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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 1/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Fibromuscular hyperplasia of arterioles ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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aCes fo coiioeoretsr.ssrlal

Hltsrcpapyie oitlorsaeoserrlcis svvlnieo iihnkgncte of lesves alwl yb hslpayeairp of shootm smluec n'snonii(-ok an)rcape'ape

  • seencCneoqu fo agnalintm enseotniyhrp 8t(;01120g&/ w/ eutac adnre-gno am)agde
  • elRusts ni dcuered evsles ecrblai whit areng-dno imiecahs
  • yaM elad ot briodifin cisoenrs fo eth sesvel llwa iwth hho;mrergae cyallicalss sscaeu ecuat enarl rafleiu (FAR) hwti a chiistarcercta nlebtf'eta-i' aanrpepace
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masonkingcobra  rmoF nlubu :sboFco rR si ri'mab plysdiaas si a calfo ariurlger gnetinkhci of eht awlls fo eei-ddizmsum and raelg larsucum eriresat edu to a obniocimnta of iledam adn tnmaili aepliarhyps nad bssi.irfo It nca mntafesi at nya gea ubt orscuc tsmo rlquyneeft ni nguyo wenmo. Teh caolf alwl nicitkhgne ertsuls in illnamu nsisseot or nca eb eaodtsiasc hiwt oalbamrn lveess psasm that urdsece luarvcsa fowl; in teh nlera t,asriree ti cna adel to arcsvrenoaul eeisnn.ryhtop eetBnwe the acolf eengmtss of ikteechnd l,law hte yrarte efotn aslo ishbexti idlmae ot;antnuiaet laursacv uhcnutigoosp anc dolpeve ni hetes orpsotni of teh elessv and ssemtoime .uuprter +1
asapdoc  I ohtghut thsi saw a iyrledw wdrode wersna. I itlmedeymai ( )tluypsid sdsecro fo froclbausrium iasldaspy nceis it sawnt a ogernyu nomew =/ +26
uslme123  I saw niihktng lnigmnata eoissrlprsochne ... tub I gseus oud'y teg eirahystpcpl aesreirt isftr --_ +1
hello  eTh ewsrna eoichc is alirsufboumcr HaPpYiRlEsa - I hinkt hist is nidrftfee frmo aumorulbrfcsi spliDYSaa ense( ni gynou )nomwe; +36
yotsubato  ehllo is ghi.rt larsouriFucbm pyeairlashp is hgicntiekn of teh uralcmus lraey fo het eerrtiola in nosperse ot ccnoihr hensoipentry as( eth qoinstue stem ieipmsl) +10
smc213  irmsuFocuabrl Hsylaiaeppr sv .....ayispaDl.s rae pssydolpeu het EASM ghitn twhi lmtulpie .esnam Fcosmrbaruiu l isaalysdp, saol knnwo sa brulmoracfuis ypiah,earlsp adimle raehlsi,payp ro ralaerit dsisaly,pa is a etvirylale ucnomomn ucllotimfa rritaael esiasde fo nnwounk ecu,as reheratccziad by csoahlnoetiortrenc amnsiaeilbrto nivilongv eht otmohs sceuml, fsruoib nad licetas u,etiss fo lm-las to i-midmdzeuse alierrta s wl.all.m/wdoneliespuwat/cds_/lfa/ilwctkorpsbuarm.tacr:yiimh +3
smc213  sry*ro I hda to tsop sith aebeusc it saw brco!umsioi*lfsFgcrnu!un!a pdaailsys is msot ocnmmo in wnmeo ewebent teh sgea of 40 of dan 6,0 ubt teh iicdotnon nac oals cruoc ni clidrenh and het .rydleel heT trmjyiao (moer ntah )9%0 fo tpaensit ithw FMD ear wneo.m roHw,eve emn nac laso aevh MF,D dan heots woh od aevh a rhghie skri fo imoccasontipl usch sa esarmsuny ngi(g)bul ro ciindetosss r()etsa in hte resie. ratatofmhpete/a..li7cc-mldyiltls/duliaed1hl:s1-rad-n0avarshir/bf/iesepgc/mcsysonu0s +2
momina_amjad  heTse eiutssoqn are gvinird em -rzayc crmufrbouasil yaisdsparilslhpaeapy/ is het maes nhit,g dan it si NTO ihst netrsoipetna nad it de'ston eefrr ot isaosietrosllorcre eesn in tanmaigln THN! sI het THN a cs,eua ro a eseco?ucnqne I rade ti sa ibeng eth auces t(ulolcnonedr NTH rfo aynm syafre I) ti wsa het ece,nneqsocu eht sapteeonintr is iltsl ont ass!ccllai --_ +2
charcot_bouchard  ooPr ercolntdol TNH si hte sueca ehre +1
charcot_bouchard  Asol yugs fi u atke ti sa croFulubsmria yspasdlai ltgniesru ni ASR nneo of eht serwan oeicch semtach +1

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submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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erseev synepintoehr dlsae to asrhtyepclpi troircoaesrlilseso ldnaeig ot pelolaeoecinrohirsrtssor 'A18(F g-p- 29)7

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cry2mucheveryday(20)
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umcriaFulsorb hielryaaspp lwil escua per nlera ztoeaiam. .S UrNB/C is t&2;g0 in pre nrela aatimoze btu in the einouqts sti leuav is nitidiacev fo niicntrsi alenr fiel.aur very igsn!ofnc!u

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charcot_bouchard  toN r,lylae eniopytHson uasec rep lenar atameoz.i erHe lnog gtsaindn HNT nleugstir ni ned rgona egdaam so rinitnisc nealr rauefil +3
cry2mucheveryday  !ugh i utjs ecdtnio rst'hee a aylfri onlg oh/ fo plooyr onloretdlc TNH ihhcw meaks hsti oqneusti rpmiesl nwo. Tnask!h! +1
j44n  lreeotirsa are in the .nde.y.ik. ay wnko lkie ettfe/enfrrefafen AERTRLEOI @ the .goml if hsit aws ni hte anrel yetarr hde' evha rpe realn aitmoaze +1

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submitted by โˆ—athenathefirst(7)
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wHo do ouy kwon eht neasrw si otn ?E I hsoec E auebsce I huohttg fo NTA (: oSmnoee hple eseapl

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lovebug  I am ton ubt I tgouhth )E pmiueltl aegsdwdeep-h iocrlcta tarncif . uocdl eb dicndue yb utiellmp lesibomm fo rr.teay ro lteopecm ksobcl of mlsal ryrtae .sicnnjuogb.akoctl(e of dlboo ojuitnnc) tbu htis eacs aws cayphepritsl ris.clrrsetislooaeo +

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submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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I dhaet rhnevtegiy outab eeths snwaer ochesci

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submitted by โˆ—lickmyass(0)
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Why ont ltpuleiM lrean reytra ?useanmysr I swa otnhrw off yb the tcpridienos fo sihlypetrapc iiseerrroolctsloas nda os I ewtn ithw iths .ceohic I oghutth ysrcplaehpti relltesooirsaorsci yam ldea ot iibidforn icsrneos fo eht seevsl alwl whti .rrehgoaemh

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hiroshimi  I thkni ihtsalreypcp ssriecrstiarooel eignnam that het lwal fo eth aerryt is tie,hckr and taht swrorna hte ,uneml inmakg it rmeo stf"fi" nda cureed pmaicnleco. t'sI acexylt htaw yuo ees in teintpa thiw NH.T kTinh utabo tp wtih ioatrc ,stssieon 'sit rm.saili In na,ttcosr in reuamn,sy het lalw of eth rryeta is ltacluay e,intnrh the wlal si newekdea, atht's why s'ti aeseri ot rtpr,euu inkth boatu hte ortiac sa,ynreum 'tsi reom yillek to eprrtuu 'ifs nto +2

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