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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 2/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the medical ...
Orthostatic hypotension ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by thisquestionsucks(9)
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hTis qutesoin is kinad h.kcaw tiRgh ,aawy I olcdu tlle shit was -ricnsceeudeidxe cl,spaleo which shenapp tpreyt otnef to renrun.s I kpcedi otmcuoina yosdnfctiun caesueb I dtn'di arzeile taht iths is osirecednd na shrtoiotc"at yioh"esonp.nt tfAer a gnlo c,ear rseunrn evah a areedecsd RSV ofmr lal of teh odobl lowf ogign to mcl.seus enOc yhte ,stop dloob o,losp t'nosed get cabk ot het ol neldoo nda they aolpsecl. tBu fsf I lsilt ti'ddn cikp aostossrhti aseucbe I khtin fo dlo lo.eepp Fkcu me

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step7777  otN ot tnmnieo stiasotorthc in eth hiaosltp liypm a snuded cheang dbaes no sgitioi.npno shTi napttei 'tidnd og from ilygn nowd to agdsnitn duldesny ts(uj itebrt cb I alos ocseh nioumocta ynisountcdf. +3
jbrito718  opailkaymHe dluwo neetprs htiw lsumce as.wnekes timoounAc sndxyf is a cersaeded tbocarroerep ityentiviss so ew ludow tno ese aerpaipotpr itnoocrerc hwti vletedae tefe oevr( co/eotnpeoysnnietcrhrir dlwuo be )n.ese ctsnooiI seailn owuld ton cerctor aianrpoetyhm, ti dlowu apyblorb meka it sreow tniu(idlo )tcfef.e MI dolwu hvae edifretfn .ptmmsoys +2
faili7777  8itob@1jr7 I hitnk uoy udtnomrsesodi isPepoe engmhol.t woh od toahranm rae yalerl euiptbclses to dnA eth traetment ofr rpniamoyhate is yllrateil 09.'% ane'ils eabeusc ti is nsotoici. So si't used ot taret eytarahmp''nio +2
stenebee  olas sheco caunmoiot soicfudyntn ciens I thghout oocttstiahr nsyhiptoeon dha to eusadrem in a humc trosh tmie vlierant ahnt 03 stneumi taapr ikel shit nuioeqst eancitdsi /855(0 at r,sitf /00117 ytihtr mtsienu efrat elg taeisle/nloiaven )uon.sinfi My arbni aws ntiikgnh eth raeetp tamreeumens oludw eedn ot eb itiwhn 15- inms orf ti to eb cttaostorih oyonsthpen,i ;pam& epr AAFP iahotOtrcs"t sthopennoiy si efniedd as a csareede in lssytoic oodbl srrpseue fo 02 mm gH or a cdeerase in itsilaodc lbdoo ersrpsue of 01 mm Hg inwtih etrhe nitmseu fo dntgansi wehn cdrapoem htwi blood ererusps fmro teh nigsitt ro nupsie iipno"to.s h hhhugh ): +

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submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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I dguefd dna entw hiwt ucaitomon unyctnsdfoi - BUT yuo can eeinlamit tshi nopoit asbueec the ybs'od senorpse to reh lyvpocemiho estta is tclyeax as ti ulhdso be erincsdea( HR due ot cededesra tpbrrearecoo eTehr si no oydncntiufs

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mamast16(4)
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Tuogh uetoinqs tub 09.% ilensa si iosntcio and ayonlrml uesd rfo loevmu tnleoierp is who I ogt ti

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—b1ackcoffee(115)
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nusofced hyw shti si otn oimucaotn ninofuysctd ro mianretayhpo deu to itsgewna dna wyh si shti ahtrottscoi osethpniyno?

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mdmofongo  ihsT neo si yrikct nda omec ndwos ot soonhcgi eth โ€œsโ€bet .optnoi I anc see ywh uyo rewe nf.oedcus ovHweer do eont ahtt ni an amoncuiot insfdcoytun uyo liwl never perents hcatiydraac as isth ipttane s.deo I essug the eky eher is egnies woh rhe BP raesznlomi noce esh si alygni dn?wo ,ySror tshi eno si a ndaik luuausn etsriepnonta of ttrctoaOhis .ypho +
mamed  toN erus if tsih is rocrcte itgnnkhi tub owh I ogt ihst gthir w:as .1 eSh is iymcoo.2e lphv yelkLi nraeginit stla so aetrw oswolfl HAD( or tusj erlan dysicnma ni .reen)alg hiTs si woh I ruled uro ylhaeiakmpo nda a.o 3hntamyrpei fI seh is oirhymnaepct b/c gwinsaet hten yhw u'nldtow she also eb y?emikalohcp os hobt heva to rowgn cbueaes both t'cna be ir g4ht. umleVo dtepineol ;&=g=t roihtaosttc onihpostnye +2
blah  I oghhutt atth trathiotocs soyoiehpntn wsa orem of a oichncr oidni,notc utb I efolod fslemy iotn glebiveni aht.t +1
cbreland  I elopmletcy erda eovr het inialit PB msemuraeten dan pcdeik het owrng sawren lymsto( c/b fo )a.htt Tets ni 4 asdy ltse egt !ti +4

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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eTh eyk si wnhe erh segl pu, Bp nmolar nda mystspom .eerf nI sc,anott Wnhe asnnitgd n,ugrniu)pn( wol Bp dna dnA owL oevmlu si lyrus eht MCt 's.IM jtsu so drwie. "veitocetsrper rosutep ?e"?cgnha

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1780)
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sihT is a trycki oinustqe. Teh eonthra igb onitp of nfioouncs here is taht sewta aactllyu assuce a yomipcerthos uloemv icntc.notaro isTh usorcc ecubesa het ntetonc fo teaws si csoepdmo lrpayimir of wtaer roem os nhta With that ,sdia tis ikleluny atht sith enaptit lliw eb pma.tryeonchi If itnnayhg hes illw eb tnierapheycrm.

l-lyiB bunRi

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