamed

niesQtou is ylulacat ia:kgsn ahtw are eht cfsfete fo ?PTH a, ,c ipoptose of PHT

D adn E i eiebevdl net'ar eadletr to TPH

osudSn-B nhiomesgt leki hte naetigheossp of otpehrdsahrepuidiypomays

-F ew idfeenytli wnko ahtt HTP rcisesnae aC , so yb iinrgcneas octtlsosea itntaraati/tocuymvi yuo leetarbi aculcim iton the d.olbo this is het tsbe wners.a

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