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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Schistosomiasis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: medicine

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submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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mioScsoisstshia si a aiasptcir wrom aulatpcrlryi edmnice ni iaArcf yp(gEt, in rcirtual,ap escom up teh tsom on o)tiqsnsue taht si stom sadstecioa iwht rcnoihc it.stcisy iitCsflaanicoc of hte draedbl wlla are tanlilesyse oatoncimgpn.oh Cirhcon nneticofi si oascsdieat thwi na ainecedrs rsik fo musosqua ellc omcarinca fo eth rdelbad (as sppoedo to hte suual oiataarlt/nrnsitlolihue .cl)le

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takayasuarteritis  hyW dseo shi lcel itendfefiarl whos on pelinoiahois? octhoasSsim si a ..wrom? +2
takayasuarteritis  It laso ssay in AF atht SCC fo abedldr si atediasosc twhi slneipas imrhateu.a My dued in teh uietqosn mste is vhgain npi"a wthi ounitniar that ahs snairceed in resivtye rdiugn het stap mo."thn +5
melchior  ara@suraikiTat,tsye chicenyllta he eods ehva heslaoionpii. enfeecRre range si 1 - 3.% iHs si .5% Asol, lohghaut CSC of dberadl nertssep tiwh sislnpea rait,uaemh iaismhossoistsc ilfste acn evha ureta,hmai adn tath terauhaim nac eb .lnuafpi +2
bekindstep1  FA 029(1 gp 016) sedo asy it ludwo eb ialssenp paiifeycclsl wihch is awht maed em eanl tiangas issohisosmscati +1
itsalwayslupus  I iktnh hte lcinofiaccis,at atimnmgirio omrf Afr,aic ,hipnliaosieo hrnicco nmioa,mifatnl nda aougalmrn ifornaomt i(chwh acn ccour thwi a sioitsmachsis cefinino)t lla ertogeht +( a reyv ithgls r)efve ulwdo lla dlae to Sssoasmsio,tihci nda uyo dluwo sjut ahev ot negroi htat auiiotnnr si al,iupnf eebsuac yman hoert cfstroa locdu be siganuc tath oot tsiduoe of eth arotntldiia acteu osimatssicshiso iefict.nno hTe inap eerh si stuj ton eht toms tintomrap rtcfoa I tdo'n ithkn. +11

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